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Have I ever told you that you're all super-tasically awesome? Because you are.

It's day five of Barguest's exisitance and I've just got to say thanks to everyone who'se dropped by. I know theres not much up yet, and really the only contents is a big-giant head going "grumblegrumblegrumble", but it seems like thats piqued some curiousity as today I've already gotten 100 hits bringing the total of hits for this comic to 210!

While that doesn't sound like much, For being a comic thats only five days old and four 'pages' (two covers, one 'background information' and one content page) long thats a whole heck of a lot! I'll make something special for 1000 hits just because I love you all. Mwah!

It looks like I'll get to making that 'special' thing now, as I'm not suppose to be levelling my little WoW characters until my sister gets even with me. *sigh*
(I'm all over The Scryers server.)