Applied Living
Author notes
acadia onThere was no hiatus. There was no break. We never stopped updating, actually.
You just missed them all. Every one of you; the collective readership somehow missed out on over a month of Applied Living. Our viewers unequivocally fell out of temporality like Man fell away from the Golden Age of civilization and humanity.
In fact, that's exactly what happened while you were gone. Dave and I tore away our clothing, appendectomized our wallets, and torched our furniture to escape the materialistic minutia of societal etiquette and the devious cycle of existence under the leviathan of consumer, corporate, and capitalist life. We took flight like a condor of nostalgic determination, and found ourselves in the cradle of paradise, Mesopotamia, from where Man fled the vestments of perfection and earthly divinity in the golden days of our storied, desired past.
We ate grapes with Bacchus, named animals with Adam, and forged a great arsenal of Applied Living strips with the combined efforts of Vulcan and Bill Watterson. But alas, woeful weakness befell us, and we returned to the dismal drafts of skyscraper fumes and ambiguity among many, waiting for your return, like Arthur from Avalon.
While we have no relics of glory from our stay at the hostel of utopia, we have procured this mediocre comic so that your hunger will be sated and your zealous fervor incited to an ecstatic level. Behold Apathy and Complacency, the succubi that they are.
Bear with us. We're still knocking off the rust.
Without further ado (or much ado about nothing):
Thus continues ApL.
EDIT: Looks like we're on sabbatical again. Stow your ticker tape and triumphant banners; there's no victory parade today. Send in your guest comics instead, or your coffins– Applied Living might be dead.
Blame the inefficiency of American education.
"Don't blame us. Blame yourselves or God."*
Nothing like a 32-bit eulogy.
*Delita Hyral, Final Fantasy Tactics
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