dantheman's profile

Member since March 19, 2007
Howdy, my name is Dan McMahan and I am "Dan the Man." I'm just a guy who loves comic and decided to make some of his own. That's really all I have to say. Everything else in the bio is fluff because I'm just writing down what I'm thinking right now. Lame, I know, but I felt like doing it and no one can stop me. You can try of course. I don't want you to think that I would be so rude as to say that you can't even try. It's just that you will fail because all I have to do is push the save button and victory is mine. This is SO lame. I am a loser. Move along nothing to see here.
Comics by dantheman
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Comics assisted by dantheman
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Comics recommended by dantheman
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Parody
- Volume:
- 127 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
A comic about everyone's favorite pirate-themed 80s supergroup, Adam & the Ants!
- Rated:
- Mature
- Genre:
- Real Life
- Volume:
- 962 pages
- Updated:
- Feb. 17, 2012
- Popularity:
"Company Man" is about life and the funny things it can throw at you (Like monkey poop!). It revolves around the co-workers and friends at F.R.J. Media Group in Phoenix, Arizona. Company Man is filmed before a live studio audience and updated Mon.- Fri.
Eskimo Dave
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Adventure
- Volume:
- 52 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
Follow Eskimo Dave and a wise cracking polar bear named Steve on their quest to save Dave's village from the forces of evil. New episodes of the series go up every Wednesday.
Goosetown and Lunch Break
- Rated:
- Teen
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 242 pages
- Updated:
- Oct. 24, 2011
- Popularity:
The odd adventures of a goose and a rabbit who play in a band together (though that rarely comes up). Be sure to check back daily for new comics!
- Rated:
- Mature
- Genre:
- Real Life
- Volume:
- 109 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
comics about me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last Place Comics
- Rated:
- Mature
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 1 pages
- Updated:
- April 26, 2020
- Popularity:
A Drunk Duck featured comic and winner of the Drunk Duck Awards for Best Humor Scenes and Most Deliciously Offensive. Plus the artist is an Adonis of a man. Handsome, charismatic, suave. He saved my mom's life once! All in all, this is one awesome guy.
Like Fish in Water
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 148 pages
- Updated:
- July 7, 2011
- Popularity:
Philosophy and absurdities of two fish in a fish tank... Occasional guest stars and external locations.
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 202 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
Pinkerton chronicles the lives of the inhabitants of Pinkerton National Park. Pinkerton is syndicated by GoComics at [url]http://www.gocomics.com/pinkerton[/url]. For more information about Pinkerton please visit [url]http://www.pinkertonpark.com[/url]
Raw Fish
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Real Life
- Volume:
- 304 pages
- Updated:
- Oct. 19, 2012
- Popularity:
In a nut-shell, Raw Fish is; The every day cultural shock of an American living in Japan.
The SuperFogeys
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Superhero
- Volume:
- 191 pages
- Updated:
- July 7, 2011
- Popularity:
Where do old superfolk go when it's time to get out of the game? To Valhalla - Home for the Supertired. A Th3rd World Studios web comic. Updates every Tuesday and Thursday, without fail.
Thog Infinitron
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Sci-Fi
- Volume:
- 131 pages
- Updated:
- July 6, 2011
- Popularity:
Its about a caveman called Thog and what happens when he runs into some aliens...
Zorphbert and Fred
- Rated:
- Everyone
- Genre:
- Fantasy
- Volume:
- 333 pages
- Updated:
- July 7, 2011
- Popularity:
2 Aliens. Disguised as dogs. Here to study human life. Hilarity ensues. Updates Mon-Wed-Fri. Check back for monthly fill-in-the-bubble CONTESTS, too.
dantheman's friends
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