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Member since Oct. 20, 2022


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Comics by mwissell

  • Go to 'Kyle and her Mother' comic

    Kyle and her Mother

    1 pages
    Oct. 20, 2022

    Kyle, a young teenage girl, is adopted by a caring, kind hearted woman. Kyle is smart and outgoing but also very observant; she can read people very well and has a good judge of character. When she arrives at her new home, she is met with several other children of different ages all of whom are adopted. Some time passes and Kyle has integrated well into her new family having befriended all of her siblings. But one day, the mother says she has a surprise for all the kids in the basement; none of them have ever been down there. In the basement the mother stands in front of a large boiler that glows red with warmth. As the mother turns around, a hole opens up beneath the youngest child and swallows her up. The mother she has a sinister grin on her face which the boiler seems to mimic as it grows in size and comes to life. The kids, terrified, run upstairs with Kyle leading the way. But as they scramble to try to escape, the house shifts all its room and separates all the kids. It's up to Kyle to find her new family, save them from the house and their evil mother, and escape before herself or any of her siblings are devoured.

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