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Moonlight meanderer

Design a Logo Contest!

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Here's the deal:
I need to come up with a logo for my webcomic Space Waffles, as I'm going to have a new site/blog for it going up soon. I'm not very good at that sort of thing, and am not quite sure what I'm looking for yet, other than something that will easily fit onto the website, in banner ads, etc.

And there are prizes!
A signed copy of Here There Be Robots: The Map Incident (mini comic of HtbR only available in print!) and a complete set of all 8 of our buttons! I'll even send you an RPC sticker once we get them reprinted (currently we are out of stock).

So throw your ideas my way, enter as many times as you like! Currently, there is not a deadline, as the site isn't even up yet, but it will be some time next month.

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Moonlight meanderer

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