Arbitrary Comix

Playlist page 10/Backcover

Author notes

Playlist page 10/Backcover


This ending had mixed reception. Personally, this is the sort of ending that I like. It gives closure but we're not sure if the characters become friends, start dating, develop feelings for one another or what. That's left up to the reader. It's just stated that their lives go on. Some people, including Jamie's mother, thought that there needed more closure. Like the boy and the girl leaving school holding hands or something.
I'm actually rather pleased with how this turned out and as I said it's gotten rather good critical reception. It's since been used to show school kids how to make comics and it's even been added to the Multnomah County Library's collection. I've even been asked by a few people if I'm going to continue it. The answer of course was no.
This is where the aforementioned "mixed feelings" come in. When you have a correspondence with an author it's easy to start to think of them as a friend and a falling out with a friend always makes me sad. What's worse is that I'm not even sure that it is a falling out or not. In fact I have no idea what it was, Jamie just one day stopped contacting me.
I suppose I should feel happy about readers responding to my comic but the sad thing is it never felt like it was "mine." Thanks for reading, and sorry I got so emo in my afterward.


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