Angels of Shadows

Author notes

Chapter 3 Page 25
Kali onEverything is kinda moving quickly at the moment with dates and deadlines everywhere at the moment. I've pretty much lost my weekends for the rest of this month, I'm filming a horror trailer involving a werewolf in the woods and helping smb with hers, brushing up on my driving for next months test and still job hunting from a place that hasn't got back to me and I highly doubt they will. On top of things I'm looking to move from the school I'm at now to a college so I can actually do subjects that I enjoy and not be completely drowned like those poor buggers who attend uni (the government and banks are putting student loans up to cover their asses because they can't budget) so I'm going for the more reasonable courses that will actually help me get a realistic job because the jobs that are available are pretty rubbish and no amount of grades at the moment will help as the employers want EXPERIENCE and the potential employee to have a DRIVERS LICENSE. Your pretty buggered if you don't have these. I'm now tired hearing about these kids who some how that they can do specific courses and suddenly be guaranteed a specific job at the end of it, imagine the competition for that job when it's advertised. People have been made redundant from all classes of job and would be going for the same jobs. I'll leave this with you and answer this question truthfully, who would you employ if you were given the chance for choosing a candiate for any job; a person who had been working in the relevant industry for 5+ years or a fresh graduate who'd just come out of education with no work experience at all? I know who I'd pick.
It makes me feel better to put that in writing. I just spent my first two lessons with kids or "young adults" as the school/college puts it who some how think they'll be "entitled" to a job when they get out of their uni's when they haven't started their coursework with the new deadline at the end of this month. The old dead line was last September. This attitude is wide spread. GOD HELP US ALL!
rant over
I need a hug… or a cookie :(
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