Essay Bee Comics Presents Fusion
Fusion Summary Teaser

Author notes

Fusion Summary Teaser


Sorry for a lack of art updates this week; real life and very busy work schedule (office is moving to a new location, so I have to pack up my stuff in addition to my regular duties) put a kink in my comic time.

Anyway, I did write up a 7-page breakdown of the next story arc, which I sent off to Elysium Bliss, since her character Blue Banshee will feature heavily in the story arc, and I wanna be sure her character is properly portrayed.

As a bit of teaser, here's a look at the first page of that 7-page summary. Contents are, of course, heavily redacted to avoid major spoilers, but what's left is hopefully adequate for teaser purposes. Judging from the amount of content that'll be covered, this story arc will likely take two issue to tell.


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