- #142: The First Game Origin- Free Powers
- #141: The First Game Origin- Not smart to stand under the only entrance
- #140: The First Game Origin- Free Falling
- #139: The First Game Origin- Return of the Ladder
- #138: The First Game Origin- Nap Time
- #137: The First Game Origin- Can any of you say, "Awkward"?
- #136: The First Game Origin- Smoldering Pile of ICE
- #135: The First Game Origin- BZZT
- #134: The First Game Origin- AHHHHHHHHHHH!
- #133: The First Game Origin- Twitchy Goodness
- #132: The First Game Origin- Stupid Boxes
- #131: The First Game Origin- DOO!
- #130: The First Game Origin- Slip
- #129: The First Game Origin- A Burning Paranoia
- #128: The First Game Origin- h-Armless
- #127: The First Game Origin- S.H.I.T.
- #126: The First Game Origin- Did he grow also?
- #125: The First Game Origin- Hmm...
- #124: The First Game Origin- Elecman's Demise
- #123: The First Game Origin- Minutes
- #122: The First Game Origin- BZZZT
- #121: The First Game Origin- Crybaby
- #120: The First Game Origin- Holographic Ladder
- #119: The First Game Origin- Ladders are indeed fun
- #118: The First Game Origin- Gay-bot Master-bater
- #117: The First Game Origin- Robots have no manners
- #116: The First Game Origin- Bombman's "Plan"
- #115: The First Game Origin- A Stab in the Back
- #114: The First Game Origin- Aren't they enemies?
- #113: The First Game Origin- Fedex
- #112: The First Game Origin- Cutman really does suck
- #111: The First Game Origin- Which doc is the REAL crazy one?
- #110: The First Game Origin- Jock Strap Armour
- #109: The Past Reader- Gettin' This Show on the Road
- #108: The Past Reader- It also comes in different colors!
- #107: The Past Reader- How can you mix up beams?
- #106: The Past Reader- A Useful Button
- #105: The Past Reader- Key Word "Again"
- #104: The Past Reader- Weird Faces
- #103: The Past Reader - Stupid Stalker
- #102: The Past Reader- He took advice from a drunken 5 year old...
- #101: The Past Reader- Mute Button
- #100: Part 3
- #100: Part 2
- #100: Part 1
- #99: The Past Reader- Worry Not
- #98: The Past Reader- Zero
- #97: Enker MKII- Enker's Demise
- #96: Enker MKII- End of Enker...?
- #95: Enker MKII- Scratch? Starch? SEX!
- #94: Enker MKII- Rushing into Battle
- Happy Birthday Dracosun
- #93: Enker MKII- A Step in the Wrong Direction
- #92: Enker MKII- Bass' End Revealed
- #91: Enker MKII- Flashback Setup
- #90: Enker MKII- Bass and Protoman Vs. Enker part 1
- #89: Enker MKII: Bass' Return
- #88: Enker MKII: Protoman Vs. Enker part 4
- #87: Enker MKII- Protoman vs Enker part 3
- #86: Enker MKII- Protoman Vs. Enker part 2
- #85: Enker MKII- Protoman Vs. Enker part 1
- #84: Enker MKII- Megaman's Mind
- I'ma BACK!
- #83: Enker MKII- Altimas
- #82: Enker MKII- That face IS funny ^_^
- #81: Enker MKII- Convenient Plot Device
- #80: Enker MKII- Click...
- #79: Enker MKII- Mega still has issues
- #78: Enker MKII- Yep, VERRRRRY BAD!
- #77: Bass Vs. Enker - Bass' end? (or "E.N.K.E.R")
- #76: Bass Vs. Enker- Enker's true power
- #75: Bass Vs. Enker- Enker Lives!
- #74: Bass Vs. Enker: Why doesn't he ever use that against Megaman?
- #73: Bass Vs. Enker- Broken first rule of robotics
- Halloween '07
- #72: Bass Vs. Enker- Random Crushing
- #71: Megaman and Protoman Vs. Quint- End of Quint
- Contest part 2...threat
- #70: Megaman and Protoman Vs. Quint- The 5th Power
- #69: Megaman and Protoman Vs. Quint- SUSPENSE!
- #68: Megaman and Protoman Vs. Quint- Quint's inner monologue
- #67: Megaman and Protoman Vs. Quint- Crying
- #66: Megaman and Protoman Vs. Quint- SAKUGARNE
- #65: Megaman Vs. Quint- pogo sticks are for girls
- #64: Yes, why?
- #63: Megaman Vs. Quint- He was talking to much
- #62: Megaman Vs. Quint- F-Bombs!
- Filler
- Filler
- #61: Megaman Vs. Quint- yep, he is still doing that
- #60: Megaman Vs. Quint- Qu-Qu-Quickman!
- #59: Megaman Vs. Quint- Teleportation whoopsies
- #58: The new Robot Masters- Men never ask for directions...
- #57: The new Robot Masters- BIIIIIIG Comic
- #56: The new Robot Masters- Invincible Quint
- #55: The new Robot Masters- Quint = 5
- #54: The new Robot Masters- Head exploding paradoxes
- #53: The new Robot Masters- CruSH crUSH CRUSH!!!
- #52: The new Robot Masters- Enker and Quint
- #51: The new Robot Master- Robot Master (s)?
- #50: The new Robot Master- OUCHIE
- #49: Randomness no. 3
- #48: The new Robot Master- Protoman can't catch a freakin' break
- #47: The new Robot Master- Teen Rebellion
- #46: The new Robot Master- saved by the Wily
- #45: Poor Prots
- #44: I told'ya he was gonna be pissed
- #43: Rock is gonna be pissed!
- #42: He forgot
- #41: The creation of Megaman Part 3
- #40: The creation of Megaman Part 2
- #39: The creation of Megaman Part 1
- #38: The Betrayl- ?????
- #37: The Betrayl- Heck even I forgot about him
- #36: The Betrayl- No...
- #35: The Betrayl- WTF Elecman???!!!
- #34: The Betrayl- then again maybe he will...
- #33: The Betrayl- Elecman is not going down without a fight
- #32: The Betrayl- Duhhhhhh!
- #31: The Betrayl- Bye Bye Ice Baby
- #30: The Betrayl- Where the F**K do those Creepy Shadows come from?
- #29: The origin of the Robot Masters- Bald Jumpsuitman
- #28: The origin of the Robot Masters- What the Hell was he thinking!?
- #27: Randomness no. 2
- #26: The origin of Roll- What backgrounds?...
- #25: The origin of Roll- He's not dumb, he just has trouble with genders
- #24: The origin of Roll- Hee, yeah right...
- #23: The origin of Altimas: Altimas and Rock
- #22: The origin of Altimas- I REALLY love Mountain Dew
- #21: The origin of Altimas- I love Mountain Dew
- #20: The origin of Altimas- Creepy Shadow
- #19: The origin of Altimas- Wily's Robot
- #18: The origin of Rock- Daddy problems
- #17: The origin of Rock- Don't ask smart questions
- #16: The origin of Rock- Discoooooooo
- #15: The origin of Rock- Rock's malfunction
- #14: The origin of Rock- Don't trust Wily
- #13: Protoman REALLY hates origins
- #12: Don't forget about Protoman
- #11: Roll's revenge
- #10: The correct answer is MOOUUNTAIN DEEWWW!!
- #9: Roll...the...asthmatic...burned...
- #8: She should've run
- #7: Protoman's origin #4
- #6: Protoman's origin #3
- #5: Protoman's origin #2
- #4: Protoman's origin #1
- #3: Protoman hates origins
- #2: The Beginning- Randomness no.1
- #1: The Beginning- Protoman REALLY needs to stop lying...
- #142: The First Game Origin- Free Powers
- #141: The First Game Origin- Not smart to stand under the only entrance
- #140: The First Game Origin- Free Falling
- #139: The First Game Origin- Return of the Ladder
- #138: The First Game Origin- Nap Time
- #137: The First Game Origin- Can any of you say, "Awkward"?
- #136: The First Game Origin- Smoldering Pile of ICE
- #135: The First Game Origin- BZZT
- #134: The First Game Origin- AHHHHHHHHHHH!
- #133: The First Game Origin- Twitchy Goodness
- #132: The First Game Origin- Stupid Boxes
- #131: The First Game Origin- DOO!
- #130: The First Game Origin- Slip
- #129: The First Game Origin- A Burning Paranoia
- #128: The First Game Origin- h-Armless
- #127: The First Game Origin- S.H.I.T.
- #126: The First Game Origin- Did he grow also?
- #125: The First Game Origin- Hmm...
- #124: The First Game Origin- Elecman's Demise
- #123: The First Game Origin- Minutes
- #122: The First Game Origin- BZZZT
- #121: The First Game Origin- Crybaby
- #120: The First Game Origin- Holographic Ladder
- #119: The First Game Origin- Ladders are indeed fun
- #118: The First Game Origin- Gay-bot Master-bater
- #117: The First Game Origin- Robots have no manners
- #116: The First Game Origin- Bombman's "Plan"
- #115: The First Game Origin- A Stab in the Back
- #114: The First Game Origin- Aren't they enemies?
- #113: The First Game Origin- Fedex
- #112: The First Game Origin- Cutman really does suck
- #111: The First Game Origin- Which doc is the REAL crazy one?
- #110: The First Game Origin- Jock Strap Armour
- #109: The Past Reader- Gettin' This Show on the Road
- #108: The Past Reader- It also comes in different colors!
- #107: The Past Reader- How can you mix up beams?
- #106: The Past Reader- A Useful Button
- #105: The Past Reader- Key Word "Again"
- #104: The Past Reader- Weird Faces
- #103: The Past Reader - Stupid Stalker
- #102: The Past Reader- He took advice from a drunken 5 year old...
- #101: The Past Reader- Mute Button
- #100: Part 3
- #100: Part 2
- #100: Part 1
- #99: The Past Reader- Worry Not
- #98: The Past Reader- Zero
- #97: Enker MKII- Enker's Demise
- #96: Enker MKII- End of Enker...?
- #95: Enker MKII- Scratch? Starch? SEX!
- #94: Enker MKII- Rushing into Battle
- Happy Birthday Dracosun
- #93: Enker MKII- A Step in the Wrong Direction
- #92: Enker MKII- Bass' End Revealed
- #91: Enker MKII- Flashback Setup
- #90: Enker MKII- Bass and Protoman Vs. Enker part 1
- #89: Enker MKII: Bass' Return
- #88: Enker MKII: Protoman Vs. Enker part 4
- #87: Enker MKII- Protoman vs Enker part 3
- #86: Enker MKII- Protoman Vs. Enker part 2
- #85: Enker MKII- Protoman Vs. Enker part 1
- #84: Enker MKII- Megaman's Mind
- I'ma BACK!
- #83: Enker MKII- Altimas
- #82: Enker MKII- That face IS funny ^_^
- #81: Enker MKII- Convenient Plot Device
- #80: Enker MKII- Click...
- #79: Enker MKII- Mega still has issues
- #78: Enker MKII- Yep, VERRRRRY BAD!
- #77: Bass Vs. Enker - Bass' end? (or "E.N.K.E.R")
- #76: Bass Vs. Enker- Enker's true power
- #75: Bass Vs. Enker- Enker Lives!
- #74: Bass Vs. Enker: Why doesn't he ever use that against Megaman?
- #73: Bass Vs. Enker- Broken first rule of robotics
- Halloween '07
- #72: Bass Vs. Enker- Random Crushing
- #71: Megaman and Protoman Vs. Quint- End of Quint
- Contest part 2...threat
- #70: Megaman and Protoman Vs. Quint- The 5th Power
- #69: Megaman and Protoman Vs. Quint- SUSPENSE!
- #68: Megaman and Protoman Vs. Quint- Quint's inner monologue
- #67: Megaman and Protoman Vs. Quint- Crying
- #66: Megaman and Protoman Vs. Quint- SAKUGARNE
- #65: Megaman Vs. Quint- pogo sticks are for girls
- #64: Yes, why?
- #63: Megaman Vs. Quint- He was talking to much
- #62: Megaman Vs. Quint- F-Bombs!
- Filler
- Filler
- #61: Megaman Vs. Quint- yep, he is still doing that
- #60: Megaman Vs. Quint- Qu-Qu-Quickman!
- #59: Megaman Vs. Quint- Teleportation whoopsies
- #58: The new Robot Masters- Men never ask for directions...
- #57: The new Robot Masters- BIIIIIIG Comic
- #56: The new Robot Masters- Invincible Quint
- #55: The new Robot Masters- Quint = 5
- #54: The new Robot Masters- Head exploding paradoxes
- #53: The new Robot Masters- CruSH crUSH CRUSH!!!
- #52: The new Robot Masters- Enker and Quint
- #51: The new Robot Master- Robot Master (s)?
- #50: The new Robot Master- OUCHIE
- #49: Randomness no. 3
- #48: The new Robot Master- Protoman can't catch a freakin' break
- #47: The new Robot Master- Teen Rebellion
- #46: The new Robot Master- saved by the Wily
- #45: Poor Prots
- #44: I told'ya he was gonna be pissed
- #43: Rock is gonna be pissed!
- #42: He forgot
- #41: The creation of Megaman Part 3
- #40: The creation of Megaman Part 2
- #39: The creation of Megaman Part 1
- #38: The Betrayl- ?????
- #37: The Betrayl- Heck even I forgot about him
- #36: The Betrayl- No...
- #35: The Betrayl- WTF Elecman???!!!
- #34: The Betrayl- then again maybe he will...
- #33: The Betrayl- Elecman is not going down without a fight
- #32: The Betrayl- Duhhhhhh!
- #31: The Betrayl- Bye Bye Ice Baby
- #30: The Betrayl- Where the F**K do those Creepy Shadows come from?
- #29: The origin of the Robot Masters- Bald Jumpsuitman
- #28: The origin of the Robot Masters- What the Hell was he thinking!?
- #27: Randomness no. 2
- #26: The origin of Roll- What backgrounds?...
- #25: The origin of Roll- He's not dumb, he just has trouble with genders
- #24: The origin of Roll- Hee, yeah right...
- #23: The origin of Altimas: Altimas and Rock
- #22: The origin of Altimas- I REALLY love Mountain Dew
- #21: The origin of Altimas- I love Mountain Dew
- #20: The origin of Altimas- Creepy Shadow
- #19: The origin of Altimas- Wily's Robot
- #18: The origin of Rock- Daddy problems
- #17: The origin of Rock- Don't ask smart questions
- #16: The origin of Rock- Discoooooooo
- #15: The origin of Rock- Rock's malfunction
- #14: The origin of Rock- Don't trust Wily
- #13: Protoman REALLY hates origins
- #12: Don't forget about Protoman
- #11: Roll's revenge
- #10: The correct answer is MOOUUNTAIN DEEWWW!!
- #9: Roll...the...asthmatic...burned...
- #8: She should've run
- #7: Protoman's origin #4
- #6: Protoman's origin #3
- #5: Protoman's origin #2
- #4: Protoman's origin #1
- #3: Protoman hates origins
- #2: The Beginning- Randomness no.1
- #1: The Beginning- Protoman REALLY needs to stop lying...
Author notes
Remember that robotic mind control antenna in comic 7? Well it was shrunk and installed into Altimas, but that is just ONE of Altimas's abilities *He He He*
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