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Moonlight meanderer
Posted at

In case you missed the newspost, here's the announcement! Any DDer is welcome to develop content for the new WowioTV!

Iiiii guess you can talk about potential programmes or post your youtube videos here!

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One vote for this.

Make that two.

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I'll admit the first one was oddly entertaining (although probably not coherent or comic-related enough for the WowioTV people), but you must realize the second one would never get approved (and feels a lot more like a troll than a genuine attempt at anything).

That said if you just made a regular youtube show of it you'd probably collect fans.

Posted at

I assure you the second is not a troll. Barnum owes Weatherby money, Weatherby is quoting Casino. LFN Buddies is basically a dadaist sprite comic come to life, so I would say it is tangently comic related. All 15 episodes are on youtube. (EDIT: actually I just deleted it because it was my 50th video which I have other plans for, way for me to pay attention) I don't want to hog this thread up about it so I'm going to leave things at that.

I did want to say though that I'm still very confused how this whole WowioTV system works. From poking around the sit it seems anybody can upload content, but only via webcam streams?

Yet the newspost seems like there is some sort of submission process that treats it like a real TV channel with weekly programming. So I'm not sure if one of them can pop on by and clear the air, because it would be nice to know if its something like a youtube "anybody can upload" service, or selective and planned programming.

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I'm not going to stop anyone from submitting anything, but I didn't want the thread to turn into a big joke, which is where it looked like it might be heading with the LFN videos. Sorry for misinterpreting them.

I'll try and get one of those guys to come around and answer questions or something. As it is we don't know any guidelines about language, content, etc and that might be OK as the project seems to be in its early stages. WowioTV does seem to be a ustream- I haven't used the site before (other than watchine something once or twice), maybe they can upload videos from youtube into their stream, or do something techwise, because I HAVE been told that uploading things to youtube is the best way to get content to them. Can you download videos off youtube? Or perhaps they just screencast it while they're watching?

Posted at

Heh… maybe a 15 minute show reviewing various DD webcomics… or ANY webcomics for that matter. I wonder who's got the courage to give Megatokyo a view… and face the hot blooded rabid fans it has… :)

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Drunk Duckers!


It's Matty K.
(The dude with the glasses from the Drunk Duck Happy Hour Show.)


I wanted to personally introduce myself.

Now, I know some of you have some questions and concerns about our vision.

I totally understand.

My over all goal is celebrate your community, your work, and your content!

I've already highlighted and branded your content in a segment called "Drunk Duck Originals" which features your work and gives you full credit for your piece.

Here are some examples how I want to used and celebrate your content:

Now, we are moving to another video player next week, so the video and viewer experience will vastly improve soon.

I'm currently working with the admins to develop a weekly podcast show of the happenings on the site.

Also, working with two actual community members now developing a weekly video show. (Hint… Hint… you saw them all over the Drunk Duck Happy Hour Show.)

Finally, working with Creepy Carly on planning LIVE happy hour events that celebrate comics and encourage you guys to meet up and hang out with each other!



My door is completely open for show ideas, suggestions, submissions, concerns, and complaints.

I want to celebrate and build this content around you….instead of on top of you.

Psyched to take this wonderful journey together!



Posted at

Psyched to announce:

That Carolyn's amazing "The People That Melt in the Rain" is going to be featured this week.

I'll keep you posted when fo' sho!


Posted at

After watching that third video I'm glad to know there is someone out there besides me that loves Blankman.

Also I sent you a PM because stupid ol' lefarce is still desperate for attention.

I mean…. confused. Yes. Thats it. I am confused.

EDIT: Also thanks for explaining the system in greater detail

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Well now I know about the lightsaber nightlight.

Posted at

I took the liberty to hotlink those urls for you, TVMatty.

When you're posting urls, you can hotlink them by pressing the button labeled "Link" and paste the code in between the two [link] thingamajigs that pop up.

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I was supposed to quit?

Posted at

I thought it was only temporary.

The mod they/ are temping for is gone for like 3 months. :] And they'll likely be permanant mods if they carry on being great.

Red Slayer: What do you envisage going on in the subforum? What kinds of things would people make threads about? I'm not challenging the idea, I'm just curious. I want to make sure that any forum would actually have stuff going on in it. Maybe wait til it's established and people are talking about it?

I want to celebrate and build this content around you….instead of on top of you.
I think I can speak for everyone when I say I am glad you are not doing anything on top of us. :] Thanks for putting together the segments with all the DDer content, it's good to see that was used after all!

OK, a couple general questions about the content:
1. About how long should a person's show be?
2. Are there rules about language or content? (like, minimal swearing, no showing adult comics, or does anything go as long as there's a disclaimer at the start maybe?)
3. Will there be any kind of quality control, like if the sound is really awful or the video is totally nonsensical, will a video get rejected?
4. Are people free to submit small ads, promos, animations, etc. too?
5. Will there be some kind of TV Guide so people know when their segment will be aired? Maybe submitters could also send in a brief summary of the video contents? (I guess that can be appended to a youtube video….)
6. How 'timely' will the show be? As in, Oz and I will be announcing some news, if we say that something is happening next week, will the show be broadcast before next week? Or should we be working farther in advance?
7. Should people be worrying about copyright or is Wowio not really concerned about that kind of thing? (i.e. someone using copyrighted music for a comic 'trailer' which then gets 'broadcast' by wowio)

Can I suggest a show for someone to do? I think a lot of people (like me) are put off about doing a video because they don't know how to do it…. but if someone knowledgable about the tools out there, or easy ways to do video recording, could maybe do a short show talking/showing some of them, that might help get people interested in contributing stuff.

Posted at

they'll likely be permanant mods if they carry on being great.
Well, there goes my chances :(

Red Slayer
Red Slayer
Posted at

Red Slayer: What do you envisage going on in the subforum? What kinds of things would people make threads about? I'm not challenging the idea, I'm just curious. I want to make sure that any forum would actually have stuff going on in it. Maybe wait til it's established and people are talking about it?
It would be meant to properly post,store,organize and polish the different ideas an suggestions given and or proposed by the community in a controlled environment.

Also, as soon as this tv thing is implemented i thought it would be nice to have a place to post news and announcements of current and upcoming events.

I got more ideas if you are interested.

Posted at


The latest episode of WowioTV has been posted!

Check it out @ or

Featuring a Drunk Duck Original by Carolyn!


Also… keep your eyes peeled for Monday's show featuring K-Dog and Legomegacy!

Thank you for all your support!!!

And keep the submissions flowing as well. Thanks!


Posted at

Here are some answers to Skoolmunkee's questions:

1. About how long should a person's show be?

3-5 minutes is preferred, however, I don't want to exclude longer content.

2. Are there rules about language or content? (like, minimal swearing, no showing adult comics, or does anything go as long as there's a disclaimer at the start maybe?)

Minimal swearing is totally cool. We'll use our best judgment. Also, down the line, we will be creating "late night" programming that we'll use the edgier stuff for.

3. Will there be any kind of quality control, like if the sound is really awful or the video is totally nonsensical, will a video get rejected?

Naw. We'll do what we can on our side to fix/restore the clip.

4. Are people free to submit small ads, promos, animations, etc. too?


5. Will there be some kind of TV Guide so people know when their segment will be aired? Maybe submitters could also send in a brief summary of the video contents? (I guess that can be appended to a youtube video….)

Eventually…and Absolutely!

6. How 'timely' will the show be? As in, Oz and I will be announcing some news, if we say that something is happening next week, will the show be broadcast before next week? Or should we be working farther in advance?

As of now… we're looking at producing 2-3 shows a week. One definitely on Wednesday. (Hump Day Comics Day!)

7. Should people be worrying about copyright or is Wowio not really concerned about that kind of thing? (i.e. someone using copyrighted music for a comic 'trailer' which then gets 'broadcast' by wowio)

Not too worried about copyright stuff at this point. So game on. However, when we become super awesome, the copyright people will come "a knockin'" So lets be prepared for that day!

Can I suggest a show for someone to do? I think a lot of people (like me) are put off about doing a video because they don't know how to do it…. but if someone knowledgable about the tools out there, or easy ways to do video recording, could maybe do a short show talking/showing some of them, that might help get people interested in contributing stuff.

TOTALLY! These things are all in the works now!

Posted at

Your avatar makes me imagine you as an overly enthusiastic robot, and I enjoy that.

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Moonlight meanderer

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