Copy and Paste's profile

Copy and Paste
Member since May 16, 2007
Looooooong Survey
What is your full name: Alan Mrutha
Spell your first name backwards: Nala
Date of birth: August 10th 1992
Male or female: Male
Astrological sign: Leo
Nicknames: One guy calls me Al
Occupation: none
Height: 5 feet 7 inches (around there)
Weight: between 115-120
Hair color: Dark Brown
Eye color: Hazel, I guess
Where were you born: Tulsa, Oklahoma
Where do you reside now: Tulsa, Oklahoma
Age: 15
Screen names: ClichePoser or BlueX92
E-mail addy: teks_blueX@yahoo.com
What does your screen name stand for: ClichePoser is to show that I blend with society's trends
Best Girl Friend: Brittany
Best Guy Friend: Andrew
Pets: Jojo - dog and Shadow - Cat
Number of candles you blew out on your last birthday cake: I don't remember…
Piercings: zero
Tattoos: zero
Shoe size: 10? I dunno.
Righty or lefty: Righty
What are you listening to: Showave by Black TIde
What are you watching: Nothing
How do you Feel: Tired
What are you Eating or drinking: Drinking water.
Guys / Girls / Love
Have you ever been in love: 2 or 3 times.
How many people have you said I LOVE YOU to: …
Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex: nope
How many people have you dated: one
What do you look for in a guy or girl: I really don't know. It just clicks.
Whats the first thing you notice about the opposite sex: Their face.
What type of guy or girl do you usually go for: Once again I really don't know. It just clicks.
Do you have a crush right now: yup.
If so who is it: Katie
Do you believe in love at first sight: Not really, but it should come soon after.
Do you remember your first love: yeah.
Who is the first person you kissed: …
Do you believe in fate: Kinda…
Do you believe in soul mates: maybe?
If so do you believe youll ever find yours: I sure hope so.
Family Stuff
How many siblings do you have: 1
What are your siblings names: Emily
What are your parents names: Tina & Wayne
How many siblings does your father have: 3
Where are your parents from: Germany and Iowa
Is your family close: Kinda…
Does your family get together for holidays: yeah…
Do you have a drunk uncle: no.
Any medical problems run through your family: I don't think so…
Does someone in your family wear a toupee: nope.
Do you have any nieces or nephews: nope.
Are your parents divorced: nope.
Do you have step parents: nope.
Has your family ever disowned another member of your family: I don't think so.
Did some of your family come to America from another country: My mom came here from Gremany.
Music Stuff
What song do you swear was written about you or your life: I guess Basket Case by Green Day comes to mind.
Whats the most embarrassing cd you own: Europop by Eiffel 65.
Whats the best cd you own: tough one… Nirvana by Nirvana
What song do you absolutely hate: Souja boy.
Do you sing in the shower: no
What song reminds you of that special someone: don't know…
Name A Lyric From Any One Of Their Songs…
Pink: don't know.
Aerosmith: Dream On.
Madonna: don't nkow
Korn: Dunno, all they do is scream.
Backstreet Boys: dunno again
The Beatles: Yellow submarine!
Sublime: dang… I can't remember any.
J.Lo: dunno
*Nsync: I want it that way?
Limp Bizkit: I dunno…
Stacie Orrico: who?
Creed: Can you take me higher
Britany Spears: Hit me baby one more time?
Good Charlotte: I don't want to be in love?
Christina Aguilera: dunno
Eminem: don't know.
Kelly Clarkson: don't know either.
Kelly Osbourne: She sings?
Mandy Moore: dang I suck at this lyric shit.
Eve: don't know.
Aaliyah: don't know.
Nelly: don't know.
Alicia Keys: don't know.
Incubus: We all have something that digs at us
Color: black
Food: pizza
Song: Dead! by My CHemical Romance
Show: too many good ones to decide
School subject: Anything related to Computers
Band or singer or artist: too many good ones to decide
Animal: wolves or monkeys
Outfit: long sleeve T shirt with jeans?
Radio station: 104.5 The Edge
Comics by Copy and Paste
A Note On My Life
- Rated:
- Teen
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 164 pages
- Updated:
- July 7, 2011
- Popularity:
This is my auto biographical comic. Covers everything from me failing at dating to playing video games for hours on end. Reveals my lack of self-esteem, how shy I am, and how bad I am around women. Just the typical emo teen. Also there are killer pillows.
- Rated:
- Teen
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 130 pages
- Updated:
- July 7, 2011
- Popularity:
3 friends living together in a apartment what can go wrong?
Failed Commercials
- Rated:
- Teen
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 10 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
Can Jeff make it in the Commercial World? or will he just be a wierd local guy that does a series of stuipd car commercials?
Trail Mix
- Rated:
- Mature
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 154 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
About all my extra comics rolled into one.
Comics assisted by Copy and Paste
No comics.
Comics recommended by Copy and Paste
- Rated:
- Teen
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 185 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
A group of friends who do all sorts of stuff. Stuff that someone over the age of 25 would never ever do. So its pretty much awesome.
F is for Farce
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 24 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
A story of how I cope with daily stress with ice cream, explosions, dynamite, epic weapons of mass destruction and crack. And Don't forget farce. Or Ice Cream. BELIEVE IN THE FARCE!
Ganter and Friends
- Rated:
- Mature
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 13 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
The chronicles of the bizarre and often humourous adventures of a little fat guy called Ganter, and his strange friends.
Inappropriate Irving
- Rated:
- Teen
- Genre:
- Real Life
- Volume:
- 1061 pages
- Updated:
- Oct. 19, 2018
- Popularity:
Irving is a man who doesn't know the right thing to say...Or when to say it.
Stick Figure Comics
- Rated:
- Teen
- Genre:
- Abstract
- Volume:
- 351 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
Stick Figures do things. Brevity.
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