Ancestral Havens

Lance say what? O.O (blink blink)

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Lance say what? O.O (blink blink)


Dearest DD community, it's Nigellashade.
A update after about two years..Yes, been through a lot, but wanted to update for the readers, & close friends whom has been there.
Love you all, & sorry for not being online.
My family had a gathering of close friends, & some relatives.
I'm glad many came to remember, and share memories..
With Love, & Angelic hugs to all of you..
For helping my mom & us, so we can smile again.
Extra Snuggles!
(note: It's been awhile since updating, so my presentation of text/drawing & coloring. bare with me) ^^;;
Twilight of the Gods:
I'm so very sorry to hear about your misfortune. But you get to see a part of what my family went through these past few years.
I only hope for good things to happen, after such ordeals.
Thank you for being supportive, and kind.
Take care, and hopes to express my gratitude from everyone's support.

Thank you for saying that… You have been supportive and have witnessed a lot of what's happened in my families life.
And for all you've seen, thank you so much for being there, and bring kindness & light to such events..
For that I'm truly grateful you have been there for us.. *hugs* to you my friend.

For the pain you went through is very unbearable, and to find a way to have strength.. This must be very hard for you as well..
I pray for your happiness just as much, for you have been gentle and kind through out all this time.
We do hope you'll find your way, and have peace in your life.
With love and affection.. May you find inner peace, and know your mother is with you by your side.. At all time, she's there watching you.
Love & hugs to you Allanah… Take care..

Sonusai: Then you understand the trials of trying to find a medium every day.
It's hard to see past what we are faced with, even with your situation I can relate in some way.
I suffer a form of Ocd, it's not a bipolar condition, however my moods does change on how I mentally handle a situation.
Thank you for being supportive, and saying about your situation as well.
For that Thank you…

Tantz Aerine:
I know I can't expect everyone to have the answers, but it's nice to see many being there.. I'm happy that a lot has came online and has been there, while I went through a family crisis.
I'm glad there are people out there who does care, and give hope.. Even though words.. That's much is enough.. ^^

I know it's hard for all of us, and we all go through things.. I'm glad for friends to release all emotions towards.
Thank you for being there, and helping me see past my despair.
Take care, and *hugs*..

I know he's at peace, my mom is taking one day at a time.
And we did see a lot of friends, and close relatives of dad. Even some friends of my mother came to support us as well.
We all are sad of his passing, and how it came to be.. But many has helped us see passed tomorrow..
I'm grateful for that..
Thank you for your support Drazi, I hope everything's well with you too.

Thank you for being there, and commenting, yes it was hard when it happened.
But we're trying to get through one day at a time..
*hugs* to you and take care…

That's why I've updated, cause my dad did want me to get back into my works.
I feel strength from remembering, and things are a little bit better.
Thank you for your concern of my family.

Rina ran:
Well, I have a lot to look forward to, and everyone has been supportive.
I'm happy you also have been there looking in on us, I appreciate your words, & thoughts.
It's been about two years, and I do want to update again.
I hope to get through this, and be positive..
Angel hugs to you my friend.. ^^

~Awe~… Your very sweet.. and for that Thank you for your words of understanding.
Yes we still are upset how he was handled, but we hope to look forward for now on.
And try to understand to the best of our ability, we do want to see past this tragedy.
Healing hugs to you Bowdy… and snuggles..

Yes I remember you, and remember your works online. And I'm glad you've commented..
Sorry I've been away for so long, I hope to change that and seek to be online more often.
Thank you,, and peace to you as well.. Take care..
And I hope your doing well in your life, for many things has happened this year.
Thanks, and take care…


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