Jiro Katsu's profile

Jiro Katsu
Member since Jan. 20, 2006
What can I say about myself?
Age: 24.
Height: … Short… >.> And lets leaves it at that.
Weight: 135 lb.
Hair: Brown.
Skin: White.
Eye's: Blue.
Ego: Huge!
Hobbies: Games, computer, drawing, fanfictions, anime, perverted thoughts, comic reading, pissing off hardcore otaku's, porn, hentai, prono and did I menchen perverted thoughts?
More about meh?: Well… I love anime and manga's, but I don't really conceder myself to be otaku, or at least not a really big one. I made a joke about how much manga's I bought in my comic in one strip, but I really only have a small collection that blearily takes up a whole shelf area not even two feet long. All together it was like 200 some odd bucks, my family thought I was crazy buying them all like that witch is what inspired the strip I made the joke in. My favorite manga's are probably the Love Hina and Inuyasha ones so far. Online comics, Megatokyo hands down, Applegeeks in second place. My faved anime's Pokemon at top, shut up I like it, Inuyasha after that, Naruto in third, and a bunch of others I don't feel like typing. :P My fave character of all time out of manga and anime, well, that'd probably be Sango of Inuyasha, manga or TV show, she kicks ass… :3
And as for my believes, I'm actually a very religious Christian, though most people would probably find it hard to guess that seeing as my sense of humor is somewhat dark and twisted at times… >w>
What I like and look for in a comic?
Well, I'm a REALLY picky person when it comes to reading a comic. A lott'a things can attract me or turn me off before I even get past the first page. Number one, art! If the art on a comic sucks, or it's of a type of art I'm not into, such as realism, or how ever you say it. I'm not saying realism sucks, I'm just not a fan of that art style. Cartoonish and anime'ish, big fan. Love it. Comedy, way into it. I love funny story lines, and slap stick jokes. It's just more fun to read. And I like love stories, action, fantasy and naked women…! Well, I never said all my intrests were noble… :3 But above all of what I look for in a comic to read, art is the real key facter. And I know mines not all that great, but that's besides the point. I mean other peoples comic's that I wanna read. The art dosn't even have to be all that great for me to become a reader. Hell I read comic that arn't even drawn, they take screen shots of games and put em togeather to make a comic. But art is still the key facter, it's what(more offten then not) draws me to look it over. I may like it, but then I also still might hate it. Who knows. I've read through a few pages of some comics that had great art, top class stuff, and I lost interest after a few pages cause the story, the way it was set up, the character's, ect didn't do anything for me. This all goes back to what I said in the first place. I'm picky. :3
Comics by Jiro Katsu
Alice the Succubus
- Rated:
- Adult
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 34 pages
- Updated:
- July 7, 2011
- Popularity:
In a world called Felarya, were just about anything and every thing can, and probably will, happen! It is this world that Alice the Succubus has made her home! And when she meets a new "Friend" her life gets a little more interesting. Vore Based Comic
Aw Nuts 2
- Rated:
- Teen
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 101 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
In a world were common sense takes a back seat, and evil comes to make the world their own, only a group of a few brave souls can save the day! If they can focus on doing their jobs and not killing each other that is...
Comics assisted by Jiro Katsu
No comics.
Comics recommended by Jiro Katsu
After Lily
- Rated:
- Teen
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 33 pages
- Updated:
- July 17, 2012
- Popularity:
A cheerful Grim Reaper in training and her ultra-depressed assistant collect the souls of the recently deceased and bring them to the afterlife.
Creepy Carly
- Rated:
- Teen
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 76 pages
- Updated:
- July 7, 2011
- Popularity:
Hi I'm Carly, and for some reason I scare the Buh-Jeezus outta people! Not intensionally, they just think I'm weird. But I'm a really nice normal person. With lots and lots of friends! Lots of 'em, yup, lots. Who? Um, people too important to tell you
- Rated:
- Mature
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 1221 pages
- Updated:
- Feb. 26, 2016
- Popularity:
Deadfingers is a story about an indigenous girl and her tribe, struggling to salvage its independence from the imperialistic mainland. Features magic, knife fights, guns, robots and everything else you'll find in the alternate universe.
Dragonaur Mini
- Rated:
- Teen
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 394 pages
- Updated:
- Jan. 11, 2019
- Popularity:
Just a slice of life, for a dragoness! Updated randomly. ^_^;
- Rated:
- Mature
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 25 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
When you stop believing in dreams how do you explain waking up in another world. How do you understand being told that you and your best friends must save everyone. And how the hell do you cope with the fact you have a personal guardian. How?
Dreams in Synergy
- Rated:
- Mature
- Genre:
- Adventure
- Volume:
- 126 pages
- Updated:
- Aug. 24, 2021
- Popularity:
Random comics i made
Drunk Duck High
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 45 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
a grouping of comic characters and artists from Drunk Duck put together.... IN A HIGHSCHOOL!!! Bet you didn't see THIS coming, huh?
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Sci-Fi
- Volume:
- 116 pages
- Updated:
- July 28, 2011
- Popularity:
This is a story about a little girl, Lila, and her life once she befriends two aliens.
- Rated:
- Teen
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 14 pages
- Updated:
- July 10, 2023
- Popularity:
An evil tyrant is destroying Farmillia. And now its creator has called upon the powers of an ancient sword to slay the dark king, and restore peace to Farmillia. Now a champion must be found. Will the wielder of the sword be found before it's too late?
Frightmoore University
- Rated:
- Teen
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 17 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
A comedy about adolescent monsters and their daily adventures while attending university. A manga that's still alive after 5 years.
Galactic Hub Serreven
- Rated:
- Teen
- Genre:
- Sci-Fi
- Volume:
- 90 pages
- Updated:
- April 11, 2022
- Popularity:
You think your job is tough? Angn D'Lazmuh just got hired to run the largest Galactic Hub in space, let's just hope the Hub doesn't put up a fight... NOTE: THIS IS AN ARCHIVED COMIC
Heart Shaped Box
- Rated:
- Teen
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 35 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
A gamer comic from a girl's point of a view.
I Come From Mars
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 161 pages
- Updated:
- Oct. 19, 2015
- Popularity:
Pencilled sketched manga with poorly written English dialogues... ...please don't shoot me.
Kawaii Daigakusei
- Rated:
- Mature
- Genre:
- Real Life
- Volume:
- 441 pages
- Updated:
- May 9, 2013
- Popularity:
Fast cars, fine art and casual conversation - a webcomic where art history meets architecture.
- Rated:
- Teen
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 45 pages
- Updated:
- April 24, 2012
- Popularity:
Full of smarty art/ninja chick action, join paige on her misadventures as she tries to survive her new and unusual art school, The Kannon Institute of Art and Design...
LAX Light Motion Dreams
- Rated:
- Teen
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 98 pages
- Updated:
- Aug. 3, 2016
- Popularity:
Drugs, Planes, Baggage, Love, Mystery and The New World Order. The Blue Sky Experiment. The experimental music semi webtoon comic based on the song "Everything You Want" by Vertical Horizons. LAX will never be the same.
Like Fish in Water
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 148 pages
- Updated:
- July 7, 2011
- Popularity:
Philosophy and absurdities of two fish in a fish tank... Occasional guest stars and external locations.
Magicians Quest
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 175 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
A black mage on a quest seeking revenge; A naive elf-girl adventurer wannabe who keeps getting into trouble; A sinister and evil power that threatens to destroy the world... Fantasy/Adventure manga.
No Need for Bushido
- Rated:
- Teen
- Genre:
- Adventure
- Volume:
- 300 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
Action comedy and drama in war-torn Feudal Japan.
NoWhere Fast
- Rated:
- Mature
- Genre:
- Real Life
- Volume:
- 72 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
A story about a young woman trying to find her way in the world, and the mythological forces that seem to get in her way. A mixture of real life and fictional events. Updates Sundays.
Pokemon Champ
- Rated:
- Teen
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 20 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
Jake Takeum is off on his journey to become the next Pokemon Master! Or so he thinks. Does this failure at life have what it takes to become the next Master? Or will his stupid luck be what carries him through to the top?
Princess Natsumi
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 104 pages
- Updated:
- July 7, 2011
- Popularity:
Princess Natsumi, as she calls herself, is searching for 4 deputies to help her put a stop to the plans of two rogue agents. As crazy as her story sounds, Soichiro, Akira, Tetsuya, and Koutarou join her and enter a world of espionage and silliness.
Return Zero
- Rated:
- Mature
- Genre:
- Adventure
- Volume:
- 70 pages
- Updated:
- July 7, 2011
- Popularity:
A portal to hell has opened inside of Evan's belly button. It's up to Evan and his friends to return the demons to the lint filled hell from whence they came.
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 108 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
A mean tempered Clefairy is exposed to a sunstone, and given the ability to speak. Using his new gift, he gets carried away and tries to take over the world.
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 110 pages
- Updated:
- June 17, 2015
- Popularity:
Rated bizarre for: monsters, zombies, cannibalism, school girls, unrequited love (with a vengeance), government conspiracy, chocolate bunnies, angels vs. demons, all that with a limb or two to spare.
Short Story Comics
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 89 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
A variety of short story comics that you don't have to force yourself to catch up with the storyline.
Somewhere in San Fransisco Half Way Beyond The Bridge and The Tower Lies A Place Where Nothing is Ever What It Seems On A Day to Day Basis Because That Is What Happens in This Kinda Place
- Rated:
- Mature
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 180 pages
- Updated:
- Aug. 18, 2016
- Popularity:
A soap opera set in the early 90's San Fransisco!
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 221 pages
- Updated:
- July 7, 2011
- Popularity:
Cockroaches with MAD ninja skillz, helecopter sized eyebrows, A Super hero that can't comprehend his own alterego, some what witty anime/game references and oh yeah... a girl composed of green slime. IT's all here in Jeremy Caultons SYNTHEA!
The Faction
- Rated:
- Mature
- Genre:
- Sci-Fi
- Volume:
- 694 pages
- Updated:
- July 7, 2011
- Popularity:
Takes place in a post apocolyptic time period, 10 years after a destructive war that brought the population down to 9 million. Two fugitives escape from the city ward and group up with a tribe of desert nomads, struggling to remain uncaptured.
The Great Adventures Of Kizzy
- Rated:
- Teen
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 18 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
Kizzy is an energetic, clumsy, and somewhat innocent cat who happens to be a shape shifter. She learns a little shamanic magic and poof gets herself in over her head with some dangerous shadow runners.
- Rated:
- Teen
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 86 pages
- Updated:
- July 7, 2011
- Popularity:
Ronald Neumann is a young and virtuous brain-computer interface researcher gone missing. Andrea Welles is a girl that has recently recovered from a long time coma. what connection do they share with each other ??. Updates Saturdays
Vile Withering
- Rated:
- Mature
- Genre:
- Superhero
- Volume:
- 179 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
Zieromus just wants some sleep. But nooooo, the target of assassination attempts, child support scandals, and assailed by decay of the world (of Warcraft), the Warlock is constantly in peril. No rest for the charmingly antiheroic, I suppose.
Villans Untld
- Rated:
- Teen
- Genre:
- Sci-Fi
- Volume:
- 89 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
Fox girls, vamps, and an epic battle between good and evil. So what the hell are you waiting for?
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