My little brother was counting how many things were changed between the movie and the book. He said that he lost track around 180. Yes, I did type that right. More than one hundred and eighty mistakes. That's a lot.
Sorry the comic was a couple days late. I'll update within a week, I'm not sure when.
lol that's funny. yeah my sister who read the book than saw the movie said it was so bad that she wanted to right the author and apologize for hollywood destroying his story. lol.
Brom was awesome in the movie, I didn't think he was emo. And yeah, I'm glad I didn't read the book, I probably would've hated the movie like everyone else. And your little bro can count to 180…?
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The movie was weird. I prefer the book.
Tietsu at
Wow…That's a pretty lame…BTW I'm starting the comic up again…check it tommorrow.
boxergirl86 at
lol that's funny. yeah my sister who read the book than saw the movie said it was so bad that she wanted to right the author and apologize for hollywood destroying his story. lol.
Shiro Matrix at
Brom was awesome in the movie, I didn't think he was emo. And yeah, I'm glad I didn't read the book, I probably would've hated the movie like everyone else. And your little bro can count to 180…?
Locoma at
lovely little chars
(aside the amusing comparation)
bieoe at
haha, good one.