Well, we are committed or at least I should be. I will leave this Villain stuff up here for a few days, but when the comic starts it will once again have it's own page. This new story will be extremely dark, even for the V.N.D. series. I think by the end of the story most will be appalled by game changing nature of this one. The story will see the return of classic characters like the Glob, Mr. Muscles, and Super Jesus as well as others. The story will also explain what has happened to the characters after the villain went missing. No son of argon plot line.
huh… This denizen of an extremely boring and bland lackluster cesspool of crap, was wondering about you. I did a some Googling and ended up here! Best of luck on the new endeavor!
I swear this one is gonna be dark and it will happen! With jay in the top ten and pit face on the front page it would seems as if the duck is trying to up it's game! And it damn well better because the king of mean,the master of mayhem is back!
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Login or RegisterDragonaur at
huh… This denizen of an extremely boring and bland lackluster cesspool of crap, was wondering about you. I did a some Googling and ended up here! Best of luck on the new endeavor!
argonsassistant at
why is Roy mia
argonsassistant at
Another day another disappointment!
argonsassistant at
Ummmm we are waiting on your genious,art God…now produce bitch!!!
argonsassistant at
Woo Hoo Argon rides again…..More More
RDuncan at
This is why you should not fuck with cartoonist, from France or any other place !!!!!!!
man in black at
Looking forward to it
Catya at
Welcome back!
RDuncan at
I swear this one is gonna be dark and it will happen! With jay in the top ten and pit face on the front page it would seems as if the duck is trying to up it's game! And it damn well better because the king of mean,the master of mayhem is back!
artdude2002 at
Hot damn! Dr. Argon rides again!
houseofmuses at
Roy posted about four pages here, scroll back to The Villain Returns ? on the dropdown menu above to read ALL of it!
houseofmuses at
Time to show these bastards what REAL villainy is all about.
ComicMan86 at
Awesome..the art is great!!