
Author notes

I'mma gettin', I'mma gettin'!
Ashfire45 onFixed Trace's hair- somewhat- and found the perfect photoshop technique, I think. I'm pretty happy with it. Sorry for taking so long, just been smothered in other distractions and school. X.X But, it's the sumemr vacation now! WOOOO!
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LOL!!!!!! From now on, I imagine Trace to have a Spanish accent!!!! God, I -need- to do a panel with him doing the puppy dog eyes to someone xD
TraceyTard at
Perfecto! =D Trace's hair is perfect. And his eyelashes are pretty, too. So the next time they're in trouble, he can steal D's hat and give the enemy the cute eyes like Puss In Boots does in Shrek! xD Gorgeous, SF.