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Hi there and thanks for reading my blog! I hope you can learn something from this and better appreciate my comic, KFK!

Anyway, I've told this story multiple times, but KFK came about as a direct reaction to the movie Kung Fu Hustle. I saw it, loved it, wanted to do something as a homage to the old 70s kung fu flicks. Then on here, I saw that there really has never been a comic like mine, so I decided to put it on here. thats the short version.

We begin part 2 of KFK today. I'm very nervous about this part, so far its my favorite of the series, but part 1 was such a strong start that part 2 may seem to be a bit rushed or lackluster. nothing rushed or forced about part 2, i just opted to drop story for kickass fight scenes!

anyway, hope you guys are int his for the long run!