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Moonlight meanderer

Hey guys we got lots of interviews goin' on in the Interviews Forum

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I am posting this here because I can! Also because this was a little community thing and I think these guys deserve some comments, it's always sad to see a thread that represents a person's work and interest and have no replies to it…. :( (don't post comments here though, post em on their threads!)

5 Creator Interviews! (And 5 more coming next week!)

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Seriously! there some great interviews posted that are conducted by other users here on the Duck. They really let you know a lot about some of the artists here that you may not know about. I echo skool's sentiments…check them out! :)

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People might be more interested if this became a more active community project… kind of like what happens in the Reviews forum? Maybe you can sign up to conduct an interview or two and then have a chance to become an interviewee?

And another thing… I think maybe we should conduct some interviews on DD members that aren't exactly well-known. Don't get me wrong, these are some very interesting people, but maybe we can turn this into another way to get unnoticed artists more exposed to the public.

Then I'd have to beat a dead horse saying that the old homepage layout would've supported this whole interview thing better… :)

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I agree with Lucky.
Interviewing people who aren't well known in the comicking world would be a good idea. I don't like the idea of making it "Interview two people and you get to be interviewed", mainly because I suck at doing things like interviews.


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People might be more interested if this became a more active community project… kind of like what happens in the Reviews forum? Maybe you can sign up to conduct an interview or two and then have a chance to become an interviewee?
Well, my yardstick for success is gonna be what kind of response these interviews get. If almost no one comments, I'm not gonna be doing it again. That doesn't mean someone else can't organize some kind of interview community project though.

And another thing… I think maybe we should conduct some interviews on DD members that aren't exactly well-known. Don't get me wrong, these are some very interesting people, but maybe we can turn this into another way to get unnoticed artists more exposed to the public.
The people who participated in this were basically first-come to an announcement in a forum :) I think some of them are well-known around the forums but I don't think any of them have top-10 ranked comics.

Then I'd have to beat a dead horse saying that the old homepage layout would've supported this whole interview thing better… :)
*head explode*

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Well, my yardstick for success is gonna be what kind of response these interviews get. If almost no one comments, I'm not gonna be doing it again. That doesn't mean someone else can't organize some kind of interview community project though.

I certainly would like to see this succeed… it's such a wonderful idea. I think we just need a way to get it more exposed. Unfortunately, I don't think there's much more we can do other than what you've already done here. :(

The people who participated in this were basically first-come to an announcement in a forum :) I think some of them are well-known around the forums but I don't think any of them have top-10 ranked comics.

True… I guess it's just my own personal preference. Being as timid as I am I find it real hard to open up to an entire community of people, thus making it hard to get noticed.

That was a little off topic… but I would definitely welcome and support a project like this if it nets enough interest. :)

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People might be more interested if this became a more active community project… kind of like what happens in the Reviews forum? Maybe you can sign up to conduct an interview or two and then have a chance to become an interviewee?

And another thing… I think maybe we should conduct some interviews on DD members that aren't exactly well-known. Don't get me wrong, these are some very interesting people, but maybe we can turn this into another way to get unnoticed artists more exposed to the public.

Then I'd have to beat a dead horse saying that the old homepage layout would've supported this whole interview thing better… :)

great idea.

Pay attention to the bolded part.

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The math doesn't really work out with that though, unless everyone gets interviewed by two people?

I'm not against someone else setting up a community interview thing (and hopefully it would move faster than the review forum, but you never know). I was just saying I wouldn't want to be the organizer if it seems the current one isn't noticed- I don't mind (TOO much) if my interviews don't get replies, but I'd be sad if community ones didn't.

There might be quality issues, I was happy with this round but I can imagine someone who is only in it to be interviewed themselves might do crummy questions for someone else :[

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The math doesn't really work out with that though, unless everyone gets interviewed by two people?

I'm not against someone else setting up a community interview thing (and hopefully it would move faster than the review forum, but you never know). I was just saying I wouldn't want to be the organizer if it seems the current one isn't noticed- I don't mind (TOO much) if my interviews don't get replies, but I'd be sad if community ones didn't.

There might be quality issues, I was happy with this round but I can imagine someone who is only in it to be interviewed themselves might do crummy questions for someone else :[

Hmmm… you've got a point.

How about have a certain criteria?

Like you should have at least 50 pages of comics or something like that. Before even getting the chance.

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How about have a certain criteria?

Like you should have at least 50 pages of comics or something like that. Before even getting the chance.

The 50 page thing sounds reasonable enough to me. And to add on to that, maybe we should make it a minimum of… say… 10 questions? The interviews I've read have at least that, give or take a few.

The math doesn't really work out with that though, unless everyone gets interviewed by two people?

If I remember it right, you took a group of people and had them pick someone from the group to interview. Everyone had to interview someone from that group, right? Maybe we just make some more groups and have them interview one another. That way, someone gets to interview and be interviewed at practically the same time. :)

There might be quality issues, I was happy with this round but I can imagine someone who is only in it to be interviewed themselves might do crummy questions for someone else :[

This will be the one outstanding and probably helpless problem. People like this will always be around… it seems inevitable that someone will end up with them. We'll just have to think of something that will prevent it.

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I'm considering doing a few sequel or follow up interviews to a few members =D

It was really fun! In retrospect I shouldn't have limited myself as much in terms of having fun with the questions.

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If I remember it right, you took a group of people and had them pick someone from the group to interview. Everyone had to interview someone from that group, right?
Here's how it worked:

~People volunteered to join "the circle" up to a date. (10 people + one – 'cause skoolmonkey rocks.)
~She had everyone *randomly* paired.
~The interviewers send her the questions (at least ten each) first to check and give the go ahead – and then to their subjects.
~The people being interviewed sent their completed interviews to skoolmonkey.

Here's the original thread for any further clarification.

(Btw, this was a lot of fun. I was surprised there wasn't more response back in the beginning.)

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Here's how it worked:

~People volunteered to join "the circle" up to a date. (10 people + one – 'cause skoolmonkey rocks.)
~She had everyone *randomly* paired.
~The interviewers send her the questions (at least ten each) first to check and give the go ahead – and then to their subjects.
~The people being interviewed sent their completed interviews to skoolmonkey.

Here's the original thread for any further clarification.

My memory fails me more than I'd like to think it does. lol!

Skool's system worked, obviously… and judging by the number of comments left by those who didn't make it into the first circle, I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to get another group to sign up (I know I would!).

Honestly… I think measuring the success of the project in terms of the comments it receives, be it pretty much the only way to measure interest, isn't exactly reliable. I mean, people could have easily read the interview and just decided not to leave a comment.

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I totally missed out on the sign up for the first round and I'd absolutely love to get into the second.

I think just the actual effort of doing the interview with a question limit might help to keep people who aren't terribly interested in asking good questions from doing it. Also it might be a good idea to have the person being interviewed get the right to ask for another question if they get a crappy one like; "where do you keep your pencils?" Mostly though I think it will be up to the discretion of the people involved.

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I totally missed out on the sign up for the first round and I'd absolutely love to get into the second.

I'm in the same boat as lba… I do not come to the forums that often, if there was some sort of link on the main page (not behind a drop down) that was easy to see, I would be in like flint!
So I am very interested in a 2nd one!!!!

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How about have a certain criteria?

Like you should have at least 50 pages of comics or something like that. Before even getting the chance.

50 is kind of a lot - 20 or 25 seems more reasonable. The comics that are going to want the exposure most are the people who are closer to having started out :)

We did have one person in the other round who couldn't finish due to computer problems- luckily someone else in the group was willing to do another interview. So, as a community project, it would need someone to manage it.

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50 is kind of a lot - 20 or 25 seems more reasonable. The comics that are going to want the exposure most are the people who are closer to having started out :)

Good point… this and Iba's point about the question limit detering the less serious people, I think, could work.

We did have one person in the other round who couldn't finish due to computer problems- luckily someone else in the group was willing to do another interview. So, as a community project, it would need someone to manage it.

I could do it. I'm online practically 18 hours a day… -.-

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I guess this means I'll do it. :)

I think I'll get things started once the up-and-coming interviews are all up and have had their fair share of air time.

But I have a few more questions:

- I'll manage the project, but should I send the interviews to skoolmunkee so she can post them in the interview forum or should I do it myself?

- Should the thread, when posted, go in the Networking/Community Project forum or the Interview forum?

- How many people per group should we take? It seemed getting ten people to sign up for it was real easy the first time, but the second and third time, if we're that lucky :), might be a little more challenging.

- How many alts per group should we take? At that, how should we deal with alts if a group doesn't need one? I think if an alternate isn't needed, they'll be first in line for the next group; if an alternate is used, then the person they replaced will get another chance next time.

If there are any other concerns, do let me (and anyone else who reads this thread) know. :)

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Cool. I'm in for it. I just hope people are interested enough.

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Moonlight meanderer

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