- 185 Thanks for Reading
- 184 Character Builder
- 183 Croutons Are Lame
- 182 Rockets Engines and Duct Tape
- 181 Uninspired Cats
- 180 Cat with One Eye
- 179 Motion Sensor Trashcan
- Al and Scout Guest Comic by Brian Horner
- 178 Extra Motivation
- 177 Time Card
- 176 Party Cat
- 175 Making the Switch
- 174 Pretty... Pretty Good
- 173 The Best Part of Waking Up is Al Sniffing My Coffee
- 172 Return of the Crying Baby
- 171 The Littlest Straight Jacket
- 170 Bargaining with a Baby
- Al and Scout Guest Comic by Ryan Petrow
- 169 Carmel, IN
- Al and Scout Guest Comic by James Ratcliffe
- 168 The Resumé
- Al and Scout Guest Comic by Bruce Nelson
- 167 The Cat Giveaway
- 166 Delicious Cat Appetizers
- 165 Window Shopping
- 164 Dance Party!
- 163 All Poofy Looking
- 162 Al Wants a Monkey
- 161 The Freak Out
- 160 Having Kittens
- 159 Cat Cramp
- 158 Invincible Against Rabies
- 157 Couch Tail
- 156 Scout the Real Estate Agent
- 155 Natural Predators of the House
- 154 A Backup Human
- 153 A Small Box
- 152 The Score
- 151 Sneak Attack
- 150 Cat TV
- 149 Scout Goes Feral
- 148 A Good Ten Minutes
- 147 Vacationing in the Closet
- 146 Trapped in the Closet
- 145 Fuzzy Luggage
- 144 Scout vs Dog Food
- 143 A Puppy Not Named Zesto
- 142 Annoying Furball Creature
- 141 Ewwww Human Hair
- 140 Hold Your Applause
- 139 A Trustworthy Cat
- 138 A Cat Bed of One's Own
- 137 Cat Communication
- 136 Icats
- 135 Break on Through
- 134 Sleepy Anarchist
- 133 Comfortable Floor
- 132 The Cat Bed
- 131 Cheap Humans
- 130 Newsflash Humans
- 129 Mouse in a Shoe
- 128 Automatic Disqualification
- 127 Cat Food Man
- 126 Speakerbox
- 125 Al vs. Icat
- 124 Ice Cream Bowls
- 123 Stocking Stuffers
- 122 Alaskan Snow Cat
- 121 Cat Loaf
- 120 Mouse Play
- 119 The Straw is Mine
- 118 How Can You Be Sure?
- 117 Foot Massager
- 116 Precious Burgers
- 115 Dry Food Cat
- 114 Attention Span
- 113 Neck Pillows
- 112 Dang Paparazzi
- 111 Cat Pranks
- 110 Baby, You're the Best
- 109 Fish Cannot Fly
- 108 Bunny Slippers
- 107 Killing Proficiency
- 106 Al Wants Hi-Tops
- 105 So Trippy
- 104 Egyptian Meow
- 103 Plan B: Battering Ram
- 102 Pawing at the Door
- 101 The Putting Goalie
- 100 Al Never Gets French Toast
- 099 Dreaming of Sleep
- 098 Boundless Destinations
- 097 Don't Look at Scout
- 096 As the World Chirps
- 095 Ball Cat/Tennis Coach
- 094 Keeping Things Breezy
- 093 The Laundry Basket
- 092 The Other Counter-Clockwise
- 091 Comment Card
- 090 Knife and the Fiery Fire Sword of Flaming Hot
- 089 Sleeping in the Sink
- 088 Zesto the Fire Rescue Dog
- 087 Joy Riding
- 086 Cat Treats with Tartar and Plaque Control
- 085 Revenge of the Shakey Mice
- 084 Credit Card Fraud
- 083 Poopy Face
- 082 The Beach
- 081 Chronomentrophobia
- 080 The Return of Zesto
- 079 Ant Parade
- 078 Human Behavior
- 077 Al Hates Mondays
- 076 A Puppy Named Zesto
- 075 Lee Catsits
- 074 Suspicious Behavior
- 073 Everyone's a Critic
- 072 Mr. Purple's Amazing Messy Kitchen
- 071 Playing Games with Mr. Purple
- 070 Jammin' with Scout
- 069 Cat Hammock
- 068 Fun with Catnip
- 067 Cat Productivity
- 066 Al and Scout: Masters of Disguise
- 065 Yellow Death
- 064 Scout vs. Baby
- 063 Cat Caddy
- 062 Thirsty Cat
- 061 Little Timmy's Sandbox
- 060 Hoop Dreams
- 059 Scout vs. the Earth's Rotation
- 058 Zolg's Zombie Ninja Robots
- 057 Clone No. 851457405194: Genetically Altered Super Cat
- 056 Scout Van Winkle
- 055 Scout's Paper Bag Adventure
- 054 A Little Surprise for Scout
- 053 Fun With Laser Pointers
- 052 Grooming, Interrupted
- 051 Convenient Amnesia
- 050 Zombie Deer
- 049 Box Inspector
- 048 Super Origin of Al and Scout
- 047 Scout Vs. The Cat Food Container
- 046 Clone No. 6: Too Fuzzy
- 045 Intellectual Property
- 044 Scout Attorney at Law
- 043 Kimchi Recommendation
- 042 ScraBlargle
- 041 Al vs. Dr. Wilson
- 040 Al's Fort
- 039 Dueling Tails
- 038 Doritos Extreme Product Placement
- 037 The Foul Smell of Adulterers
- 036 Genius Cat Wins Nobel Prize
- 035 Scout Skydives
- 034 Poop Fairies
- 033 I Can't Believe Scout's Licking the Butter
- 032 That's Me In The Corner
- 031 Modern Art
- 030 Al Loves Dinner Parties
- 029 Jungle Cat Sneak Attack
- 028 Flying Monkey
- 027 Scout's Three Steps to Cat Breakfast
- 026 Rawr Spoon!
- 025 La Needs a Cell Phone
- 024 Hold My Calls
- 023 Potato Town
- 022 Night of Unbridled Passion
- 021 H-O-R-S-E
- 020 Hobo Socks
- 019 Making The Bed
- 018 Non Chocolate Flamingo
- 017 Scout has a Drinking Problem
- 016 Tub Tub Tub Tub Tub
- 015 Scout Makes Bug Go Squish
- 014 La from the Dimension Tu-Ocs
- 013 Scout Experiments with Comfort
- 012 Knife Vs. the Wild
- 011 Al is a Splashy Cat
- 010 Scout Wants a Spoon
- 009 Zion Lion
- 008 Kitchen Island
- 007 knife
- 006 Fuzzy Cat of Great Misfortune and Solitude
- 005 Freaking Relaxing
- 004 Trapped in the Bathroom
- 003 Al Attacks
- 002 Lazy Humans
- 001 Poop on the Carpet
Author notes
It is totally insane to make such a fuss about a little gas. I burp all the time but you don't see me freak out about it. I stink at swaddling so we got some Velcro swaddles as shown above. They are little straight jackets and are awesome.
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