finally got a background artist to work with me! yay!~ to be honest, i had halted the comic because i hated my backgrounds, i hope to start again now with Sun-Wing's help ^^
on another note, how's the coloring on my part? does it fit her background style? or should i try something else?
wooah this is really cool man. I like how you're shading now it adds more depth, and with the background artist it adds something else to your art now! In short form, I see nothing wrong with this ;D
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roflmaoastc (rolling on the floor laughing my ass off and scaring the cat)
LycanBlade at
oh i love it, the background and forground work amazingly well (didnt even think they was done by diff ppl tell u mentioned it)
kitsunesan at
you you are alive, XD…
Mr_Molotov at
this comics awesome! more please?
b_templar428 at
agaon, i have to reread to get this…
why is it all my comic ppls are taking hiataus'es?
Nako at
Frozen at
wooah this is really cool man. I like how you're shading now it adds more depth, and with the background artist it adds something else to your art now!
In short form, I see nothing wrong with this ;D
Zoom the Hedgehog at
I think everything looks just fine, I don't see a problem with it. Then again, I'm no professional. D:
Hunchdebunch at
This is looking way better now, good job with the colouring too! :)