Animania First Prev - Page: 396 Kinkaku Temple pt 3 - 395:Kinkaku Temple pt. 2 - Page 394: Kinkaku Temple pt.1 - Page 393: In the darkness pt.3 - Page 392: In the Darkness pt. 2 - Page 391: In the Darkness - Page 390: Form - Page 389: Grand Protector - Page 388: Down Under - Page 387: Blast of Hope! - Page 386: Kame....Hame.... - Page 385: Powerless - 2010 Poonz Tavern Comic Awards - Page 384: Stage 3 - Page 383: Might - Recap 2 - Recap 1 - Chapter 13 - Ascension - Mephiles Wrath - Blast of Hope! - Forces Assembled - Hibari and Hiei - Superfied - The power of Telekinesis - Please Read - Rematch! - Straw Hat Pirates... Good to go! - How could this happen.... - The Dark Prince Returns - Animania: Shadows of time and a note... - Uh Uh Uh!!! - Goku Attacks!!! - Sonic's Awakened Warriors - Shadow Warrior's Awakened... - Awakened - Happy 2nd Birthday Animania!!!! - Its.... - X Burner - Above us!!! - Where is ..... he? - The way it happened..... - Frozen in space - Sonic's travel... - Sorry Filler today.... - What the heck is going on? - Questions and Answers? - Chibi Sonic? - Return of Genesis' Leader - Rip in a Dimension - Thoughts - Final Showdown.... - 5 minutes left!!!! - Last Resort? - Sonic's Blast - Keep's getting stronger - A new form? - Sonic's Rage - Splurching - Light vs Dark - Shadow vs Lord Sonic?! - 400 PAGES!!!!! WOOT!!! - Sonic's Recruiting plan - New recruits!!! - Taikobou Confused? - Is it finally over?! - A sudden twist! Luffy goes on the Offense - The Dragon Spirit Bomb!!!! - Goku revived! - Secret of Mantra - Found a way - Ad for Poonian Productions - Goku Defends - Haaaa!!! - Up here!! - Jet Bazooka - Christmas special ~ Part 2 - Christmas special ~ Part 1 - Getting into Gear - Taikobou's Great Might - Taikobou Arrives at last - Skies Darkening - Chapter 12- Final Showdown - Shadow has arrived - Sonic's out and ready - Shinigami's Rage - Shinigami's Revenge - Naruto.. Fallen at last? - Ichigo to the Rescue.... Again.... - Shiniga..... Him? - November guest comic 2 - November guest comic 1 - Happy Halloween!!! - I want you!!! - Never going to give up! - Get out of here - Boom..... :P - Out of my mind!! - Realsing the Demon - Tsuna and Ed - Chapter 11- Blood Filled Sky- Eclipse pt 2 - Back to Reality - Taken down- vision part 3 - Hibito's slash- vision part 2 - Hibito and Shelly - Floating through... - Beginning of the Eclipsing..... - Return of Sasuke - Mask unveiled - A new location - Deteriorating.... - A Clone? - A plan... Or Deception? - There they are - Naruto vs Suigetsu pt 3 - Naruto vs Suigetsu pt 2 - Naruto vs Suigetsu - Suigetsu and Naruto's encounter - A new body for whom? - Chapter 10- Eclipse part 1 - He's a God - Wings of the Fire god - Fire and Flames of the White Beard Pirate - What's that?! - Vegeta's Rising - Array of Missles - Enemy incoming - One man down - Request Denied - Animania's First Birthday - Snipe from above - Chapter 9- First Blood - Preparing - Explosions - Worst Villain - Fangy - Partner battle - An Emo Quacker - Wooden Prison - Flames... Again - Mr. Dino - A Very Messed up Situation - Engulfed in Flames - Final step - ROCKET!!!! - Poot! - That Generic Evil guy..... Again..... - The Green Beast - Byakugan - Chaoter 8- Charging the Castle - Preparing for the Night - Awake - Zolo's done? - Sudden Death - Gale's Back - Look out! - Kamehamehamehamehame... HAAAA!!!!! - Robin Pierced - Losing Control - Six- Fleurs - Bitch Slapped! - Animania's 300th Page!!!! - Shot to the Heart - An ace up his Sleeve - Sleek Cut - Rise of Asura - up again - Speed is the key - oni giri - To Cross - The Z Warriors - Usopp's End - Chapter 7- The best - Happy Canada Day - Finished... - Rotation - Sharingan - Gingerbread man also called you a monster - Blood Chidori - A new Challenger approaching!!!! - Healing Jutsu - Blood dripped Teeth - New Transformation Filler: Soul Edge - Filler: Kyubi Naruto - Filler- Screw you Pikachu!!!! Well... Not really.... :P - Guest comic 10- shaun - Guest comic 9- God blaster - Guest comic 8- Ketiou - Guest comic 7- By Minimatty - Guest Comic 6- Rage Nakasa - Guest comci 5- Kiddi - Guest comic 4- Minimatty - Fan art piece by Howey - Guest Comic 3 by BloodTH - Guest Comic 2 By Walrus Guest Comic 1 by Rage Nakasa - %^#$%@#%#@%@#%- What? It's only Hamster language - Hamtaro's Tale pt 3 - Hamtaro's Tale pt 2 - Hamtaro's Tale - Chapter 6- Art of the Ham-fu!!! - Kaion ahoy!!!! - A Risky Gamble - Book Filler 7 - Book Filler 6 - Book Filler 5 - Book Filler 4 - Book Filler 3 - Book Filler 2 Book Filler - A bomb? - Trident Spear - Steroids? - Frightening Change - Lightning... Always works. :P - Phoenix Flame Star - The Sniper King's Arrival - 2 Ton Flame Hammer!!!! - Nami and the Coward - Chapter 5- Pirates on the High Sea's - Water Manipulator - Kyle vs Usopp!!!!- First bout! - Inflateable Glider - Control - Hiten-Mitsurugi Ryu - Riku's Mantra - Filler (again)- Need a Break - Momentum - Cliff Jumping - Bushido - Filler: Holy Assassin promo - Blood Dyed Sky - Blades Clash - Babe's on the Beach - The Holy Land Chapter 4- Crash and Burn - Riku? How is he General # 7? - Who is this new foe? - Brago.... Death by Self - Raigou... Blast to end it all? - Supreme Blast- Raigou!!!! - S- Class Demon - Fan art- Me by Black_Daisy - Brago... Shadow of the fight - Silly Finish - If I wasn't crazy, Then this porbably wouldn't work... - Guest comic By Walrus - Delayed Slash - Teams finally Meet - Time to Fight on the Island in the Sky - Brother's in Arms - Breif Explanation - Luffy's Charging - Goku's back up - Gale... Swordsman General - Goku Falling - End of the Battle, and Tsunade the Princess - Ichigo vs Madara pt 2- A minute ago... - Ichigo vs Madara pt 1- Amaterasu of Hell Chapter 3- Butt Kicking Time - A Ninja's Decision - Wake up!!! - Clueless - Taikoubou's Challenge - Luffy Need's Meat - Comic's Done - Manic's Loopy Land - Taikoubou...Elite General # 1 - Mantra - Taikoubou's Message - Train's Decision and Goku's back! - Hitsugaya's Wound Chapter 2 - Shadow's Warning - Done Changing? - Filler: Word Balloon Concern - New Recruitment - Neuro...Elite General of Sonic - Ichigo's Decision - Naughty Hamtaro - Luffy's Return - Rabbit Through the Hole - Top Notch Assassin - Ichigo vs Hollow Ichigo- End of fight - Three Years or Three Days? - Manic and Sonic? 0_o? - Meeting With Zangetsu - Bankai vs Bankai - Luffy's Back - Opposite Ends of a Pole - Visit from a Friend - Unknown Voices Season 4 - The End? - Tale of the Zeus - The Zeus Cannon pt.2 - The Zeus Cannon - Original Teams and the Honorary Ninja - Second to none in Speed - The Map - Plans and The Battlefield - Kuma-Down - Cheating and Freezing - Naruto's Speed and Hamtaro's Fight - Infiltration? - Luffy vs Itachi- Enclosure - Luffy vs Itachi pt 2- A Man's Spirit - Luffy vs Itachi- Venture into the Tsukuyomi Realm - Luffy vs Ace pt.7- A new Enemy - Luffy vs Ace pt 6- Black Flames - Luffy vs Ace pt.5- Back Again - Luffy vs Ace pt 4- Gear 3rd - Luffy vs Ace pt 3- Lion vs Jet - Playing with Fire - Punch from the Younger Brother - Teams - Filler: Hits and Comments - Explanation of Loss - Second Reunion - Goal Achieved - Forgot about Shadow? - End and Reunion - Hollow vs Demi-God - HAM-KAI!!!- I mean Bankai... - King of Illusions - A Change of Mind? - Son of the Uchiha - Filler: Valentines Day Fan Comic - Filler: Happy Valentines Day!!!!!! - Mayuri and Kaion - The White Lotus Shrine - Positive Energy And Negative Energy - Gate of the Lotus - Tale of the Lotus pt. 2 - Tale of the Lotus - Preparations - The White Lotus - The Traitor - One Week and Sasuke's Death - End of the Line - Shinigami Flash Steps - A Shinigami Ally - Naruto vs Madara- The Fourth Tail - A new transformation - Madara Uchiha's Vessel - Flashback to the Clash - Impossible! - An Unknown Friend, or Foe - Naruto vs Sasuke pt 8- Clash Chidori and Rasengan! pt 3 - Naruto vs Sasuke pt 7- Beginning of the end - Naruto vs Sauke pt 6- Another Transformation - Naruto vs Sasuke pt 5- Pushed to the Limit - Naruto vs Sasuke pt 4- Rise of the Kyuubi - Naruto Vs Sasuke pt 3- A New Trick - Filler: Birthday Special - Naruto Vs Sasuke pt. 2- Clash Rasengan and Chidori! - Naruto Vs Sasuke pt. 1 - Manic's Plan - Bomb's over Fire - Special 100th Page - Return of the Ace - Sonic's Plan - Final Plans - Death of a Teacher - Never Underestimate Uchiha - Betrayal - Stab Through the Heart - Shushin No Jutsu - Too Fast - Chidori Fang - Master and Former Pupil - Refusal - Negotiation - The Messenger - Ninja vs the Guardian- Conclusion - Ninja vs the Guardian Pt. 3 - Ninja vs the Guardian Pt. 2 - Ninja vs the Guardian Pt. 1 - True Form of the Guardian - Who Goes There - Nearly There - Holiday Special - The Hot Gates - S-Class Mission - End of The Filler - Super Saiyan 5 - D"OH! - Another Filler - Goodbye Eve - Clash - Enter Kuro - Remain Calm!!!!! - Intruder Alert - Two More Brothers - Sibling Rivalry - Revenge - Unsure - Being Neutral Season 3 - End of Season 2 - To fight, or not to fight - Combat on the Sea - Combat in the Sky - Dawn of the Great War - Time to end the War - Stupid Naruto - Praise the Lord - How we survived...... - And a new Alliance - A broken Alliance - Havin' Fun - King of the Pirates!!!!!! - I'm the next........ - The Meat Fairy - FOOD!!!!!!!! - We Need Support - Just keep Running - Together Again - Time to Leave - Luffy..... - Game Over? - The Fire Lion vs the Water Dragon - Clash of the Titans - Come out, come out where ever you are - Now I'm mad!!! - I'm on Fire!!!!! - Back to the story!!!!!!!!!! - Uhhhhhhhhhh........ - Chakra training - Lesson 1: Chakra Ultimatum - Filler - WE NEED EXTRACT!!!!!! - Zolo to the Rescue - Is this the end of Sakura!!!?!!? - Sakura fights - A new Mission: Protect the Border! Season 2 - End of Season 1 - A world falling apart - Roronoa Zolo - Taken Hostage - What a great sword - The Future - Still alive.... - IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Yay for orange!!!!!!!!!! - What's Going on? - I will have my REVENGE! - NO!!!!!!! How could you!? - You Again!!!!!!!!!!!!! - A twist!!!!!!! - Did you win? - Clash Chidori and Rasengan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - What's This! - Kakashi charges!!!!! - Chidori Vs Rasengan!!!!!!!! - An old friend - The Adventure Begins Animania Cover Next Last First Prev - Page: 396 Kinkaku Temple pt 3 - 395:Kinkaku Temple pt. 2 - Page 394: Kinkaku Temple pt.1 - Page 393: In the darkness pt.3 - Page 392: In the Darkness pt. 2 - Page 391: In the Darkness - Page 390: Form - Page 389: Grand Protector - Page 388: Down Under - Page 387: Blast of Hope! - Page 386: Kame....Hame.... - Page 385: Powerless - 2010 Poonz Tavern Comic Awards - Page 384: Stage 3 - Page 383: Might - Recap 2 - Recap 1 - Chapter 13 - Ascension - Mephiles Wrath - Blast of Hope! - Forces Assembled - Hibari and Hiei - Superfied - The power of Telekinesis - Please Read - Rematch! - Straw Hat Pirates... Good to go! - How could this happen.... - The Dark Prince Returns - Animania: Shadows of time and a note... - Uh Uh Uh!!! - Goku Attacks!!! - Sonic's Awakened Warriors - Shadow Warrior's Awakened... - Awakened - Happy 2nd Birthday Animania!!!! - Its.... - X Burner - Above us!!! - Where is ..... he? - The way it happened..... - Frozen in space - Sonic's travel... - Sorry Filler today.... - What the heck is going on? - Questions and Answers? - Chibi Sonic? - Return of Genesis' Leader - Rip in a Dimension - Thoughts - Final Showdown.... - 5 minutes left!!!! - Last Resort? - Sonic's Blast - Keep's getting stronger - A new form? - Sonic's Rage - Splurching - Light vs Dark - Shadow vs Lord Sonic?! - 400 PAGES!!!!! WOOT!!! - Sonic's Recruiting plan - New recruits!!! - Taikobou Confused? - Is it finally over?! - A sudden twist! Luffy goes on the Offense - The Dragon Spirit Bomb!!!! - Goku revived! - Secret of Mantra - Found a way - Ad for Poonian Productions - Goku Defends - Haaaa!!! - Up here!! - Jet Bazooka - Christmas special ~ Part 2 - Christmas special ~ Part 1 - Getting into Gear - Taikobou's Great Might - Taikobou Arrives at last - Skies Darkening - Chapter 12- Final Showdown - Shadow has arrived - Sonic's out and ready - Shinigami's Rage - Shinigami's Revenge - Naruto.. Fallen at last? - Ichigo to the Rescue.... Again.... - Shiniga..... Him? - November guest comic 2 - November guest comic 1 - Happy Halloween!!! - I want you!!! - Never going to give up! - Get out of here - Boom..... :P - Out of my mind!! - Realsing the Demon - Tsuna and Ed - Chapter 11- Blood Filled Sky- Eclipse pt 2 - Back to Reality - Taken down- vision part 3 - Hibito's slash- vision part 2 - Hibito and Shelly - Floating through... - Beginning of the Eclipsing..... - Return of Sasuke - Mask unveiled - A new location - Deteriorating.... - A Clone? - A plan... Or Deception? - There they are - Naruto vs Suigetsu pt 3 - Naruto vs Suigetsu pt 2 - Naruto vs Suigetsu - Suigetsu and Naruto's encounter - A new body for whom? - Chapter 10- Eclipse part 1 - He's a God - Wings of the Fire god - Fire and Flames of the White Beard Pirate - What's that?! - Vegeta's Rising - Array of Missles - Enemy incoming - One man down - Request Denied - Animania's First Birthday - Snipe from above - Chapter 9- First Blood - Preparing - Explosions - Worst Villain - Fangy - Partner battle - An Emo Quacker - Wooden Prison - Flames... Again - Mr. Dino - A Very Messed up Situation - Engulfed in Flames - Final step - ROCKET!!!! - Poot! - That Generic Evil guy..... Again..... - The Green Beast - Byakugan - Chaoter 8- Charging the Castle - Preparing for the Night - Awake - Zolo's done? - Sudden Death - Gale's Back - Look out! - Kamehamehamehamehame... HAAAA!!!!! - Robin Pierced - Losing Control - Six- Fleurs - Bitch Slapped! - Animania's 300th Page!!!! - Shot to the Heart - An ace up his Sleeve - Sleek Cut - Rise of Asura - up again - Speed is the key - oni giri - To Cross - The Z Warriors - Usopp's End - Chapter 7- The best - Happy Canada Day - Finished... - Rotation - Sharingan - Gingerbread man also called you a monster - Blood Chidori - A new Challenger approaching!!!! - Healing Jutsu - Blood dripped Teeth - New Transformation Filler: Soul Edge - Filler: Kyubi Naruto - Filler- Screw you Pikachu!!!! Well... Not really.... :P - Guest comic 10- shaun - Guest comic 9- God blaster - Guest comic 8- Ketiou - Guest comic 7- By Minimatty - Guest Comic 6- Rage Nakasa - Guest comci 5- Kiddi - Guest comic 4- Minimatty - Fan art piece by Howey - Guest Comic 3 by BloodTH - Guest Comic 2 By Walrus Guest Comic 1 by Rage Nakasa - %^#$%@#%#@%@#%- What? It's only Hamster language - Hamtaro's Tale pt 3 - Hamtaro's Tale pt 2 - Hamtaro's Tale - Chapter 6- Art of the Ham-fu!!! - Kaion ahoy!!!! - A Risky Gamble - Book Filler 7 - Book Filler 6 - Book Filler 5 - Book Filler 4 - Book Filler 3 - Book Filler 2 Book Filler - A bomb? - Trident Spear - Steroids? - Frightening Change - Lightning... Always works. :P - Phoenix Flame Star - The Sniper King's Arrival - 2 Ton Flame Hammer!!!! - Nami and the Coward - Chapter 5- Pirates on the High Sea's - Water Manipulator - Kyle vs Usopp!!!!- First bout! - Inflateable Glider - Control - Hiten-Mitsurugi Ryu - Riku's Mantra - Filler (again)- Need a Break - Momentum - Cliff Jumping - Bushido - Filler: Holy Assassin promo - Blood Dyed Sky - Blades Clash - Babe's on the Beach - The Holy Land Chapter 4- Crash and Burn - Riku? How is he General # 7? - Who is this new foe? - Brago.... Death by Self - Raigou... Blast to end it all? - Supreme Blast- Raigou!!!! - S- Class Demon - Fan art- Me by Black_Daisy - Brago... Shadow of the fight - Silly Finish - If I wasn't crazy, Then this porbably wouldn't work... - Guest comic By Walrus - Delayed Slash - Teams finally Meet - Time to Fight on the Island in the Sky - Brother's in Arms - Breif Explanation - Luffy's Charging - Goku's back up - Gale... Swordsman General - Goku Falling - End of the Battle, and Tsunade the Princess - Ichigo vs Madara pt 2- A minute ago... - Ichigo vs Madara pt 1- Amaterasu of Hell Chapter 3- Butt Kicking Time - A Ninja's Decision - Wake up!!! - Clueless - Taikoubou's Challenge - Luffy Need's Meat - Comic's Done - Manic's Loopy Land - Taikoubou...Elite General # 1 - Mantra - Taikoubou's Message - Train's Decision and Goku's back! - Hitsugaya's Wound Chapter 2 - Shadow's Warning - Done Changing? - Filler: Word Balloon Concern - New Recruitment - Neuro...Elite General of Sonic - Ichigo's Decision - Naughty Hamtaro - Luffy's Return - Rabbit Through the Hole - Top Notch Assassin - Ichigo vs Hollow Ichigo- End of fight - Three Years or Three Days? - Manic and Sonic? 0_o? - Meeting With Zangetsu - Bankai vs Bankai - Luffy's Back - Opposite Ends of a Pole - Visit from a Friend - Unknown Voices Season 4 - The End? - Tale of the Zeus - The Zeus Cannon pt.2 - The Zeus Cannon - Original Teams and the Honorary Ninja - Second to none in Speed - The Map - Plans and The Battlefield - Kuma-Down - Cheating and Freezing - Naruto's Speed and Hamtaro's Fight - Infiltration? - Luffy vs Itachi- Enclosure - Luffy vs Itachi pt 2- A Man's Spirit - Luffy vs Itachi- Venture into the Tsukuyomi Realm - Luffy vs Ace pt.7- A new Enemy - Luffy vs Ace pt 6- Black Flames - Luffy vs Ace pt.5- Back Again - Luffy vs Ace pt 4- Gear 3rd - Luffy vs Ace pt 3- Lion vs Jet - Playing with Fire - Punch from the Younger Brother - Teams - Filler: Hits and Comments - Explanation of Loss - Second Reunion - Goal Achieved - Forgot about Shadow? - End and Reunion - Hollow vs Demi-God - HAM-KAI!!!- I mean Bankai... - King of Illusions - A Change of Mind? - Son of the Uchiha - Filler: Valentines Day Fan Comic - Filler: Happy Valentines Day!!!!!! - Mayuri and Kaion - The White Lotus Shrine - Positive Energy And Negative Energy - Gate of the Lotus - Tale of the Lotus pt. 2 - Tale of the Lotus - Preparations - The White Lotus - The Traitor - One Week and Sasuke's Death - End of the Line - Shinigami Flash Steps - A Shinigami Ally - Naruto vs Madara- The Fourth Tail - A new transformation - Madara Uchiha's Vessel - Flashback to the Clash - Impossible! - An Unknown Friend, or Foe - Naruto vs Sasuke pt 8- Clash Chidori and Rasengan! pt 3 - Naruto vs Sasuke pt 7- Beginning of the end - Naruto vs Sauke pt 6- Another Transformation - Naruto vs Sasuke pt 5- Pushed to the Limit - Naruto vs Sasuke pt 4- Rise of the Kyuubi - Naruto Vs Sasuke pt 3- A New Trick - Filler: Birthday Special - Naruto Vs Sasuke pt. 2- Clash Rasengan and Chidori! - Naruto Vs Sasuke pt. 1 - Manic's Plan - Bomb's over Fire - Special 100th Page - Return of the Ace - Sonic's Plan - Final Plans - Death of a Teacher - Never Underestimate Uchiha - Betrayal - Stab Through the Heart - Shushin No Jutsu - Too Fast - Chidori Fang - Master and Former Pupil - Refusal - Negotiation - The Messenger - Ninja vs the Guardian- Conclusion - Ninja vs the Guardian Pt. 3 - Ninja vs the Guardian Pt. 2 - Ninja vs the Guardian Pt. 1 - True Form of the Guardian - Who Goes There - Nearly There - Holiday Special - The Hot Gates - S-Class Mission - End of The Filler - Super Saiyan 5 - D"OH! - Another Filler - Goodbye Eve - Clash - Enter Kuro - Remain Calm!!!!! - Intruder Alert - Two More Brothers - Sibling Rivalry - Revenge - Unsure - Being Neutral Season 3 - End of Season 2 - To fight, or not to fight - Combat on the Sea - Combat in the Sky - Dawn of the Great War - Time to end the War - Stupid Naruto - Praise the Lord - How we survived...... - And a new Alliance - A broken Alliance - Havin' Fun - King of the Pirates!!!!!! - I'm the next........ - The Meat Fairy - FOOD!!!!!!!! - We Need Support - Just keep Running - Together Again - Time to Leave - Luffy..... - Game Over? - The Fire Lion vs the Water Dragon - Clash of the Titans - Come out, come out where ever you are - Now I'm mad!!! - I'm on Fire!!!!! - Back to the story!!!!!!!!!! - Uhhhhhhhhhh........ - Chakra training - Lesson 1: Chakra Ultimatum - Filler - WE NEED EXTRACT!!!!!! - Zolo to the Rescue - Is this the end of Sakura!!!?!!? - Sakura fights - A new Mission: Protect the Border! Season 2 - End of Season 1 - A world falling apart - Roronoa Zolo - Taken Hostage - What a great sword - The Future - Still alive.... - IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Yay for orange!!!!!!!!!! - What's Going on? - I will have my REVENGE! - NO!!!!!!! How could you!? - You Again!!!!!!!!!!!!! - A twist!!!!!!! - Did you win? - Clash Chidori and Rasengan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - What's This! - Kakashi charges!!!!! - Chidori Vs Rasengan!!!!!!!! - An old friend - The Adventure Begins Animania Cover Next Last Author notes Back to the story!!!!!!!!!! poonipoonz on Oct. 8, 2007 Yay……. We're back to the storyline. Comments Please login to comment. Login or Register ${ }} at ${ comment.date_added }} Delete Reply ${ }} at ${ comment.date_added }} Delete «previous set of pages «previous set of pages page ${ page.number }} ... next set of pages» next set of pages»
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