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I apologize about the newsposts being behind. Plus side is, not a lot has happened, cause, well, I haven't had time to make much happen, haha. I've started con season and my early ones were all pretty close together. I get a week off this time, but two weeks from now sees Akon. Thanks so much for all the support I got at ACen and Animazement. I overstocked for those two, and yet I'm still having to restock for Akon. You guys make me very happy <3 Desert Tracer (oneshot) and Kappa to Ieba preview book have both made their appearances at my table, too. You can get them either from me at a convention, or through my Lulu store. Kappa to Ieba is a limited edition, as the first full volume should debut later this year. The preview book has the first chapter as well as some fun extras. I'm aiming for vol 1 to be completed by November (YoumaCon), but we'll see what happens by then, lol.

In other news, I've started to get things together for the 2012 Manga Calendar. I had a lot of people ask me about it at both ACen and Animazement, so I'm hoping to get it done early this year, so people can get it before October/November time period. Go to my DA page and vote on the current poll to help determine what's in it, and how much of each is in it!

I know I haven't released the contest results yet, so sorry! The winner was FinalHikari with her adorable Raijin sculpty! Thanks so much to everyone who entered! I'll probably not start another contest til a bit later, but look out for it!

I've been working on the next couple chapters, so hoping no hiccups in the future with releases, as my pages already done run out in two weeks. But anyways, see ya next time!