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Hi there, my names Aaron. I've been an cartoonist since I was about 13, and have been a member of DD for probably close to 4 years. I used to post a hand scribbled comic up here for a while, but pressing circumstances caused me to stop. (Mostly an issue of hating my own creations because they are not as pretty as other artists work.) I went away for a while and recently came back with my newest, all colorized digital strip "Cartoon University." The story of three cartoon students from different animancestry going to a college to learn how to be great toon actors. Will they learn to get along and get through the hectic life of a college student, or will they kill eachother first?" I've actually been doing this project since February of last year, but have been a bit to self critical and fearful to promote it. But I beleive in the idea, and want to see it flourish so here I am. I hope you enjoy it.