THKNN_NUL's profile

Member since Jan. 11, 2007
Comics no longer updateing. I've moved on to other projects. Check out my Let's Play Channel, Ninny Gamers. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmJg2aFaHUtjlGFxjFXKybQ/playlists
Comics by THKNN_NUL
Journey of the Pirate Kings
- Rated:
- Teen
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 47 pages
- Updated:
- Sept. 4, 2015
- Popularity:
A Crossover Story between "Skies of Arcadia" and "One Piece". What if Vyse, King of Blue Rouges, and Luffy, eventual King of the Pirates, Met? Read on, and find out about this all new Epic Adventure!
Nintendos Untold Legends
- Rated:
- Teen
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 220 pages
- Updated:
- Sept. 4, 2015
- Popularity:
The World of NUL, taking Video Game Endings To a New Level. The Legend of Zelda, Sonic the Hedgehog, The Mario Bros. and many MANY more video games shall come together in this Epic Adventure. Now: On Hiatus. Hope to be back SOON! -May 2011-
The 225 Rules An Evil Overlord Should Follow
- Rated:
- Teen
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 49 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
This is from "http://www.eviloverlord.com/lists/overlord.html". This is going to star J_man, Torano, and whoever else I think would be the perfect overlord...
The Legend of Link A Link to the Future Original Version
- Rated:
- Teen
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 47 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
This will be Remade in Nintendo's Untold Legends...
Comics assisted by THKNN_NUL
No comics.
Comics recommended by THKNN_NUL
Altimatium Classic
- Rated:
- Teen
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 10 pages
- Updated:
- July 7, 2011
- Popularity:
the first Altimatium
Another Beginning
- Rated:
- Teen
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 51 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
A reploid activates itself with an unknown personality matrix under the employ of Sigma. Will he become one of Sigma's greatest warriors, or something else entirely?
Another Sonic Comic
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 77 pages
- Updated:
- July 7, 2011
- Popularity:
Well, this is my Sonic Sprite Comic. It's supposed to be a Sonic X comic style but then I thought how much people hate Chris (me included) so it's kind of Sonic X without Chris & co. (YAY)
Awesomeness and Such
- Rated:
- Teen
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 15 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
A crazy world with a half-elf hero (as well as others) who fight to keep their world safe from evil. There will be insanity, there will be chaos, there will be plot, and there likely will be drunk people!
Badnicks Are Us
- Rated:
- Teen
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 20 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
For years badnicks have been thrown into battle time and time again. Abd finally one group of badnicks isn't going to take iit anymore. THEY WILL FIGHT BACK! Or at lest try...
Banjo Threeie Fancomic
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 85 pages
- Updated:
- May 31, 2013
- Popularity:
Banjo and Kazooie have some new adventures... Without vehicles.
Been Better
- Rated:
- Teen
- Genre:
- Real Life
- Volume:
- 1160 pages
- Updated:
- Jan. 12, 2015
- Popularity:
This is the autobiographical tale of a boy without pupils as he compiles his realities and fantasies in a few panels per page.
Been Better A Drunk Duck Civil War Event
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Superhero
- Volume:
- 14 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
There's a Civil War in Drunkduck. Jimmy had to get a piece of it.
Been Better Comic Books
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 6 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
So much BEEN BETTER that two rows of panels can't handle it!!!
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 58 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
A comic for Bionicle fans. On the island of Dosa Nui, the Toa Dosa, a highly dysfunctional Toa team pit their wits against Maita, the world's worst villian for the fate of Dosa Nui, who's mystery is quite an unnessessary, yet interesting one.
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 3 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
Slice of life, auto bio, fictional, humor strip. With stuff.
Blue Streak Speeds By
- Rated:
- Teen
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 4 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
Welcome to the world of Mobius! Get ready to follow the lives of three brave and heroic heroes! Alright, that was a little dramatic. Just wanted to get your attention lol! Follow the lives of Sonic, Knuckles and friends in an Action, Comedy sprite comic!
Bomberman Comics
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 41 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
Bomberman! Yes, Bomberman! A Great Game... Now a Comic!!This comic is about how White, Black, Blue and Red and the adventures they go through. Read them now!
Chaos Confusion
- Rated:
- Teen
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 14 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
To wake up with no memory is to wake up with out a soul. Thus is one hedgehog's pain, he soon finds his name is Sonic. He must peice together his memory and live up to what he was, a hero.(This comic was posted once before but got deleted)
Chaos Reign
- Rated:
- Mature
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 14 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
After a meteor Crashes near Chaz's house a Strange blue Crystal is found and suddenly a string of mysterious events begin to happen! Name of comic Was thourght up by Himo Galanodel of mgcomics.com/forum Thanks! WARNING: Contains swearing...but not a
Chaotix Capers
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 4 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
no description
civil war
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 73 pages
- Updated:
- July 7, 2011
- Popularity:
When the annonynimity of screen names is threatened, two guys who...well...never really cared for eachother to begin with wage an epic battle to decide the fate of internet geeks everywhere...The Drunk Duck Civil War!
CNA Chronicles of Kaze
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 33 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
no description
Coffeecup Catastrophe
- Rated:
- Teen
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 14 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
What happens when X stumbles into a portal which throws him into Mushroom Kingdom? What's gonna happen on his adventure and is he gonna get back to where he belongs safely? (HA! Like he would..) Find out in... COFFEECUP CATASTROPHE!
Coming Together
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 12 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
You've seen them before, they've been together before, they've even saved the video game world from the Subspace Emmisary before. But you've never seen them like this.
Commedia dellArte
- Rated:
- Teen
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 69 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
Follow the romantic adventures of the gloomy Pierrot, the young lady Colombine and the ever-smiling Harlequin.
Commedia dellArte 2
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 52 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
Harleqiun is back, and this time he is fighting for a girl of his own. But how far is the desperate Captain ready to go to stop him?
Crossover High
- Rated:
- Teen
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 128 pages
- Updated:
- July 7, 2011
- Popularity:
Crossover High is just your ordinary high school, if by "ordinary" you mean a classroom with two wolf-demons, a fire sorcerer, a dark mage, a shadow alchemist, some random Jamaican guy, and... Loki. But then I'd have to wonder what dictionary you use.
- Rated:
- Teen
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 22 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
Top friends make up the main cast. Other friends appear in it, just not as often. A girl had feeling for her guy friend, but never told him. After 6 years of being alone, she finds Drunk Duck, her old friends.........and her crush.
Deathbeamz Classic Presents Mercs
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 70 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
so i decided to re upload all of my old Mercs strips in all their glory. enjoy!
DrunkDuck Speesheez
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 65 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
Who's Who on DrunkDuck Universe
Epica Conquesta
- Rated:
- Mature
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 11 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
When the mustached gentleman evi overlord Fuze Loses his empire and Evil over lord lisences he must start over on a new world in hopes to reclaim his honour and build a new empire!
Eskimo Dave
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Adventure
- Volume:
- 52 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
Follow Eskimo Dave and a wise cracking polar bear named Steve on their quest to save Dave's village from the forces of evil. New episodes of the series go up every Wednesday.
Evil Plan
- Rated:
- Teen
- Genre:
- Superhero
- Volume:
- 292 pages
- Updated:
- Nov. 9, 2012
- Popularity:
Evil Plan is a manga styled comic that takes the superhero world and flips it, viewing things from the supervillain's perspective. The story follows Dr. Kinesis's journey on the road to world conquest.
Extreme Ultra Anthro Challenge X
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 19 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
A sprite comic reality show starring Sonic based sprites
Feeling Rushed
- Rated:
- Teen
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 100 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
Brought to you by the FOX network, it's Feeling Rushed!! Starring Sonimy and Shadow.
Fighter House
- Rated:
- Teen
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 252 pages
- Updated:
- Sept. 23, 2011
- Popularity:
A gladiator trained to fight only for himself begins a new life amongst the chaos of the future. As he tries to carve out his new niche, he encounters many beings both good and evil, magical and mechanical. Let's see what happens.
Flaming Fuzzy People
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 267 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
A comic about crazy, nerdy roommates and the chaotic stories they go through. Season one is a sprite comic with characters based on me and my friends, season 2 is a pixel comic taking place centuries later! NOTE: Season 1 starts off with bad quality.
Flaming Fuzzy Zone
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 6 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
A spin-off of my main comic; Flaming Fuzzy People. Like FFP, but with some actual plot, a different dimension, more action, and destiny!
GIF Showcase
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 101 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
I'll just be uploading random GIFs a make, at random times.
God Damn It
- Rated:
- Mature
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 120 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
Due to immigration issues, deities are forced to live with each other. How will the Homophobic God get along with his Greek counter parts? Will Jesus ever stop being embarrassed by his father? A lighter look at Christianity.
Happy Peelz
- Rated:
- Teen
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 16 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
You're probably thinking "Oh god not another autobiography comic", but you're wrong. This comic has three authors, an angry fictional character named Yuri, and Senor Taco. That makes it pure awesome. The brother-comic of Taurocks's Clogged Valve.
Heart Shaped Box
- Rated:
- Teen
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 35 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
A gamer comic from a girl's point of a view.
Homestyle Chaos
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 6 pages
- Updated:
- July 7, 2011
- Popularity:
It's a webcomic about rogues-for-hire who live in an insanely messed up world and try to live their lives while fixing all that they find wrong with society. So....yeah, it's weird.
Insanity is bliss
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 1 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
Because we fucking can
Intelligence not Included
- Rated:
- Teen
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 44 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
We have no need for your 'descriptions'! We see them for what they are! They are just there to steal our souls! Well too bad! You can't have our souls!
Italian Godfather
- Rated:
- Teen
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 46 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
Mario has been the hero of good for many years. But what happens when his father dies, and leaves the family business too him?Watch as Mario goes from a good Italian plumber,to a hardcore Italian Godfather.Story and art by, aka Poonipoonz.
Its Ninja Time
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 162 pages
- Updated:
- Sept. 18, 2012
- Popularity:
Life with a bunch of ninja's, what else is there to know
Journey of the Pirate Kings
- Rated:
- Teen
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 47 pages
- Updated:
- Sept. 4, 2015
- Popularity:
A Crossover Story between "Skies of Arcadia" and "One Piece". What if Vyse, King of Blue Rouges, and Luffy, eventual King of the Pirates, Met? Read on, and find out about this all new Epic Adventure!
just random
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 408 pages
- Updated:
- July 7, 2011
- Popularity:
an advenchur of random ppl going to randome places for no random reason. will update once a week min.
Keyboard Only
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 56 pages
- Updated:
- July 7, 2011
- Popularity:
An idea I thought of when surfing the internet. Making a comic using only the keys on my keyboard for art and words.
Kingdom Karts
- Rated:
- Teen
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 18 pages
- Updated:
- July 7, 2011
- Popularity:
Kingdom Hearts and Mario Kart Together
Kingdom Naruto Hearts
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 54 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
This comic is about a mix with Naruto and Kingdom hearts that they destroy the ultimate organization.
Kitty Litter
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Abstract
- Volume:
- 431 pages
- Updated:
- May 9, 2019
- Popularity:
Life can be tought for a pet owner. Especially if your cat is Sophie. Get ready to deal with ninjas,zombies,pirates and vampires, not to mention scooping the kitty litter.
Knuckles and the Interdimension shards
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 18 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
Knuckles has to look for the Master Emerald shards again only this time they're in different dimensions
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