awesomemark's profile


Member since Dec. 27, 2014


A long time ago, in the year 1994 Mark was born in some city in Brazil.

Fun facts of 1994 :

''I was born, but being born does not sound fun, I mean, I basically got out of my mom's…''
''Stop digressing on disgusting stuff''
''Oh, ok, well, back to the real fun facts''
Real fun facts of 1994 :
- Ayrton Senna died during a race in San Marino Grand Prix…
''Ok, no, that's tragic, fu*** tragic, not fun, pay attention Mark''
''Goddamit that year was tragic, ok, back to the Real-not-tragic-fun-facts stuff, my deepest condolences to Ayrton Senna, one of the greatest pilots ever.
Real-not-tragic-fun-facts stuff :
''Oh c'mon, Kurt Cobain suicide was that year too, that sucks, starting to think there's absolutly no fun fact's in that year, this sucks.''
Real-not-tragic-not-complaining-and-ignoring-bad-stuff–fun-facts :
-Schindler's list won the oscar for best picture.
''Never watched it, also I never watched titanic too.''
''You never watched titanic?''
''Nope, except that scene where Jacks draws Rose and she gets n…''
''Shut up, go on, if you keep getting sidetracked we will never end this stupid list.'' 
-Forrest Grump and Lion King also came out that year.
''Those I watched, 2 points for me''
''Why are you counting points?
''Why SHOULDN'T I count points?''
-Not going to lie, a lot of movies came out that year, I watched every single popular one, so, gonna jump to other things.
- F.r.i.e.n.d.s premied in 1994.
''Didn't you say no more movies?''
''That's a tv show, it goes on tv's, and i like that particular series''
''It's boring''
'' Whaaaaaat?''
''They just go around doing noting dating each other, it's like watching a game of tennis but with romance and stupid jokes Mark.
''Didn't you say to me that Seinfield was the best''
''They are both the best''
''They are basically the same really''
''Oh your god, shut up, let me finish this thing will ya?''
''You're the one who always sidetrack and the first time, THE ONE TIME i do it, i get shit?''
''Whatever, let's keep this going''.
- the Playstation came out that year too, in Japan.
''That little gray box was my best friend in my childhood.''
''That's fucking sad Mark''
''Where using Fuck now? Didn't we censor some fucks up there?
''Whatever, who's gonna read all the way down here? You're not even famous.
''Good point.''

Things I like :

- Video games.
''Which one? Be specific Mark''
''Any good one really, I don't participate in the video games war, I care more about the games they play than the console.
''Favorite games?
''Hum, well, the one's with great gameplay or story, preferable both.
- Movies, of course, I love movies.
''What type?''
''Well, I'm not that close to ''gory'' one, like saw, i like comedy, like Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz, action ones Like Die Hard, romantic comedy, oh i love those, they all make me want to die or murder those happy fucking couples, not really, but they make me sad''
''We are not diving on those problems Mark.
- Comics and Mangás
''Like Naruto and Superman?''
''Yeah, kinda, though Naruto isn't my favorite, i'm more of an One Piece fan on the mangá side, on the american comic side i like flash.
''What's One Piece about?''
''Oh, it's about this aloof guy, Luffy who ate a gomu-gomu fruit and gave him awesome rubber powers, so he can stretch any part of his body, and he wants to be a pirate and find this awesome treasuer called…
''You lost me on the stretch any part of his body.''
''Fine, geez.
- The internet funny-stupid-shenanigans.
''All of it?''
''Not all of it, but there's a lot of fun stuff in the internet.''
''Oh, fine, well, were finishing, anything more?''
'' Yeah, I love sci-fi stuff, like alien and doctor Who, big fan of the twilight zone series, and currently I'm in absolutly no relationship whatsover so, if anyone there is interes…''
''And that's a cut, thank you for your time mister Mark…''
''Awesome, call me Awesome''
''Sooo, wanna go for some tea and…''
''Nope, were done, my agent will send you a paycheck and off you go''
''Sorry, you'r shit is kinda unbuttoned in a way and I can see a bit of your…''
''What the fuck? Since when it was like this?''
''And you say it now?Fucking pervert''
''Ok, lady, in my defense, it was kinda distracting me too, this interview would've gonne better if you paid attention.''
''Oh my god.''
''Don't bring your god into this.
''It must've been so hard for you to withstand this all that time''
''It was, glad you finally understand that''
''That was sarcasm you fucking perv-nerd''
''Ok, i know what this is''
''It is an unpleasant moment where some fat perverted guy was looking at my…''
''No, this is a trope, the ''Will they or won't they'' paired with the ''Slap, slap kiss'' trope.
''I can't believe what i'm hearing''
''Hum, miss, we kinda forgot to turn out the camera so…''
''Yeah, were still live''
''Guards, take Mark to the exit please, i need to go to my room and kill myself''
''So, maybe dinner?''
''Come with us sir''
''How about brunch?''
''Let's go''

Comics by awesomemark

  • Go to 'Palarina' comic


    11 pages
    April 3, 2015

    One night in the life of Palarina, who fights agains an dreadful enemie, for the honor of something she loves.

  • Go to 'Rose Vs The Sea Poochis' comic

    Rose Vs The Sea Poochis

    25 pages
    Dec. 15, 2015

    Rose finds herself kidnapped by weird robot dogs and get herself mixed in some silly shenanigans. This is another birthday gift, if you're not the one this gift belongs too, get your ass out of here, it's just inside jokes and references to stuff we talk, you wouldn't get it you numnut.

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