Animal Town Confidential
Killer Klones Cover

Author notes

Killer Klones Cover


This is John Lapoint writing for Justin Lapoint. Welcome to Animal Town Confidential! This is a web comic sixty years in the making.
It all began in 1956 when my father was nine and his father, the Rev. George Lapoint did a puppet show for him featuring the four main characters. This inspired my dad to do a series of comic books. My dad was never a sports fan and when his father and older brother watched sports, he drew comics. This lasted from 1956 to 1964. Then my father put aside his art to go to college and study for the ministry.
Fast forward to the 1980's when my sister and I were kids. My dad began to do puppet shows and draw comics to amuse my sister and I. His art had improved by then. He tried to distribute his finished comics but then Marvel and DC were the only shows in town and they weren't interested.
While all this is going on, I developed an interest in gaming. I was playing D&D and Gamma World and reading Dragon magazine. I read and article about a game called Toon and showed it to my dad. He then made a simplified version of the game featuring his characters and their world. We eventually bought the Toon game and coverted our character to its rules. But I still worked on our own game withour characters and will release it if this web comic takes off.
Fast forward to the 2000s. Dad and I are attending conventions, play testing our game and generally haivng fun. We start attending panels on comics and find out web comics are the way to go. We join a great web comic group and get a lot of useful information, but we lack to skills in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop to turn my dad's drawings in to web comic reality.
Enter Sarah Madigan, a graphic design student at James Sprunt Community College where my dad teaches religion. Sarah agrees to teach us leasons in teh Adobe Creative Suite. Under her instruction, we learn what we need to know in order to finish our first story.
Well there you have it. We hoope you like our web comic and if you do, please let us know. Thanks again for reading.
John Lapoint


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