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Submitting another villain

Name: Saint
Sex: Male

Powers: Agmented speed (very agile), Flames of Heaven ( a strange flame like light from his hands)

Features: He "Plague Doctor" Mask, has a an inverted cross like chain on his side like a rosary

Personality: Calm, collected and cold, almost no emotion.

Note: He considers this world to be unworthy of exsistance and seeks to have the world "Re-born, clean and pure". If Peligroso sees him, Peligroso will try to kill him, and will act without hesitation.

Clothes notes: His coat is white and his shirt is a grey sort of color, and his hair is Orange.

Also gotta put Smiley here since he's in the Villains Alliance thread as well

Name: Smiley

Age: roughly 20's

Alias: Unknown

powers: His claws are razor sharp and can cut at blazing speeds.

Fighting Style: very unpredicatble and psychotic, you never know what to expect with this guy.

Smiley is one of those weird and psychotic characters who has a penchant for goofing off, but don't take him lightly, he is extremely violent.