- Page: 396 Kinkaku Temple pt 3
- 395:Kinkaku Temple pt. 2
- Page 394: Kinkaku Temple pt.1
- Page 393: In the darkness pt.3
- Page 392: In the Darkness pt. 2
- Page 391: In the Darkness
- Page 390: Form
- Page 389: Grand Protector
- Page 388: Down Under
- Page 387: Blast of Hope!
- Page 386: Kame....Hame....
- Page 385: Powerless
- 2010 Poonz Tavern Comic Awards
- Page 384: Stage 3
- Page 383: Might
- Recap 2
- Recap 1
- Chapter 13
- Ascension
- Mephiles Wrath
- Blast of Hope!
- Forces Assembled
- Hibari and Hiei
- Superfied
- The power of Telekinesis
- Please Read
- Rematch!
- Straw Hat Pirates... Good to go!
- How could this happen....
- The Dark Prince Returns
- Animania: Shadows of time and a note...
- Uh Uh Uh!!!
- Goku Attacks!!!
- Sonic's Awakened Warriors
- Shadow Warrior's Awakened...
- Awakened
- Happy 2nd Birthday Animania!!!!
- Its....
- X Burner
- Above us!!!
- Where is ..... he?
- The way it happened.....
- Frozen in space
- Sonic's travel...
- Sorry Filler today....
- What the heck is going on?
- Questions and Answers?
- Chibi Sonic?
- Return of Genesis' Leader
- Rip in a Dimension
- Thoughts
- Final Showdown....
- 5 minutes left!!!!
- Last Resort?
- Sonic's Blast
- Keep's getting stronger
- A new form?
- Sonic's Rage
- Splurching
- Light vs Dark
- Shadow vs Lord Sonic?!
- 400 PAGES!!!!! WOOT!!!
- Sonic's Recruiting plan
- New recruits!!!
- Taikobou Confused?
- Is it finally over?!
- A sudden twist! Luffy goes on the Offense
- The Dragon Spirit Bomb!!!!
- Goku revived!
- Secret of Mantra
- Found a way
- Ad for Poonian Productions
- Goku Defends
- Haaaa!!!
- Up here!!
- Jet Bazooka
- Christmas special ~ Part 2
- Christmas special ~ Part 1
- Getting into Gear
- Taikobou's Great Might
- Taikobou Arrives at last
- Skies Darkening
- Chapter 12- Final Showdown
- Shadow has arrived
- Sonic's out and ready
- Shinigami's Rage
- Shinigami's Revenge
- Naruto.. Fallen at last?
- Ichigo to the Rescue.... Again....
- Shiniga..... Him?
- November guest comic 2
- November guest comic 1
- Happy Halloween!!!
- I want you!!!
- Never going to give up!
- Get out of here
- Boom..... :P
- Out of my mind!!
- Realsing the Demon
- Tsuna and Ed
- Chapter 11- Blood Filled Sky- Eclipse pt 2
- Back to Reality
- Taken down- vision part 3
- Hibito's slash- vision part 2
- Hibito and Shelly
- Floating through...
- Beginning of the Eclipsing.....
- Return of Sasuke
- Mask unveiled
- A new location
- Deteriorating....
- A Clone?
- A plan... Or Deception?
- There they are
- Naruto vs Suigetsu pt 3
- Naruto vs Suigetsu pt 2
- Naruto vs Suigetsu
- Suigetsu and Naruto's encounter
- A new body for whom?
- Chapter 10- Eclipse part 1
- He's a God
- Wings of the Fire god
- Fire and Flames of the White Beard Pirate
- What's that?!
- Vegeta's Rising
- Array of Missles
- Enemy incoming
- One man down
- Request Denied
- Animania's First Birthday
- Snipe from above
- Chapter 9- First Blood
- Preparing
- Explosions
- Worst Villain
- Fangy
- Partner battle
- An Emo Quacker
- Wooden Prison
- Flames... Again
- Mr. Dino
- A Very Messed up Situation
- Engulfed in Flames
- Final step
- ROCKET!!!!
- Poot!
- That Generic Evil guy..... Again.....
- The Green Beast
- Byakugan
- Chaoter 8- Charging the Castle
- Preparing for the Night
- Awake
- Zolo's done?
- Sudden Death
- Gale's Back
- Look out!
- Kamehamehamehamehame... HAAAA!!!!!
- Robin Pierced
- Losing Control
- Six- Fleurs
- Bitch Slapped!
- Animania's 300th Page!!!!
- Shot to the Heart
- An ace up his Sleeve
- Sleek Cut
- Rise of Asura
- up again
- Speed is the key
- oni giri
- To Cross
- The Z Warriors
- Usopp's End
- Chapter 7- The best
- Happy Canada Day
- Finished...
- Rotation
- Sharingan
- Gingerbread man also called you a monster
- Blood Chidori
- A new Challenger approaching!!!!
- Healing Jutsu
- Blood dripped Teeth
- New Transformation
Filler: Soul Edge
- Filler: Kyubi Naruto
- Filler- Screw you Pikachu!!!! Well... Not really.... :P
- Guest comic 10- shaun
- Guest comic 9- God blaster
- Guest comic 8- Ketiou
- Guest comic 7- By Minimatty
- Guest Comic 6- Rage Nakasa
- Guest comci 5- Kiddi
- Guest comic 4- Minimatty
- Fan art piece by Howey
- Guest Comic 3 by BloodTH
- Guest Comic 2 By Walrus
Guest Comic 1 by Rage Nakasa
- %^#$%@#%#@%@#%- What? It's only Hamster language
- Hamtaro's Tale pt 3
- Hamtaro's Tale pt 2
- Hamtaro's Tale
- Chapter 6- Art of the Ham-fu!!!
- Kaion ahoy!!!!
- A Risky Gamble
- Book Filler 7
- Book Filler 6
- Book Filler 5
- Book Filler 4
- Book Filler 3
- Book Filler 2
Book Filler
- A bomb?
- Trident Spear
- Steroids?
- Frightening Change
- Lightning... Always works. :P
- Phoenix Flame Star
- The Sniper King's Arrival
- 2 Ton Flame Hammer!!!!
- Nami and the Coward
- Chapter 5- Pirates on the High Sea's
- Water Manipulator
- Kyle vs Usopp!!!!- First bout!
- Inflateable Glider
- Control
- Hiten-Mitsurugi Ryu
- Riku's Mantra
- Filler (again)- Need a Break
- Momentum
- Cliff Jumping
- Bushido
- Filler: Holy Assassin promo
- Blood Dyed Sky
- Blades Clash
- Babe's on the Beach
- The Holy Land
Chapter 4- Crash and Burn
- Riku? How is he General # 7?
- Who is this new foe?
- Brago.... Death by Self
- Raigou... Blast to end it all?
- Supreme Blast- Raigou!!!!
- S- Class Demon
- Fan art- Me by Black_Daisy
- Brago... Shadow of the fight
- Silly Finish
- If I wasn't crazy, Then this porbably wouldn't work...
- Guest comic By Walrus
- Delayed Slash
- Teams finally Meet
- Time to Fight on the Island in the Sky
- Brother's in Arms
- Breif Explanation
- Luffy's Charging
- Goku's back up
- Gale... Swordsman General
- Goku Falling
- End of the Battle, and Tsunade the Princess
- Ichigo vs Madara pt 2- A minute ago...
- Ichigo vs Madara pt 1- Amaterasu of Hell
Chapter 3- Butt Kicking Time
- A Ninja's Decision
- Wake up!!!
- Clueless
- Taikoubou's Challenge
- Luffy Need's Meat
- Comic's Done
- Manic's Loopy Land
- Taikoubou...Elite General # 1
- Mantra
- Taikoubou's Message
- Train's Decision and Goku's back!
- Hitsugaya's Wound
Chapter 2
- Shadow's Warning
- Done Changing?
- Filler: Word Balloon Concern
- New Recruitment
- Neuro...Elite General of Sonic
- Ichigo's Decision
- Naughty Hamtaro
- Luffy's Return
- Rabbit Through the Hole
- Top Notch Assassin
- Ichigo vs Hollow Ichigo- End of fight
- Three Years or Three Days?
- Manic and Sonic? 0_o?
- Meeting With Zangetsu
- Bankai vs Bankai
- Luffy's Back
- Opposite Ends of a Pole
- Visit from a Friend
- Unknown Voices
Season 4
- The End?
- Tale of the Zeus
- The Zeus Cannon pt.2
- The Zeus Cannon
- Original Teams and the Honorary Ninja
- Second to none in Speed
- The Map
- Plans and The Battlefield
- Kuma-Down
- Cheating and Freezing
- Naruto's Speed and Hamtaro's Fight
- Infiltration?
- Luffy vs Itachi- Enclosure
- Luffy vs Itachi pt 2- A Man's Spirit
- Luffy vs Itachi- Venture into the Tsukuyomi Realm
- Luffy vs Ace pt.7- A new Enemy
- Luffy vs Ace pt 6- Black Flames
- Luffy vs Ace pt.5- Back Again
- Luffy vs Ace pt 4- Gear 3rd
- Luffy vs Ace pt 3- Lion vs Jet
- Playing with Fire
- Punch from the Younger Brother
- Teams
- Filler: Hits and Comments
- Explanation of Loss
- Second Reunion
- Goal Achieved
- Forgot about Shadow?
- End and Reunion
- Hollow vs Demi-God
- HAM-KAI!!!- I mean Bankai...
- King of Illusions
- A Change of Mind?
- Son of the Uchiha
- Filler: Valentines Day Fan Comic
- Filler: Happy Valentines Day!!!!!!
- Mayuri and Kaion
- The White Lotus Shrine
- Positive Energy And Negative Energy
- Gate of the Lotus
- Tale of the Lotus pt. 2
- Tale of the Lotus
- Preparations
- The White Lotus
- The Traitor
- One Week and Sasuke's Death
- End of the Line
- Shinigami Flash Steps
- A Shinigami Ally
- Naruto vs Madara- The Fourth Tail
- A new transformation
- Madara Uchiha's Vessel
- Flashback to the Clash
- Impossible!
- An Unknown Friend, or Foe
- Naruto vs Sasuke pt 8- Clash Chidori and Rasengan! pt 3
- Naruto vs Sasuke pt 7- Beginning of the end
- Naruto vs Sauke pt 6- Another Transformation
- Naruto vs Sasuke pt 5- Pushed to the Limit
- Naruto vs Sasuke pt 4- Rise of the Kyuubi
- Naruto Vs Sasuke pt 3- A New Trick
- Filler: Birthday Special
- Naruto Vs Sasuke pt. 2- Clash Rasengan and Chidori!
- Naruto Vs Sasuke pt. 1
- Manic's Plan
- Bomb's over Fire
- Special 100th Page
- Return of the Ace
- Sonic's Plan
- Final Plans
- Death of a Teacher
- Never Underestimate Uchiha
- Betrayal
- Stab Through the Heart
- Shushin No Jutsu
- Too Fast
- Chidori Fang
- Master and Former Pupil
- Refusal
- Negotiation
- The Messenger
- Ninja vs the Guardian- Conclusion
- Ninja vs the Guardian Pt. 3
- Ninja vs the Guardian Pt. 2
- Ninja vs the Guardian Pt. 1
- True Form of the Guardian
- Who Goes There
- Nearly There
- Holiday Special
- The Hot Gates
- S-Class Mission
- End of The Filler
- Super Saiyan 5
- D"OH!
- Another Filler
- Goodbye Eve
- Clash
- Enter Kuro
- Remain Calm!!!!!
- Intruder Alert
- Two More Brothers
- Sibling Rivalry
- Revenge
- Unsure
- Being Neutral
Season 3
- End of Season 2
- To fight, or not to fight
- Combat on the Sea
- Combat in the Sky
- Dawn of the Great War
- Time to end the War
- Stupid Naruto
- Praise the Lord
- How we survived......
- And a new Alliance
- A broken Alliance
- Havin' Fun
- King of the Pirates!!!!!!
- I'm the next........
- The Meat Fairy
- FOOD!!!!!!!!
- We Need Support
- Just keep Running
- Together Again
- Time to Leave
- Luffy.....
- Game Over?
- The Fire Lion vs the Water Dragon
- Clash of the Titans
- Come out, come out where ever you are
- Now I'm mad!!!
- I'm on Fire!!!!!
- Back to the story!!!!!!!!!!
- Uhhhhhhhhhh........
- Chakra training
- Lesson 1: Chakra Ultimatum
- Filler
- Zolo to the Rescue
- Is this the end of Sakura!!!?!!?
- Sakura fights
- A new Mission: Protect the Border!
Season 2
- End of Season 1
- A world falling apart
- Roronoa Zolo
- Taken Hostage
- What a great sword
- The Future
- Still alive....
- IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Yay for orange!!!!!!!!!!
- What's Going on?
- I will have my REVENGE!
- NO!!!!!!! How could you!?
- You Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- A twist!!!!!!!
- Did you win?
- Clash Chidori and Rasengan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- What's This!
- Kakashi charges!!!!!
- Chidori Vs Rasengan!!!!!!!!
- An old friend
- The Adventure Begins
- Page: 396 Kinkaku Temple pt 3
- 395:Kinkaku Temple pt. 2
- Page 394: Kinkaku Temple pt.1
- Page 393: In the darkness pt.3
- Page 392: In the Darkness pt. 2
- Page 391: In the Darkness
- Page 390: Form
- Page 389: Grand Protector
- Page 388: Down Under
- Page 387: Blast of Hope!
- Page 386: Kame....Hame....
- Page 385: Powerless
- 2010 Poonz Tavern Comic Awards
- Page 384: Stage 3
- Page 383: Might
- Recap 2
- Recap 1
- Chapter 13
- Ascension
- Mephiles Wrath
- Blast of Hope!
- Forces Assembled
- Hibari and Hiei
- Superfied
- The power of Telekinesis
- Please Read
- Rematch!
- Straw Hat Pirates... Good to go!
- How could this happen....
- The Dark Prince Returns
- Animania: Shadows of time and a note...
- Uh Uh Uh!!!
- Goku Attacks!!!
- Sonic's Awakened Warriors
- Shadow Warrior's Awakened...
- Awakened
- Happy 2nd Birthday Animania!!!!
- Its....
- X Burner
- Above us!!!
- Where is ..... he?
- The way it happened.....
- Frozen in space
- Sonic's travel...
- Sorry Filler today....
- What the heck is going on?
- Questions and Answers?
- Chibi Sonic?
- Return of Genesis' Leader
- Rip in a Dimension
- Thoughts
- Final Showdown....
- 5 minutes left!!!!
- Last Resort?
- Sonic's Blast
- Keep's getting stronger
- A new form?
- Sonic's Rage
- Splurching
- Light vs Dark
- Shadow vs Lord Sonic?!
- 400 PAGES!!!!! WOOT!!!
- Sonic's Recruiting plan
- New recruits!!!
- Taikobou Confused?
- Is it finally over?!
- A sudden twist! Luffy goes on the Offense
- The Dragon Spirit Bomb!!!!
- Goku revived!
- Secret of Mantra
- Found a way
- Ad for Poonian Productions
- Goku Defends
- Haaaa!!!
- Up here!!
- Jet Bazooka
- Christmas special ~ Part 2
- Christmas special ~ Part 1
- Getting into Gear
- Taikobou's Great Might
- Taikobou Arrives at last
- Skies Darkening
- Chapter 12- Final Showdown
- Shadow has arrived
- Sonic's out and ready
- Shinigami's Rage
- Shinigami's Revenge
- Naruto.. Fallen at last?
- Ichigo to the Rescue.... Again....
- Shiniga..... Him?
- November guest comic 2
- November guest comic 1
- Happy Halloween!!!
- I want you!!!
- Never going to give up!
- Get out of here
- Boom..... :P
- Out of my mind!!
- Realsing the Demon
- Tsuna and Ed
- Chapter 11- Blood Filled Sky- Eclipse pt 2
- Back to Reality
- Taken down- vision part 3
- Hibito's slash- vision part 2
- Hibito and Shelly
- Floating through...
- Beginning of the Eclipsing.....
- Return of Sasuke
- Mask unveiled
- A new location
- Deteriorating....
- A Clone?
- A plan... Or Deception?
- There they are
- Naruto vs Suigetsu pt 3
- Naruto vs Suigetsu pt 2
- Naruto vs Suigetsu
- Suigetsu and Naruto's encounter
- A new body for whom?
- Chapter 10- Eclipse part 1
- He's a God
- Wings of the Fire god
- Fire and Flames of the White Beard Pirate
- What's that?!
- Vegeta's Rising
- Array of Missles
- Enemy incoming
- One man down
- Request Denied
- Animania's First Birthday
- Snipe from above
- Chapter 9- First Blood
- Preparing
- Explosions
- Worst Villain
- Fangy
- Partner battle
- An Emo Quacker
- Wooden Prison
- Flames... Again
- Mr. Dino
- A Very Messed up Situation
- Engulfed in Flames
- Final step
- ROCKET!!!!
- Poot!
- That Generic Evil guy..... Again.....
- The Green Beast
- Byakugan
- Chaoter 8- Charging the Castle
- Preparing for the Night
- Awake
- Zolo's done?
- Sudden Death
- Gale's Back
- Look out!
- Kamehamehamehamehame... HAAAA!!!!!
- Robin Pierced
- Losing Control
- Six- Fleurs
- Bitch Slapped!
- Animania's 300th Page!!!!
- Shot to the Heart
- An ace up his Sleeve
- Sleek Cut
- Rise of Asura
- up again
- Speed is the key
- oni giri
- To Cross
- The Z Warriors
- Usopp's End
- Chapter 7- The best
- Happy Canada Day
- Finished...
- Rotation
- Sharingan
- Gingerbread man also called you a monster
- Blood Chidori
- A new Challenger approaching!!!!
- Healing Jutsu
- Blood dripped Teeth
- New Transformation
Filler: Soul Edge
- Filler: Kyubi Naruto
- Filler- Screw you Pikachu!!!! Well... Not really.... :P
- Guest comic 10- shaun
- Guest comic 9- God blaster
- Guest comic 8- Ketiou
- Guest comic 7- By Minimatty
- Guest Comic 6- Rage Nakasa
- Guest comci 5- Kiddi
- Guest comic 4- Minimatty
- Fan art piece by Howey
- Guest Comic 3 by BloodTH
- Guest Comic 2 By Walrus
Guest Comic 1 by Rage Nakasa
- %^#$%@#%#@%@#%- What? It's only Hamster language
- Hamtaro's Tale pt 3
- Hamtaro's Tale pt 2
- Hamtaro's Tale
- Chapter 6- Art of the Ham-fu!!!
- Kaion ahoy!!!!
- A Risky Gamble
- Book Filler 7
- Book Filler 6
- Book Filler 5
- Book Filler 4
- Book Filler 3
- Book Filler 2
Book Filler
- A bomb?
- Trident Spear
- Steroids?
- Frightening Change
- Lightning... Always works. :P
- Phoenix Flame Star
- The Sniper King's Arrival
- 2 Ton Flame Hammer!!!!
- Nami and the Coward
- Chapter 5- Pirates on the High Sea's
- Water Manipulator
- Kyle vs Usopp!!!!- First bout!
- Inflateable Glider
- Control
- Hiten-Mitsurugi Ryu
- Riku's Mantra
- Filler (again)- Need a Break
- Momentum
- Cliff Jumping
- Bushido
- Filler: Holy Assassin promo
- Blood Dyed Sky
- Blades Clash
- Babe's on the Beach
- The Holy Land
Chapter 4- Crash and Burn
- Riku? How is he General # 7?
- Who is this new foe?
- Brago.... Death by Self
- Raigou... Blast to end it all?
- Supreme Blast- Raigou!!!!
- S- Class Demon
- Fan art- Me by Black_Daisy
- Brago... Shadow of the fight
- Silly Finish
- If I wasn't crazy, Then this porbably wouldn't work...
- Guest comic By Walrus
- Delayed Slash
- Teams finally Meet
- Time to Fight on the Island in the Sky
- Brother's in Arms
- Breif Explanation
- Luffy's Charging
- Goku's back up
- Gale... Swordsman General
- Goku Falling
- End of the Battle, and Tsunade the Princess
- Ichigo vs Madara pt 2- A minute ago...
- Ichigo vs Madara pt 1- Amaterasu of Hell
Chapter 3- Butt Kicking Time
- A Ninja's Decision
- Wake up!!!
- Clueless
- Taikoubou's Challenge
- Luffy Need's Meat
- Comic's Done
- Manic's Loopy Land
- Taikoubou...Elite General # 1
- Mantra
- Taikoubou's Message
- Train's Decision and Goku's back!
- Hitsugaya's Wound
Chapter 2
- Shadow's Warning
- Done Changing?
- Filler: Word Balloon Concern
- New Recruitment
- Neuro...Elite General of Sonic
- Ichigo's Decision
- Naughty Hamtaro
- Luffy's Return
- Rabbit Through the Hole
- Top Notch Assassin
- Ichigo vs Hollow Ichigo- End of fight
- Three Years or Three Days?
- Manic and Sonic? 0_o?
- Meeting With Zangetsu
- Bankai vs Bankai
- Luffy's Back
- Opposite Ends of a Pole
- Visit from a Friend
- Unknown Voices
Season 4
- The End?
- Tale of the Zeus
- The Zeus Cannon pt.2
- The Zeus Cannon
- Original Teams and the Honorary Ninja
- Second to none in Speed
- The Map
- Plans and The Battlefield
- Kuma-Down
- Cheating and Freezing
- Naruto's Speed and Hamtaro's Fight
- Infiltration?
- Luffy vs Itachi- Enclosure
- Luffy vs Itachi pt 2- A Man's Spirit
- Luffy vs Itachi- Venture into the Tsukuyomi Realm
- Luffy vs Ace pt.7- A new Enemy
- Luffy vs Ace pt 6- Black Flames
- Luffy vs Ace pt.5- Back Again
- Luffy vs Ace pt 4- Gear 3rd
- Luffy vs Ace pt 3- Lion vs Jet
- Playing with Fire
- Punch from the Younger Brother
- Teams
- Filler: Hits and Comments
- Explanation of Loss
- Second Reunion
- Goal Achieved
- Forgot about Shadow?
- End and Reunion
- Hollow vs Demi-God
- HAM-KAI!!!- I mean Bankai...
- King of Illusions
- A Change of Mind?
- Son of the Uchiha
- Filler: Valentines Day Fan Comic
- Filler: Happy Valentines Day!!!!!!
- Mayuri and Kaion
- The White Lotus Shrine
- Positive Energy And Negative Energy
- Gate of the Lotus
- Tale of the Lotus pt. 2
- Tale of the Lotus
- Preparations
- The White Lotus
- The Traitor
- One Week and Sasuke's Death
- End of the Line
- Shinigami Flash Steps
- A Shinigami Ally
- Naruto vs Madara- The Fourth Tail
- A new transformation
- Madara Uchiha's Vessel
- Flashback to the Clash
- Impossible!
- An Unknown Friend, or Foe
- Naruto vs Sasuke pt 8- Clash Chidori and Rasengan! pt 3
- Naruto vs Sasuke pt 7- Beginning of the end
- Naruto vs Sauke pt 6- Another Transformation
- Naruto vs Sasuke pt 5- Pushed to the Limit
- Naruto vs Sasuke pt 4- Rise of the Kyuubi
- Naruto Vs Sasuke pt 3- A New Trick
- Filler: Birthday Special
- Naruto Vs Sasuke pt. 2- Clash Rasengan and Chidori!
- Naruto Vs Sasuke pt. 1
- Manic's Plan
- Bomb's over Fire
- Special 100th Page
- Return of the Ace
- Sonic's Plan
- Final Plans
- Death of a Teacher
- Never Underestimate Uchiha
- Betrayal
- Stab Through the Heart
- Shushin No Jutsu
- Too Fast
- Chidori Fang
- Master and Former Pupil
- Refusal
- Negotiation
- The Messenger
- Ninja vs the Guardian- Conclusion
- Ninja vs the Guardian Pt. 3
- Ninja vs the Guardian Pt. 2
- Ninja vs the Guardian Pt. 1
- True Form of the Guardian
- Who Goes There
- Nearly There
- Holiday Special
- The Hot Gates
- S-Class Mission
- End of The Filler
- Super Saiyan 5
- D"OH!
- Another Filler
- Goodbye Eve
- Clash
- Enter Kuro
- Remain Calm!!!!!
- Intruder Alert
- Two More Brothers
- Sibling Rivalry
- Revenge
- Unsure
- Being Neutral
Season 3
- End of Season 2
- To fight, or not to fight
- Combat on the Sea
- Combat in the Sky
- Dawn of the Great War
- Time to end the War
- Stupid Naruto
- Praise the Lord
- How we survived......
- And a new Alliance
- A broken Alliance
- Havin' Fun
- King of the Pirates!!!!!!
- I'm the next........
- The Meat Fairy
- FOOD!!!!!!!!
- We Need Support
- Just keep Running
- Together Again
- Time to Leave
- Luffy.....
- Game Over?
- The Fire Lion vs the Water Dragon
- Clash of the Titans
- Come out, come out where ever you are
- Now I'm mad!!!
- I'm on Fire!!!!!
- Back to the story!!!!!!!!!!
- Uhhhhhhhhhh........
- Chakra training
- Lesson 1: Chakra Ultimatum
- Filler
- Zolo to the Rescue
- Is this the end of Sakura!!!?!!?
- Sakura fights
- A new Mission: Protect the Border!
Season 2
- End of Season 1
- A world falling apart
- Roronoa Zolo
- Taken Hostage
- What a great sword
- The Future
- Still alive....
- IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Yay for orange!!!!!!!!!!
- What's Going on?
- I will have my REVENGE!
- NO!!!!!!! How could you!?
- You Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- A twist!!!!!!!
- Did you win?
- Clash Chidori and Rasengan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- What's This!
- Kakashi charges!!!!!
- Chidori Vs Rasengan!!!!!!!!
- An old friend
- The Adventure Begins
Author notes
Recently I've noticed that the stats for this comic are slowly dropping. If you love this comic, please rate it, post a comment, or even recommend it. If the stats go up, there will be a huge update either this week or the next. And if you want to advertise your comic, advertise it here at: . Post your comic in the forums section, and please tell other comic authors. Thank you.
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