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Moonlight meanderer

V 1.0 Best in Show

Posted at

I thought it would be fun if we looked back and voted for who we thought did the best job remixing! This is open to anyone, not just people who participated in the project. I'll tally everything when v2.0 hits the table.

One Rule: You can't vote for the your remix or the person who remixed you.

My vote goes to Terminal's Remix of Wolf, definately.

Posted at

I thought it would be fun if we looked back and voted for who we thought did the best job remixing! This is open to anyone, not just people who participated in the project. I'll tally everything when v2.0 hits the table.

One Rule: You can't vote for the your remix or the person who remixed you.

My vote goes to Terminal's Remix of Wolf, definately.

Yeah Terminal's totally rocked! I vote for him too.

Posted at

Hm, since I can't vote for my own remixer, I'd vote Pink's remix of LAX. I think it is simply stunning!

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Moonlight meanderer

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