A Murder of Two

Author notes

Announcement Time!
Freux onHokay, boys and girls. Here I am!
There's more. Oh yes, there's more. And it's coming. Like.. next month. In October! Yaay! This isn't a starting of over, thank GOD. This is a continuation. The prologue is over. That's all you need to see. That's it! So look forward to the continuation of the story, guys. If anyone still comes here to look. XD
The picture featured is of two characters that will be introduced at a later date. Enjoy!
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Login or Registertookye at
This inconsistency between story and fan art makes me not to want to read on…
Vynn_10_10 at
Please come back! I am dying to know what happens!
People_suck at
please….return to us
dct at
Please come back D= I just found this and I'm already suffering from withdrawal o-o
project daemon at
I've read all of this comic to date today, and I must say, it looks really good. I do so hope that you continue this.^^
Jenshin at
So ah.. it's been October for a while. Is something still coming?
warefish at
oooh! wow! I love it!!
Azaeziel at
Good thing I have you fav'd, like Fitz my alerter let me know you're back!
Fitz at
Wow it's been a WHILE! Almost missed it - but my DD Alerter fished out this update.
Jack T Robyn at
Ah, blessed patience, you have never, ever failed me.
GreatScottComix at
So nicely drawn. Cudo's.

Senshuu at
Oh man, I thought this comic was longer already. I need to read it. It's on my list! I really like the style.
Deraymou at
I missed you so much!
Welcome back!
Sei at
Beautiful!! Glad to see you're posting again ;).
Mikato at
Yay your back i love the picture
stinger9 at
Heh, I was trying to remember what comic this was when I saw it had updated in my faves. Nice to see it is continuing!
Eirikr at
Hello again missy.
SeriousQuiche at
YAY!!! *MEGA HUGS* I have missed thee!