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I suppose I'll get my stuff together and write this out, eh?
Barguest is a-go!

I'm one page away from having all of July's pages uploaded and ready for that magical hour when DrunkDuck updates everyone's comic at once. I'd like to thank the 60-70 folks to poked at the page a few times for the first day, that made me smile quite a bit.

The plan is to make everything look a nicer, I don't know how to make a freaking spifferific webpage for webcomics though, so if some kindly web-master-y person happens by who'd like to have me periodically spam 'thank you' to their message center… you know what to do.

Past that.. Happy Fourth of July. I'm probably going to be playing WoW.
Mmm, WoW. RP servers are filled with so much drama, but its probably because there are more of us girls there. trade channel gossip is so addictive, though! D: