A Hard Boiled Detective First Prev - C1S2P10-warning - C1S2P10-Warehouse - C1S2P10-Murder - C1S2P10-Chair - C1B2S1P8die - C1B2S1P8Rush - C1B2S1P8Ambush - C1 Branch1 wait1 - C1 Branch1 Go now1 - Have a seat. - C1 aj sits down - C1 shoot table - C1 The table - C1 AJ's - C1Explanations - C1Branch2 Free self - C1Branch2 Burn - C1 s1p5 - C1TREE1 left alone - C1 Give him the cig! Give him the cig! - C1 Three to one marny - C1 Cigar stealers - C1 AWKWard - C1 Continue this nonsense - C1 Let him speak - C1 Just give it to him - C1 Back at the office - C1 Important cigar - C1Branch2 A little tied up at the moment - C1 cigar - C1 Sneak down stairs - C1 Shoot 'em up - C1 Evesdrop - C1 THE CHAIR - C1tree2Out of the elevator - C1 Floorboards2 - C1 FloorBoards1 - C1 Body2 - C1 Body1 - C1 Floor2 - C1 Floor1 - C1 At the scene - C1 Down the shaft - C1 Elevator - C1 Ladder - C1 Stairs - C1 Getting to the crime scene - C1 Nickname - C1 Sing - C1 shoot him - C1 Grin and bear it - C1Partners:( - C1Partners anouncement - C1The Boss - C1 Trudge in - C1 Burst In - C1 Sneak In - C1 Page One - Chapeter One Title - C1Prolougue3 - C1Prolougue2 - C1prologue1 - Title Next Last First Prev - C1S2P10-warning - C1S2P10-Warehouse - C1S2P10-Murder - C1S2P10-Chair - C1B2S1P8die - C1B2S1P8Rush - C1B2S1P8Ambush - C1 Branch1 wait1 - C1 Branch1 Go now1 - Have a seat. - C1 aj sits down - C1 shoot table - C1 The table - C1 AJ's - C1Explanations - C1Branch2 Free self - C1Branch2 Burn - C1 s1p5 - C1TREE1 left alone - C1 Give him the cig! Give him the cig! - C1 Three to one marny - C1 Cigar stealers - C1 AWKWard - C1 Continue this nonsense - C1 Let him speak - C1 Just give it to him - C1 Back at the office - C1 Important cigar - C1Branch2 A little tied up at the moment - C1 cigar - C1 Sneak down stairs - C1 Shoot 'em up - C1 Evesdrop - C1 THE CHAIR - C1tree2Out of the elevator - C1 Floorboards2 - C1 FloorBoards1 - C1 Body2 - C1 Body1 - C1 Floor2 - C1 Floor1 - C1 At the scene - C1 Down the shaft - C1 Elevator - C1 Ladder - C1 Stairs - C1 Getting to the crime scene - C1 Nickname - C1 Sing - C1 shoot him - C1 Grin and bear it - C1Partners:( - C1Partners anouncement - C1The Boss - C1 Trudge in - C1 Burst In - C1 Sneak In - C1 Page One - Chapeter One Title - C1Prolougue3 - C1Prolougue2 - C1prologue1 - Title Next Last Author notes C1 Sing therealtj on March 19, 2009 That… could've gone better. ->Go back Comments Please login to comment. Login or Register
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