felrece's profile


Member since Sept. 22, 2009


Hey everyone.

My name is Felrece (FELL-rous) and I started uploading my comic at around 19 of September? My first comic Transcending Noumena (Typo when I start the comic… damn English, it's such a crap language these days [jk]) and it's about Elias finding redemption… cliched but I try to make it unique… in some way or another.

I've been welcomed (I think?) with warm arms in the community of RO comic-makers and am glad to be one of them!

Anyway, this is Felrece signing out, tag you laters!

Anyway, I'm not sure if people even read this but I'll update it anyway, I've finally been able to get a newer (and BETTER!! WOOHOO!) computer and I'm working on making new pages. I'm disappointed no one gave me any cameos to play with besides Hoshiko (I love you lots now!) but oh well!

5-10 pages would be uploaded in a few days or a week but then I'd have to take another break because I've got to study for exams…

Comics by felrece

  • Go to 'Transcending Noumenons' comic

    Transcending Noumenons

    14 pages
    July 6, 2011

    The story of three adventurers. Their stories meet and together, prevent a catastrophe befalling Midgard.

Comics assisted by felrece

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felrece's friends

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  • xyclone12 at

    good job on ur comic, rly lyk it~♫
    I'm expecting for more! XD

  • Highwind017 at

    Its a wee bit late, But welcome to drunkduck. Keep up the good work on Transcending Noumenons! :D

  • Zerolimits at

    Thanks for the add! Good luck with the new comic and I'll be watching it. You have great skills ^^

  • Kamon159Studios at

    Hey! Hey! Hey! Thanks for the comment, and the add.

    Wish you the best of luck with your comic!