Applied Living


Author notes



[Rant inserted.]

Thus continues ApL.

It is like a twisted, ravenous aberration, rampaging and ravaging the outlying farmlands to sate and sedate its villainous hunger and lust for things to consume and exhume.

We are that beast. Get us into the lauded Top Five (Top Ten is acceptable as well) and we'll spare you.

We're going to try and update twice weekly from now on– something like a Monday-Friday or Tuesday-Saturday schedule. And we're also going to clean up the site a little bit (revamp the character bios, remove the obsolete links, etc.). All of that… eventually.

So, yeah. We're going to go back to marauding, and you're going to go spread the good news of Applied Living and save countless souls from infinite damnation and the many circles of Hell.

I apologize for the lack of wordplay. I'm not much of a PUNdit when it comes to humor.

The Tarrasque sends its regards.


Also, be sure to hearken back to the glory days of ApL and visit all of our old strips. It'll make the herald angels sing.


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