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The title says it all, here you find the fanart people have submitted. Even the stuff that didn't make the comic!

01 - Abbadon, by Painerz:

An amazing piece of fanart, and the first ever I received!

02 - Rutger, by NotLikelyToCare:

It's me! Woo!

03 - Pencilman, by Gerben, my brother:

Keep in mind that he's 20 years old, ladies and gentlemen. This proves that not everyone can draw ;)

04 - Creatos, by Painerz:

Another amazing piece by one of my favourite artists!

05 - Arthur & Creatos, by Frostflowers:

One of my most favourite pieces of fanart!

06 - Vera Wang, by Amanda:

Vera Wang's a fashion designer. I didn't get the joke until I figured that out.

07 - Funky Town, by Alecisonfire:

One of the best dubbed comics I've ever seen.

08, 09, 10 & 11 - Helping Out, by ShadowDion:

A complete series of guestcomics! How awesome!

12 - Guestweek, by Luuk, one of my colleagues:
