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Moonlight meanderer

Round 6: kitty17 interviews Crocty of Frank and Vinny!

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This interview is of Crocty, whose comics are Frank and Vinny and others!
(interview conducted by kitty17!)

1. Alright, why don’t we begin with you telling us a bit about yourself?

Oh uhh, let's see…My name is Jamie McAwesome, I'm 15, and live in Britland. Woo. (Last name may or may not be fabricated)

2. Well Mr. McAwesome, why did you decide to get into making web comics?

Well I've always been interested in drawing, and at the time I made my first child, Frank and Vinny, I had no artistic skills whatsoever. So then I thought - Where will people put up with my awful stick art? The internet! :D

3. Frank and Vinny is a stick comic, but it’s different. You use a variety of expressions that set it apart from the standard stick comic. Is there anything you do in order to choose the different facial expressions?

Hm, I haven't really thought about that. I guess I just think of what expression someone would have when confronted with a situation in the comic, exaggerate it, and then draw it. And then I post it, etc.

4. Are Frank and Vinny based off anyone you know?

No, but I often thought that they're based on my two personalities, happy and carefree, and miserable and annoying. Although that was entirely sub-conscious…

5. So then, where do you get your jokes?

Anywhere I can find them. Sometimes they're based on real situations, sometimes just ideas I pulled out of nowhere. Although usually they're just images explaining why I don't update anymore. >_>

6. So Frank and Vinny is ending and I for one am sad to see it go. Why did you decide to end it?

It just became rather boring to make. Circle tool, line tool, fill tool, line tool again, brush tool….I'd much rather draw stuff free hand, but never had the equipment. Although now I do, so maybe I'll make another strip with the same characters, but drawn with my tablet

7. Are you going to miss making this comic at all?

Probably…But like I said, it became a chore. And when you're no longer enjoying it, it's not really a webcomic anymore (Well, actually it is, but you get what I mean). I'll still be making a strip, and maybe even a story, so maybe I won't miss it at all.

8. Quick question, do you mind if I call you Emily for the remainder of this interview?

Not at all. =w=

9. Alright then, Emily. You make web comics, but what other hobbies do you have?

Well, I don't only make webcomics. I draw loads of non-comic related art in my sketchbook (school books). Of course there's video games…And that's pretty much it. I don't leave the house much, so…

10. Ah, I see. So what kind of video games do you play, Emily?

Let's see, I like Mario, Zelda, Kirby…So, platformers, adventures, and RPGs? I don't pay attention to the genres that much…

11. So you're planning on making a new comic. Any ideas on what your next project is going to be about?

I've had two ideas. Besides the strip. One is about some hard boiled PI in some hard boiled place, where he does hard boiled things. Like eggs. Hah…I made a pun. The second idea was of some futuristic wasteland place, and it has a bloke with a robotic arm, because I honestly feel that robotic body parts aren't used enough.

But other than those basic ideas, I have no plot ideas or otherwise for them…

12. As a web comicer (that's probably not a word, but go with it) do you enjoy reading any other web comics or comics in general?

Yeah, I do enjoy web comics, they're smashin'. I don't read much print comics though (And by much, I mean any). I pretty much just read comics on Drunkduck, with a few exceptions.

13. What are the exceptions?

Oh you wanna get technical now, do you? Well, okay. There's Cyanide and Happiness, xkcd, Moe, and MSpaint adventures. Although MS paint adventures isn't that much of a comic, roll with it.

14.Well, I know you've told me before that you have many pets, but if you could choose to be one of them, which would you be and why?

Oh, that's tough. It's either Sandy, my dog, because all she does is sleep and eat all day (Every man's dream). Or, Robbie, my gecko, because, geckos are cool! I'm leaning towards the eating and sleeping option

15. Was that silly enough for you?

I guess. ):

16. It wasn’t silly enough? D: You don't seem very happy.

It was an upside down smile.

17. I’ll take your word for it, but how bout this, in a fight between Frank and a shoe, who would win and how?

Oh, that's a tough one. It would depend on what kind of shoe. If it was a flip-flop, Frank would batter him. But if it was a boot…He's in trouble.

18. What about a tennis shoe?

Well, if there was a tennis ball in the shoe, Frank would probably lose, I mean, no one can fight a shoe when it has a ball in it. But if there wasn't, Frank would bray him. If tennis rackets were involved, no one in a three mile radius would survive.

19. Haha, I see. So, is there anything else you'd like to say before we finish, Emily?

Oh yeah! I'd like to thank the academy, and, I want to thank my good friend Kitty for interviewing me, and, I'd also like to thank Skool for running it, and, I'd also like to thank myself, for being so awesome to interview

20. One more before I’m done. LiaoxCrocty?

Not right now, I just put a mint in my mouth, and it's like drinking orange juice after brushing your teeth. Eugh.

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Looking back, this was incredibly silly…

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8. Quick question, do you mind if I call you Emily for the remainder of this interview?

Not at all. =w=

17. I’ll take your word for it, but how bout this, in a fight between Frank and a shoe, who would win and how?

Oh, that's a tough one. It would depend on what kind of shoe. If it was a flip-flop, Frank would batter him. But if it was a boot…He's in trouble.

18. What about a tennis shoe?

Well, if there was a tennis ball in the shoe, Frank would probably lose, I mean, no one can fight a shoe when it has a ball in it. But if there wasn't, Frank would bray him. If tennis rackets were involved, no one in a three mile radius would survive.
Ya'll's crazy. Hilarious but crazy.

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6. So Frank and Vinny is ending and I for one am sad to see it go. Why did you decide to end it?

It just became rather boring to make. Circle tool, line tool, fill tool, line tool again, brush tool….I'd much rather draw stuff free hand, but never had the equipment. Although now I do, so maybe I'll make another strip with the same characters, but drawn with my tablet

Crocty, while it's sad to see things end, I just want to give you proper kudos on knowing when to end something, and especially for choosing the right reasons. Of course, now that you have your new tools, it can be new and exciting again. :)

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yeah, there's a good explanation for that Emily thing.
And yeah, I'm hopefully going to start it again in a new style…


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Round 6: kitty17 interviews Crocty of Frank and Vinny! GOAL GOAL GOAL GOAL
Can someone explain this to me? It was kinda creepy.

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Gawd, Kitty didn't ask you about her evil shoe versus Frank? I mean, we all know Frank wouldn't stand a chance, but still.

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