Almost Art

Author notes

#22 Hand Check
pandapandapie onI wanted to let everyone know that I am not, in any way, implying anything about Alexis Bledel in this comic. I assure you, no one loves her more than I do. It's just that in my cast of five characters, only two of them have hands (Robot Gabe and Pikachu). Robot Gabe wouldn't work well (I tried) and Pikachu would be standing on the table, not sitting in the chair. Also his arms are very short. So I brought back Alexis, which is good because I love her and I've been wanting a reason to work her back into the comic. This makes her a reoccuring character now. Once more and she'll be a regular (I'm totally planning on it). Since I'm just using that one picture of her though, there's no way to have her emote. With Shirley, I've got the mouth and eyes to work with, his girlfriend has eyes, Conius is all about position and slight turns of the head, for Gabe I can always Use Robot Gabe, who has eyes, a mouth, and hands, and Pikachu pretty much has all the regular body parts. Alexis just has her. Luckily, her expression in the picture is a kind of blank slate, so I can just use emoticons in her speech bubbles to convey emotion. I really like this comic though. It allowed me to work three of my favorite things into one short strip: popular childhood phrases, nerdy references, and Alexis Bledel. All it needs is bears and I would have all my bases covered. Also, for those of you who didn't notice (which I assume is everyone), I shrunk the Alexis picture down a little. Last time I used her, I felt like she was taking over the panel. The new size seems much better.
Also, this is the third comic of my week long update-fest, if you didn't read the first two, get on it.
The contest for naming Shirley's girlfriend continues, and the rules still stand. No boy names, limit of five entries per person.
That's all for now!
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