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I just wanted to let you know what you can do and stuff here. Yeah, there's a lot of stuff already in this forum, even though no one is likely to come here. But I was bored, and I may as well do it now. Better to have something and not need it than the other way around.
I'm not sure exactly what information I'll put in this forum, but I'll have a good long think on it. It really depends, because I have to figure out what might count as a spoiler and what won't.
I encourage questions. Questions are good. They make you smarter. You'll never know the answer to a question you don't ask. True, you may not know even after you ask, but it won't be for lack of trying. If the answer to your question is a spoiler, I'll give a limited or non-answer. If I don't know the answer to your question, it's good for me, because then I'll have to invent something to answer you with and it'll make things in the comic all the better.
Comments are also good. They let me know that you're listening (or, well, reading), and whether or not you approve of whatever.
Ideas are good too. I like listening to others' ideas. I can only be so creative. It's nice to know how others think things will play out. Who knows, I may even use your idea. I'll be sure to credit you on it. Unless I subconsciously remember it. Then I wouldn't know. Just leave a comment on the page when it comes up and I'll do something about it, hm?
- XeaRi