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The pages for this week are up both on Sunday, so just a tad early, hee hee. A lot of Fredonia and Carter…heh ^^; Well, this chapter will be coming to a close in just a couple weeks. Egads! Already!?

In other news, volume 3 of Zos Kias is getting ready to go to the publisher! Finished up the cover and some other things this week, and I hope to have it all ready to go by the end of this week. So, if you have any fanart that you'd like to submit, make sure to do it ASAP~!

The 9th contest is still going on, but with no entries yet. Get your entries in for that, too.

MatsuriCon is in a couple weeks, and I hope to have vol 3 debut there. Stop by and see me in Artist Alley ^^ Until next week~