Achievement Wh0rz
Author notes
4bit FPS onWilson seems to believe that Neanderthals posessed a special fire much different from our own modern fire.
Yes, the comic looks different. Since the beginning of Achievement Wh0rz the comic has been in a state of flux. The flux in regards mostly to its artistic appearence. When it first started out there wasn't going to be much detail added to the panels (initially trying to capture the feel of an old Atari 2600 game) but that proved to be a little unpleasing to the eye and things could get easily washed out. The next evolution came quickly where outlines became common practice (even this fluxed between line thickness). We are now entering into the next stage. After some weeks of debating and trying things out I am ready to make the next visual jump, in video game terms think of this graphical update at AW Source Engine 3.0.
Why? At first when I started this comic it was just for fun, I never could have guessed I would want to keep doing it, keep improving it. I owe a lot to fellow Drunk Duckers for inspiration. Foe this comic in particular and for AW Source Engine 3.0 to G.D. and his comic Moose Shoe (if you somehow have not seen this comic or passed it by, you should check it out now.) When I first came across Moose Shoe I was blown away by the pixel work. So many pixel comics seem to relie on overly pixellated images, a vast amount of details that, while it can look very cool, can also look muddled. G.D. though struck on the perfect balance of a simple clean look but with enough artistic fair that the imags really strike you and stand out. After reading through his strips I decided to hold Moose Shoe as the bar that was set for the pixel look. I wanted to aim for that level of skill. It is tough though, the gut feeling is to just blatantly copy his style, I have fought that though and hope that enough of my own shines through as not to look like a copycat. With any luck G.D. is honored and not annoyed by this… Either way thank you G.D. for makng such a great comic.
Last, but not least, thanks to everyone for reading. AW is almost rated in the double digits when it comes to Comic Strips and that would only happen because you guys keep coming back. :-D
"Sweetest sight ever seen…"
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