
Author notes

Page 7
GreatScottComix onI went back to digital fonts on this one… did it work? It seems not matter what I do… it comes out very pixelated. Its driving me nuts.
ZoeStead… thanks very much. I appreciate that.
F_Allen… same. lol
Hyptosis… Yo buddy… how's it going. Im so glad your back up and running. Thanks for the compliment.
skoolmunkee… Ironically… the same day you made this post.. I figured that out. lol. Now my pages are much better. You will see. Thanks though for the tip.
The Author… I agree. It was a cheat. I didnt want to draw 3 or 4 pages of images to go with the back story so just summed it up in one. Forgive me? ;)
Get ready folks… I have many more pages completed and uploaded ready to be shown every thursday. They just keep getting better (in my opinion of course) and better. I hope your enjoying them.
Scott out.
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