soonmme's profile

Member since Aug. 19, 2006
Comics by soonmme
A PoKeMoN comic that everyone will ignore even though the author puts way more work into it than some other very popular PoKeMoN comics that get over nine thousand views on days they DONT update What the hell
- Rated:
- Teen
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 496 pages
- Updated:
- Oct. 30, 2011
- Popularity:
Didn't you read the title?!
Finding the One
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 14 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
In a world of Pokémon, Finding the One can be harder than it seems...
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 3 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
no description
Pokemon Red Except Not Really
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 15 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
A comic setup like pokemon Red and Blue, with some minor changes
Comics assisted by soonmme
No comics.
Comics recommended by soonmme
Denizens Attention
- Rated:
- Mature
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 201 pages
- Updated:
- Feb. 15, 2015
- Popularity:
Alicka and her little brother Winston are sent to Winkerkill Boarding School. The number one dumping ground of unwanted troubled teens. A miniature Gormenghast filled with bad seeds and black sheep.
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 110 pages
- Updated:
- June 17, 2015
- Popularity:
Rated bizarre for: monsters, zombies, cannibalism, school girls, unrequited love (with a vengeance), government conspiracy, chocolate bunnies, angels vs. demons, all that with a limb or two to spare.
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Login or Registerslipknot6SIC6 at
Yo, thanks a lot man. Your gay Jose tutorial on how to make sprites way EXTREMELY helpful! :D
zt2maniac at
Yo your my idol just to et you know
doomdiger at
hello, i wanna play a pokemon for pc but ive already played all the old ones are there and different ones and can you help me find where to get everything to play it?
Lexxorodius at
kakarotto63 at
thnx for adding me! i really enjoy reading that p.c.w.a.l.t thing. =D
exxxtasy69 at
thanks for the advice!!! =)
Dchao at
:l Got something to explain?
Dchao at
BrokenBox at
I saw you fap over the internet… I was not amused >~>
ManaBlitz at
my mom isnt a panda.
Dchao at
Dchao at
Altimas at
Thanks for the add!
Now here is a random saying that I made up just now
"If we live, we die. If we die, we live…"
ManaBlitz at
Thanks for adding me as a friend as well as joining my forum! C:
Kinuchio at
Good luck with all your success. Remember, it's a dog-eat-dog world out there. And, considering you're a muffin, you have to constantly step up your skills.
BTW, thanks for the friends list top thingy add. And, you've surpassed me SFX wise. Just don't go rubbing it in my face. xP
KingSkullkid at
Hail to the Emo Blueberry Muffins!!!
BiosShadowTH at
you are now my assistant
Quacklin at
My final sprite comic starts 2moro, its called 'Last Hope' keep your eye out for it.
lefarce at
y hALO THUR sir
Thanks for adding me, and recommending Le Farce.
Netsaver exe at
That video is teh awesome-ness.
BMB at
I only need idle and running poses, because I'm having about 20 cameos, so it's mainly just my fan characters who need tons of sprites. I also need a number 9,10,11,22,24,25,26 or 27.
BMB at
Are you going to cameo or not? Sorry, But both you and Flmae haven't replied and I'm nnot sure why.
yoshirider4 at
You recommended both my comics! I honored Mr. Emo Blueberry Muffin.
sessy6 at
And You have double the faves that I have…
sessy6 at
Awesome, You didn't recommend my comic!