FightSplosion time!
Some of you may remember the art battle tournaments we�ve had on DD over the years. First was the copyright infringing but very fun King of Iron Duck, and then the got off to a great start then died Fightsplosion. Not to mention a few other exciting random slugfests. For those of you who weren�t around, they were basically tournament style comics drawn by contestants who could enter their own original characters.
This thread will be for any suggestions on the upcoming revival of FIGHTSPLOSION, so we can sort out problems and make sure everyone has fun. Below is a brief overview of what was figured out last time:
- 16 contestants.
- Sign up by posting a bio and sketch of your intended character.
- Can use any character as long as it is your own original creation (characters from your comic are allowed).
- Must be hand-drawn (or done on computer). No sprites.
- First 16 people to have their bio and sketch posted get a place.
- Any other entrants go into the wildcard pool in case of dropouts.
- Works on a tiered basis, with 4 rounds.
- The winners in each round move up, the losers are eliminated.
- Ladder is determined by random drawing.
- Final (4th) round will determine the winner, as well as a battle between the previous round losers for 3rd place honours.
- Each contestant will battle one-on-one with another.
- Contestants each do an intro page (1-2 pages) to begin the round which does not involve any fighting.
- First turn is determined randomly.
- Contestants get two turns per battle after intros, each turn being a maximum of 2 pages.
- Turns alternate, with a 3 day deadline on pages (starting from when the opponent posts their pages).
- After all turns are complete and votes are counted, the winner has 3 days to draw a 1-2 page finish for the battle.
- Voting occurs after the final turn in a battle and is open to the public.
- Each person gets one vote per battle to cast for one of the contestants.
- Contestants may (and are encouraged to) vote in all battles, including their own.
- Voting is open for two days from the time the last fight page is posted in a battle.
- Send votes to [an admin, possibly?] via PM on the DD forums to be counted.
Extra Information
- Each battle will occur on a set arena type (to be decided) picked at random.
- Non-contestants may participate without interfering with the battles (spectator comic pages, events around the tournament, etc.).
- Threads will be created for each battle, with the first round occurring in two �heats.�
- Non-battle pages related to a specific fight can be posted in the thread.
- Any FS pages not related to specific battles can be placed in separate threads.
Post any suggestions you have for anything there, or anything not mentioned. Also any questions you have.

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Fightsplosion Returns
Hey, I remember Fightsplosion! That was loads of fun! I had the cybertronic mystical monkey character, but I can't draw for shit anyway, so could I help maybe by coming up with the arenas? I have a few ideas already!
Idea the first:
We should pull in some of the arenas from the old fightsplosion thread, I remember a few of them
Platform Arena
Description: Fight a battle on variously sized and shaped platforms that can move, dip, turn and do pretty much anything thousands of feet above the ground!
Spectators: Spectators watch from an oval stadium surrounding the platforms. The stands are raised to be on average even with the platforms, with a few really low and a few really high in comparison, but most on the same level.
Background: This stadium is placed in the middle of a grassy plain with a mountain range off in the distance.
Maze Arena
Description: Fight in a maze full of traps, monsters, and death. Last man standing wins!
Spectators: Spectators watch from the stands that surround this maze, which is placed in an area much like the football field of a football stadium.
Background: The ground is dirt and the walls are rusty metal. There is a dome overhead and the general feel of the crowd and the lighting is that of a WWF wrestling match, or possibly a monster truck rally.
Idea the Second: And now for some new areas….
The Planetoid
Description: Fight on a small planetoid only one mile in circumference, generally spherical, and pockmarked with asteroids. Artificial Gravity implants in the core of the planetoid give it Earth gravity despite it's small size. Various devices cover the surface of the planetoid, pumping atmosphere into it.
Spectators: Spectators watch from a giant theatre somewhere far distant. They view the fighters from a screen in the theatre that has the images projected to it from a series of cameras orbiting the planetoid high up in it's gravity ring.
Background: The planetoid is in the middle of space, however there is a gas-giant planet nearby with cocentric rings around it, much like Saturn. This is the only planet in the system, and everything orbits around a red giant.
Description: There is a large metal mesh platform above the mouth of an active volcano on the Hawaiian islands. The ground is hot, but coolant systems keep the metal from burning and melting. However, smoke and occasionally, lava, spout up through the mesh, burning or blinding anyone who does not get out of the way fast enough.
Spectators: Spectators view the match using binoculars from circling blimps with the "Fightsplosion" logo plastered on them.
Background: This arena is set in Hawaii, so while the fighters battle it out in a hell-like furnace, paradise sprawls below them. Palm trees, gold beaches, blue oceans and fat tourists can barely be seen from the rim of this volcano. An occasional seagull flies past as the sun sets over an aquamarine ocean.
Description: This arena is on a planet with creatures similar to the dinosaurs of ancient Earth. The arena is surrounded by a tall high voltage fence. Within the arena are pre-historic trees, tar pits, and geysers that cna catch the unwary Fightsplosioner full in the face with boiling hot water and steam. The fence is to protect the fighters from the local animal life, but a few were left in the arena to make things more interesting…
Spectators: Spectators view the battle from treehouses set up around the outside of the electric fence, hopefully high enough to avoid any indigenous animal life…
Background: Outside the fence there is an ocean in one direction and a mountain range in the opposite. This area has a primeval beauty to it, and you can occasionally see Pteradactyl-esque creatures winging by in the background. Paleological trees surround the area, and the match was scheduled on an unfortunately rainy day.
Description: Here fighters will battle it out in the intricate and terrifyingly beautiful world of Cyberspace. The world seethes in dark greens and dark purples, with occasional flickers of bright blue. The fighters face off on a square 50 X 50 foot arena, beyond which is a startling drop to infinity. Recently terrorists against Fightsplosion threatened to hack into Cyberspace and disrupt the battle, but not to worry. Fightsplosion officials are watching closely for any attempt at hacking. Hopefully they will be able to deter any attacks.
Spectators: Spectators watch the world of cyberspace by being plugged into mass VR machines which allow them to be literally standing in the battle without the contestants even realizing that they are there. To the viewer the only ones in the arena are themselves and the conestants. Invisible to each other and the fighters, the spectators can roam freely through the limited space of the arena, with free movement on the ground and through the air. A fail safe program will prevent anything from hurting them, including any hacks.
Background: Surrounding the infinitely flat platform is a cylindrical wall of Matrix-esque markings flowing down it about 100 feet away from the edge of the actual platform. Straight above it appears the cylinder continues to infinity, with a single bright blinding light at the very top. Below is an infinite blackness. Occasionaly sparks flow accross the walls and arena.
I've got plenty more where those come from if you'll give me the job ;).
Consider these those free samples they hand out at Costco. :)
This sounds good! I personally wasn't in FightSplosion before, but I knew of it and it seemed fun. I don't know of any missing rules though.
Hey Pastaman, those worlds sound great! Nice diversity and very well thought out.
I have another world that may work.
It would take place on the deck of a huge pirate ship out at open sea. There are no barriors to prevent battlers from falling over the railings to the shark-infested waters below. The fighters can go below deck, but there are many broken barrels of gunpowder and alcohol that can result in extreme explosions if any of the oil lamps are knocked. I'm not sure how people would watch the fight… maybe on other boats surrounding the pirate one?
Allright, awesome. Thanks Mazoo! I love the Pirate ship idea!
More ideas cranking out of the Pasta machine…
Just a note, some of these worlds are inherently harder to fight on than others, so they should fittingly be used later in the Tourney.
The Void
Description: The fighters are surrounded by nothing. Utter blackness. There is nothing around them, above, below, to the left or right. There is some form of dim ambient lighting coming from everywhere and nowhere at once. They are falling through the Void, a rift in space-time that the Fightsplosion officials found. And they will fall until one of them wins. However, along the way, who knows what creatures of the beyond lurk here?
Spectators: Spectators view the fight from a concert-like setting, watching a screen up on stage that has a live feed on either end coming from cameras attached to each of the contestants body somewhere.
Background: Black. Darkness. Nothing. Occasionally the fighters think they see something beyond, something that is darker than the darkest thing they have ever seen, and it quickly takes the shape of something from their past before it dissapears. Staying here too long would probably bend a person to madness.
The Underwater Bubble
Description: Fighters battle it out in a bubble floating through the water deep beneath the sea. This bubble is quite large, about 50 feet tall and 50 feet wide and 50 feet long. The fighters can redirect the direction of the bubble by hitting it in the direction they wish it to move. However, hitting it too hard might pop the bubble.
Spectators: Spectators watch from submarines that float above the bubble, with floors made of glass. The circle above, like sharks waiting to nab that fat tourist.
Background: Around the Bubble is the floor of the sea, and everything is made murky by the water. Fish swim by occasionally, and the Bubble will at one point in the battle float over a coral reef. It might even float through an underwater cave. However, fighters are advised, if the bubble pops then the Fightsplosion officials will be powerless to save either of them….
The Black Hole
Description: Fighters duke it out on the landing deck of a space-aircraft carrier. It juts out from the rest of the ship, which is a burnished gold color. The landing deck has it's own gravity, and currently is empty, what most would say is the perfect fighting ground. However the ship just pulled up to nearby a black hole, and everything that isn't nailed down is going to end up heading off the ship.
Spectators: Spectators watch from the ship, which has been modified so that the entire wall facing the landing deck is made of glass. Twelve stories now look out onto the field, and eager fans and enthusiasts press their faces up to the window for a closer look at the contestants, or perhaps the black hole thats not too far off.
Background: Behind the spectators on one end is the glass wall. In the other direction lies the black hole, glowing bright white around it's edges, as it is sucking up a red giant to the right. Beyond the black holes event horizon, however, you see nothing. These are the only astrological bodies in the system. This is the closest anyone has come to a black hole, and it's obvious that the Fightsplosion backers spared no expense to make this the most interesting fight in the century. Just don't fall…
Description: Gravitation is a series of platforms that orbit around a high-orbit space station. They are a series of platforms that are tilted at crazy angles in comparison to each other, and tend to move around quite a bit. They are enclosed with a life-support system covering each platform. The clincher here is that they each have their own gravitation field, set up by an artificial gravity system attached to it's "bottom".
Spectators: Spectators watch the battle from the rotating space station, the FSN Casa (FSN = Fightsplosion Space Navy) They view it at their pleasure, from either large observation decks, or from the comforts of their rooms, and through the windows there.
Background: Gravitation slowly rotates around the space station the FSN Casa, which is in a high orbit with none other than Earth! It is our good 'ol Solar System that surrounds the fighters, and we all know what that looks like. For those of you that don't, Earth is a bright blue and white and green orb below the fighters. Of in the distance is what appears to be a red planet, and even further beyond you are sure there are other planets, but they are too far distant to be able to tell. Nearby is a bright bright yellow star, and off to the right is a glowing silver sphere known as the moon.
I have an idea for an arena called Twisted Dimensions… Basically, it's a large, floating sphere that has randomly changing land and buildings in it. The stands that the spectators sit on circle around the sphere, sort of like Saturn.
Another idea for an arena that I have, the Roullete. Two contestants battle it out on a spinning wheel while the crowd watches from stands surrounding the arena.
Ooh! Ooh! And what about a barn?! The fighters battle eachother in a barn full of livestock! Like cows and pigs and chickens! Not sure where the crowd would sit, though…
And finally… The Iceburg. The crowd watches from above as the two contestants fight in an iceburg floating in the sea with an army of mutant sharks circling them.
how about SPACE, a random area of space devoid of gravity and atmosphere, charatcers unable to fucntion correctly in space by themselves are given space suits, the arena has realistic physics so if some idiot draws their sword too hard they spin around their centre of gravity.
More Ideas….
The Stereotypical Survival-Horror Hospital!
A hospital swarming with zombies and mutants. The two contestants fight while the crowd watches via security cameras.
The Detention Room!
Pretty self explainatory. Once again, the spectators watch via security cameras.
An arena surrounded by stands and made entirely out of Pie!!!!!!
and finally….
Really guys, what was the point of posting that stuff? Are you so childish that you have to dirty everything with your inanity? Disappointing, I must say. Fightsplosion was a fun thing, and it can be again, maybe, as long as we try to make it something fun, instead of just another random "ZOMGZ!!! LETS BATTLE DUHUUURR!!!" thread in the Top Drawer.
I also understand that now you will all gang up on me and attempt to prove your point. So I'm not posting in this topic again, just to let you know, so you don't waste your time attempting to make me concede.
Never fear, my loyal Pasta product. I will take on all suggestions that are put forth, but I do have a quality control board… so to speak. :D
An interesting mix of exciting, challenging and very stupid ideas. ;)
Keep 'em coming! Sign-up starts soonish!
What kind of limitations?
As long as the character isn't undefeatable, doesn't have godlike powers and conforms to a certain level of good taste, pretty much anything goes. We've had everything from giant robots to fantasy mages to little girls who kick stuff. Go crazy with it.
Any characters you come up with should have at least a loose power/ability set that is known to everyone, as well as a bit of history/personality.
And one more question. When entering a character, do you have to fill out specific criteria? Like Name, Gender, Age, Species, Occupation, Specialties, Powers, History, and First Appearance (If it's a character from your comic)? Or do you just have to give a picture, a name, and a past?
The amount of detail you give at the start is up to you. Whatever you think is necessary to give others a feel for the character they may have to write and draw themselves at some point.
Keep in mind that if you give more information it may help people write your character more accurately, but also that sometimes a little mystery is good for plot. :-D
Arena idea:
Locked inside a dark room with random, murderous animals high on crack.
Or Anal Survivor
Lock the combatants in with time-hardened criminals who are all sentenced to death. Before the match give every criminal a viagra. There is a time limit, the combatant who can remain safe and sound wins, if there is a tie, then it's a re-do.
(this idea extends from what I think should be done to Osama if/when we catch him.)
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