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Moonlight meanderer
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It's time to find out who will receive the honor of running the next game. (It will have to be somoene cool. Mafia X? That sounds so wicked!)

As the game has progressed we've developed few rules for the applicants to follow.

Veteran players only. The GM needs to posses a fair understanding on how the game runs. Therefore we require that the applicant has played the game at least twice

No encore performance. As the current GM, it is up to me to pass the title to someone new. Once you're done running a game, you will also be expected to give someone else a chance. Don't start a new game. Instead you will run an election like this one where we pick a new GM. Also, you can't be a candidate yourself. This will ensure that we get new blood into the game and that the rules are regularly picked at from a different perspective. GMs from previous games are free to run again and are encouraged to do so. Who knows? If they were good enough, people will flock to play their game again.

Explain your goal. What do you plan to do as the new GM? Are you going to run a standard Mafia game? If so, will you change the rules/roles and/or introduce new ones? Are you perhaps gonna play a game with a different theme? Reverse Mafia perhaps or maybe zombie apocalypse? If so explain the new structure of the game. Changing the formula is OK. It happens in every game. Just be careful not to introduce a change so radical that could scare people away from voting you. You can discuss rule changes and different themes here to see if people would like it.

Pick a schedule and stick with it It is important that the GM is punctual in maintaining the game. Do you plan to post narrations every 24 hours at a specific hour? Make sure that you'll be here to on time to do so. If something comes up that would force you to be early or late, post a warning to let people know with an explanation. It's encouraged that you run the game using GMT timezone schedule since the players hail from all over the world spanning different time zones and a GMT conversion table is the easiest one for everyone to access. If you plan on using a different time zone schedule like an American one, Make sure you advertise it well and post an appropriate conversion table for everyone to access.
An example of a GMT conversion table:

Show us your stuff The GM is expected to write narrations to explain what's going on throughout the game. A good writer can make the game come alive and encourage players to come back to read what's going on. Show us your stuff and create a scenario where YOU(the applicant) kill ME (Crocty). In this narration it is important that you do not directly tell us that it was you who committed the crime but instead leave a clue that's based on your name, avatar, signature, profile, comic(if you have any), something that can link you to the murder. Try making a link to you that can be figured out with some research while at the same time not blatantly obvious. You can throw in red herrings but please refer from directly connecting the herrings to innocents. Make them instead vague things that could point at many people. Finally, be creative, funny, dramatic, brutal, serious, descriptive, vague, long winded or short and to the point. Pick the style you feel comfortable with and like to use. Impress us with what you can do. At the end of the narration post an explanation that shows people how the clues link to you so that we can understand your logic.

I will post applicants narrations here for people to quickly read through. (Or I'll get too lazy and declare a "Bugger that!" situation.) Once we have enough applications I will announce when it's time to vote for your favorite GM. Applicants do not need to vote since it's given that they'll be voting for themselves. Although if they wish to vote for someone else, they can do so.

Killerbob ran for his life. He looked over his shoulder to get a glimpse of his attacker, but he didn't see him. Killerbob stopped dead in his tracks and looked around. "I know your here somewhere!" he shouted at the darkness that was around him. As he looked up he froze in fear as his attack flew down from a roof of a building. He had just enough time to see black eyes before he was killed.

Killerbob the townie is dead.

"What a lovely day for a nice cup of tea!" Crocty thought to himself as he sat down to enjoy one. He stirred in one, two… three spoonfuls of sugar and added a splash of milk.
"This tea tastes very unusual," he smacked his lips and scrunched up his face.
Suddenly he felt very hot and found it difficult to breathe. Crocty gasped for air and reached out across the table for a glass of water–for anything! He tried to cry out for help but it was too late, the poison had already gotten to his heart.

Crocty the townie is dead!

One man is about to close the creamery for the night. Just then, a shadowy figure approaches him.

"This ice cream is GOOD. I mean really GOOD." said the shadowy figure."

"Okay, that's… weird." replied the ice cream vendor with a confused look.

Just then, the shadowy figure pulled out a knife and began chasing the vendor out of the store. Just as the vendor was about to be stabbed, the shadow figure tripped on an aerial root from a nearby oak. The ice cream vendor breathed a sigh of relief… then WHAAAAAM! The ice cream vendor had unwittingly stopped on the railroad tracks while the midnight train came passing by.

Crocty the townie has been killed.

ParkerFarker was running down the street, scared of his life. He had this unpleasant feeling that somebody was after him. Also, he's among many that's come to realize that whenever the narrator started talking about someone, bad things tend to happen to that guy.
"Oh crap. This is the night. I'm sure of it." He thought to him self. As he turned around the corner he bumped into Harkovast, taking his evening scroll.
"Oh, Excuse me." Say Harkovast, politely.
"AAH! Stay the hell away from me!" Screams ParkerFarker and runs away as fast as he could.
"Well, how rude" thought Hark to himself and continued with his stroll. As ParkerFarker continued running he noticed Niccea sitting on a bench, waiting for the bus.
"Good evening." she says, with a friendly gesture.
"YOU'RE ALL OUT TO GET ME!" cries Parker as he storms past her.
Finally his house is just ahead. With a nervous sigh, he runs in for safety and locks the door.
Shortly later, a large explosion is heard from outside. Curious, Parker crawls from under his bed to look outside. Crocty's house has been blown up, leaving a massive crater where the building once stood. The only noticeable remains left is that ReMax real estate sign that Crocty never bothered getting rid of after he bought the place.

Crocty the townie is dead.

Posted at

Okay this time I'm going for a regular mafia game. I feel this is best considering that it is the tenth game.


With Hark basicly braindead and Crocty rushing off to find a cure, the town was left praticly defenseless against the mafia. The Flying Green Monkey seeing that the town was in danger and none of the more experience members of the town caring ,damn apathy, TFGM decided to take the reigns of leadership into his own hands!


Pardoner(1) Elected

Godfather(1) Elected
Mad Bomber

Emaple Narrative,

Killerbob ran for his life. He looked over his shoulder to get a glimpse of his attacker, but he didn't see him. Killerbob stopped dead in his tracks and looked around. "I know your here somewhere!" he shouted at the darkness that was around him. As he looked up he froze in fear as his attack flew down from a roof of a building. He had just enough time to see black eyes before he was killed.

Killerbob the townie is dead.

Clues are based on Profiles, Avatars, Signatures, comic names, comic icons, and the first five pages of comics.
[spoiler=Clues:]1.) Flew. I'm the flying greenmonkey
2.) Black eyes. The people in my sig all have black eyes.

I'd deliver the narratives at 4pm PST
EDIT: I forgot to mention 4pm PST is 12GMT

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I see you didn't include my librarian role…;_;

(Heh, it's okay. Also I'll add you to the first post now.)

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Oh? So you're not going for your monster mash idea?

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I had an idea for an Alice in Wonderland theme. :D


The citizens of Wonderland have had enough of the evil Queen of Hearts' tyranny and plan to overthrow her. However, she catches wind of this and disguises herself and her minions as normal citizens. It's up to the ordinary… yet severely mentally insane Wonderland people to catch the Queen and her minions and overthrow her before she beheads them all.

After that, basic mafia rules apply. ^^


Citizens (16)
Mad Hatter (Mayor… of tea parties :D)
King of Hearts (Pardoner)
Alice (Crocty's Librarian Role)
Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee (Bodyguards)
Caterpillar (Detective)
Cheshire Cat (Veteran)
White Rabbit (Paranoid)
Giant Mushrooms (Paramedics)
Dormouse (Vigilante)

Hearts (4)
Queen of Hearts (Godfather)
Playing Cards (Mafia)
Flamingo (Bomber)


In which Crocty gets poisoned. :3

"What a lovely day for a nice cup of tea!" Crocty thought to himself as he sat down to enjoy one. He stirred in one, two… three spoonfuls of sugar and added a splash of milk.
"This tea tastes very unusual," he smacked his lips and scrunched up his face.
Suddenly he felt very hot and found it difficult to breathe. Crocty gasped for air and reached out across the table for a glass of water–for anything! He tried to cry out for help but it was too late, the poison had already gotten to his heart.

Crocty the townie is dead!

lovely refers to my comic "Sailor Soldiers of Justice." One of the main catch phrases is to "defeat the enemy with the power of love."
the sequence of numbers is a reference to my profile description of "a million naps"
milk is what cats like to drink. it refers to the cat in my profile description but could also refer to kitty and harkovast.


Narratives will be delivered at approximately 12 GMT. Voting ends an hour earlier though.

Clues will come from profiles, sigs, and the few first and last pages of a persons comics. Let's say… the first and last 5.

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I was writing some stuff, but will actually wait a little before GMing. I still feel like I don't know the game that well. Maybe Mafia XI??

I'll give you my title, though…

Mafia: Forum Trolls!

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I would apply, but the last game was my first time and I have to run an idea by previous gm's

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Oh? So you're not going for your monster mash idea?

Well I would but with this being the tenth game and all I felt it should be the classic mafia. I was going to look up what the first game had and just copy it, but I figured just being normal mafia should be enough. I'll try to run the Monster Mash Mafia, or MMM, next time, assuming I don't win this election. Which lets face it I havn't won one election since I started playing this game XD

Posted at

I'm gonna try again. same Idea, new narrative and a few tweaks.
(imagine this as be typed out on a type writer as you read it k?)
scenario:Research asylum.
factions:Patients (townies) vs Psychos (mafia).
Roles,elected:Tinfoil hat wearer (mayor) and Insightful 2nd place (pardoner)
Roles,patients: Patient (townie), Orderly (bodyguard), Napolean (vigilante), Friend (paramedic), Psychologist (librarian), hacker (detective), Test subject (veteran), Paranoid (paranoid) and Staff member (new role, innocent).
Staff member flavour text: It is obvious you're a member of the staff, wether it's the fact that you dress differently, are not actually crazy enough to be here as a patient (although there are some…) or that you carry a level 3 keycard. And everyone knows it. The identity of the Staff member is revealed at the beginning of the first 'day' cycle to everyone. The staff member role is an attachment of sorts and can be given to any patient role on top of the original role with the exception of the following :Napolean, Test subject and Paranoid. The staff member can become an orderly if he or she has the patient role as well.
Roles, psychos: Magnificent barstard (godfather), Psycho (mafia) and Pyromaniac (mad bomber).
The only changes will be the role names, small extras being added to the narratives and a 1st person view for the narratives.
modification notes:psychologist is now a librarian analogue, detective is now called the hacker.
narrative: to foilow later (don't count me yet).

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Well I like both Waff's and Pastel's ideas but I still say we need a traditional mafia for the 10th one. Plus some members have said that they are tired of the theme mafia. Also newer players might get confused if we keep on doing a new theme every mafia :D

Posted at

Here's my game idea:

My game will be similar to the original mafia game. Here are the general rules:

General rules:

There are three factions in this game: the townies, the mafia, and the serial killer. The goal of each faction is to eliminate the other factions.

A day/night cycle lasts two days and each day/night ends at 12:00 am GMT.


Elected Roles:

The mayor will be elected on the first day. All persons are eligible to run for mayor. The mayor's lynching vote counts as two rather than one. The mayor can only be killed at night if all of his bodyguards are dead.

The pardoner will be elected as runner-up to the mayor. The pardoner can pardon two people at any time throughout the game. The pardoner can only be killed at night if all the bodyguards are dead.

After the mayor and pardoner have been elected, two random townies will become bodyguards. Only the mayor will know both of the identities of the bodyguards.


Like a mafioso, the vigilante have the ability to attack any one person once per night.

Each night, this person may attempt to protect one person. Any and all attacks made on the person you protect will be nullified by the paramedic's ability. (Example: You protect person A one night. On that same night, person B and person C attack person A. The result: person A remains unharmed for the night.)

This person must be attacked twice in the same night in order to be killed. (Example: The veteran is attacked by person A on night 1. The result: the veteran survives. However, the veteran is attacked by person A and person B on night 2. The result: the veteran dies.)

This person has the ability to PQ me for the general roles of two different people. By general roles, I mean whether a particular person is a mafioso or a townie. For example, if the detective were to ask me for the role of someone who turned out to be a vigilante, I'd only say they were a townie.

Anyone who attacks the paranoid at night will be killed instead of the paranoid. Also, any paramedic that protects the paranoid on any night will be killed instead of the paranoid.

Citizens have no abilities. Along with everyone else, they may be elected to become the mayor/pardoner as well as vote in the election/lynchings.

Everyone in the mafia has the ability to attack at night.

This mafioso will appear as a townie to the detective. The godfather cannot be killed at night by any means (by vigilante, paranoid, etc.). The godfather also has the ability to pardon one person from lynching throughout the game.

Mad Bomber
The mad bomber has the ability to plant two bombs on two respective people, throughout the game. If the mad bomber dies through any means, the people whom he placed bombs will die along with him.

Each mafioso can attack one person each night.

Serial Killer:
The serial killer can attack one person each night.

Sample Narrative:

One man is about to close the creamery for the night. Just then, a shadowy figure approaches him.

"This ice cream is GOOD. I mean really GOOD." said the shadowy figure."

"Okay, that's… weird." replied the ice cream vendor with a confused look.

Just then, the shadowy figure pulled out a knife and began chasing the vendor out of the store. Just as the vendor was about to be stabbed, the shadow figure tripped on an aerial root from a nearby oak. The ice cream vendor breathed a sigh of relief… then WHAAAAAM! The ice cream vendor had unwittingly stopped on the railroad tracks while the midnight train came passing by.

Crocty the townie has been killed.

1. The word GOOD should've stood out (since it was capitalized). Relating that to ice cream, Good Humor happens to be a brand of ice cream (humor).

2. The killer ended up struggling with a nearby tree (read my signature).

More information to come…

Posted at

Plus some members have said that they are tired of the theme mafia.

Honestly? :(

That's sad, where?

Posted at

I vote for TFGM!
If he cant ever be mayor, at least he can be GM!
Basically, its a sympathy vote!
Also he has played this game LOADS so he should be pretty expert on how to run it!
A classic mafia also sounds like a fun way to go.

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So far it's either waff or pastel's game, since I personally want a theme based mafia :)

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Godfather(1) Elected
I'm gonna say no to that.

We tried a game like that and it was a guarantied way for the Godfather to succesfully infiltrate the election.

Basically one or more mafia runn for office and the one that's successfull becomes the godfather as well. Then when the detective checks him out he'll simply see a townie.

It's just too good.

I might run as well. I haven't decided yet. I'm writing from work so I don't have time to write a narration at the moment. I'll make the decision and write something (if I decide to run) once I'm back home.

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Seriously. MAFIA X!

It sounds like an extreme sport you'd see on TV, with shouty annoying American commentators. MAFIA X! Oh man!

I think the awesome name is the reason for so many people running.

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I really like the themed mafia. I haven't played a normal game though.

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If I might make a suggestion: Robot theme.

Just think about it.

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If I might make a supplement to the above suggestion: Giant Robot theme.

Just think about it.

Posted at

All right. I'm inn.

I'm also gonna go for the classic mafia game. Since this is a landmark game I figure we need to go back to the basics.

ParkerFarker was running down the street, scared of his life. He had this unpleasant feeling that somebody was after him. Also, he's among many that's come to realize that whenever the narrator started talking about someone, bad things tend to happen to that guy.
"Oh crap. This is the night. I'm sure of it." He thought to him self. As he turned around the corner he bumped into Harkovast, taking his evening scroll.
"Oh, Excuse me." Say Harkovast, politely.
"AAH! Stay the hell away from me!" Screams ParkerFarker and runs away as fast as he could.
"Well, how rude" thought Hark to himself and continued with his stroll. As ParkerFarker continued running he noticed Niccea sitting on a bench, waiting for the bus.
"Good evening." she says, with a friendly gesture.
"YOU'RE ALL OUT TO GET ME!" cries Parker as he storms past her.
Finally his house is just ahead. With a nervous sigh, he runs in for safety and locks the door.
Shortly later, a large explosion is heard from outside. Curious, Parker crawls from under his bed to look outside. Crocty's house has been blown up, leaving a massive crater where the building once stood. The only noticeable remains left is that ReMax real estate sign that Crocty never bothered getting rid of after he bought the place.

Crocty the townie is dead.

[spoiler]one simple clue. Real Estate signs are basically those large "FOR SALE" signs that you place outside houses you're trying to sell. Also, mentioning the name of a real estate company is a form of product placement.[/spoiler]

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hahaha, I love the way you wrote that PP, thinking someone is going to die, when in fact, someone else does. That would be cool if it was like that. Although it does seem like, with me saying "YOU'RE ALL OUT TO GET ME!" and what not, that I am definitely not mafia, and that I could be ruled out as a suspect.

Posted at

Although it does seem like, with me saying "YOU'RE ALL OUT TO GET ME!" and what not, that I am definitely not mafia, and that I could be ruled out as a suspect.
True… I guess I'd better be careful about not accidentally clearing someones name if I make an narration like that.

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yeah, if you avoid that, I think you'll have my vote.

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So who is winning this election then?
Whose game are we going to be playing?

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Well, I haven't recieved many votes, so I'm assuming people didn't know I'm accepting them now.
<.< Although I did forget to post about it.

*ahem* I am now accepting votes. PQ me them now!

Yes. Now.

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Moonlight meanderer

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