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Yeahhh. I've had an overload of everything these last couple days, except sleep (but, who DOES get enough sleep nowadays, anyway? Besides folks in comas or narcoleptic goats. I got an XBOX360 finally…I found a new MMORPG that's awesome…the WoW character I've been playing finally turned lvl 58 (if you play at all you know this opens up fantastic new possibilities)…I've had a project due for BOTH of my summer school classes (required courses…I'm not retaking them)…bleh…and lots of other stuff. So now I'm typing from home. I'd finish the latest page, but once again I am without tablet (this time I just accidentally left it back in my room, rofl). It's almost done anyway, though, so expect it on or by Monday. Now, time for sleep… zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…