First Prev - Vengeance² - Page 6 - Vengeance² - Page 5 - Vengeance² - Page 4 - Vengeance² - Page 3 - Vengeance² - Page 2 Vengeance² - Page 1 - Friendship is Science - Speed Dating - Extra - Speed Dating - Page 14 - Speed Dating - Page 13 - Speed Dating - Page 12 - Speed Dating - Page 11 - Speed Dating - Page 10 - Speed Dating - Page 9 - Speed Dating - Page 8 - Speed Dating - Page 7 - Speed Dating - Page 6 - Speed Dating - Page 5 - Speed Dating #4 - Speed Dating #3 - Speed Dating #2 Speed Dating #1 - Artist is out #3 - Artist is out #2 Artist is out #1 - 'Lil Ardra - The Whole Tooth - The Road Trip - Extra 2/2 - The Road Trip - Extra 1/2 - The Road Trip #30 (inks) - The Road Trip #29 (inks) - The Road Trip #28 (inks) - The Road Trip #27 (inks) - The Road Trip #26 - The Road Trip #25 - The Road Trip #24 (inks) - The Road Trip #23 - The Road Trip #22 (inks) - lil' ardra in "Heart Attack" - The Road Trip #21 - The Road Trip #20 - The Road Trip #19 (inks) - The Road Trip #18 - The Road Trip #17 - The Road Trip #16 (inks) - The Road Trip #15 - The Road Trip #14 - The Road Trip #13 - The Raod Trip #12 - The Raod Trip #11 - The Road Trip #10 - The Road Trip #9 - The Road Trip #8 - Halloween Special (part 1) - Halloween Special (part 2) - The Road Trip #7 - The Road Trip #6 - The Road Trip #5 - The Road Trip #4 - The Road Trip #3 - The Road Trip #2 The Road Trip #1 - A few alterations are on the way... - Unsittable (Part 2) - Unsittable (Part 1) - Road Trip (Part 3) - The Road Trip #2 - The Road Trip #1 Reality (Guest Comic) - After The Company Has Gone - This One's A Keeper - Otto Cleans Up His Act...Sort Of - Not As Crazy As She Seems - Not Such A Great Plan After All - Youse Expected Maybe Elliot Ness? - An Offer Otto Can't Refuse - The Plan Takes Shape - Ardra: Total n00b - Oh Noes, Teh Dramas! - As The Days Go By... - Otto's Startling Revelation - Catching Up On Family Happenings - Slacker Lunch - Renelsior Sibling Rivalry - Where Otto Goes, Trouble Follows - Ardra's Secret Schoolgirl Crush Otto Efficiency - Science Uber Alles - Leading Up To The Experiment - Japanese Dreams And Anna-Induced Nightmares - Addicted To Learning...Or Afraid To Move On? - The College Years - The Next Generation? - Early Education - Why Ardra Hates Cell Phones - Childhood Monsters - A Troubled Youth Origins of Ardra - The More You Know - A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes. Or Maybe It's A Cry For Help - The Big Finale - It's A Squid Thing Home School Musical - A Tender Act of Kindness... Ardra Style - Crazy Is Lenore's Default Setting - The Even More Bizarre Life Of Another Genius - Taking What You Can Get, Friendshipwise - How To Make Friends...Literally - The Bizarre Life Of A Genius After Home-School Special (cover) - A True Genius Is Never Appreciated - We Didn't Start The Fire... Oh, Wait, Yes We Did! - Things Get A Bit Out Of Hand Most People Just Return Unwanted Christmas Gifts... - Many Unhappy Election Returns For Smirk - Politicians Gone Wild - The Wheels Are Set In Motion - 174 - Do Not Store Near Old Flames - Eileen's Grand Stand - Meet Ophelia - We Finally Get Around To Mentioning The Surrogate - Ardra Has Friends? Who Knew? - "Hoosier Values" For The Win! - Eileen's Rebuttal Is Stronger Than Ardra's - Things Heat Up A Notch - Ardra Gets A Little Wordy (Kind of Like Her Comic) - A Neo-Con Artist Vs. A Liberal Dose of Crap - Ardra Vs. Her Less-Than-Worthy Opponents - Ardra's Hair Is Not Ready For Prime Time - Smirk Pulls A Fast One On The Press - Scaring Voters May Not Be The Best Campaign Tactic... - Ardra Gets By With A Little Help From Her Friends - Ardra Knocks 'em Dead - Lenore: Low-Budget James Carville - Hey, If Bob Barr Can Do It... - Who Knew Delusions Of Grandeur Were Contagious? - Smirk: Strategic Genius? - Smirk's Past Catches Up With Him Ardra for Congress - You Can't Keep A Sleazy Man Down The Mystery Of Wandering Green Eye - Aftermath of the War - The Great Battle Of The Blender Epic Smoothie Conflict - At Last, Freedom! (For Gordie and Della, Anyway) - Take Your Daughter To Work? - Parenting Skills Are Not Found In Abundance Here - It's Important That We Don't Panic...DON'T PANIC!! - So, It WAS a Crucial Plot Point - Dr. Lenore's Counseling Works Wonders... Sort Of. - Ask Dr. Lenore - Good Grief Counseling - Proof Lenore DOES Have A Conscience - Wherein The Plot Takes A Serious Turn - Those boots weren't made just for walking. - The Big Cover-Up - Revealed - A Crucial Plot Point...Or Not? - Most Expensive Fast Food EVER! - #130 - Filet-O-Squid and Cynical Meal Not Available - Yes, But Is It Squid Friendly? - Unacceptable Accomodations - A Not-So Heartfelt Goodbye - Ardra Prepares Della for Disaster - The Girls Face the Peril of Normalcy Weekend at Gordie & Della's! Light Fuse With Mind, And Get Away - Ardra Faces The Muzak Fear Rides The Escalator - Family Lame Night A Lesson In Cell Phone Etiquette (Remake strip) - For Everything Else, There's Squid Ink - It's the added touches that make your stufed animal special! - You've Gotta Have a Heart - Even If It Is A Bit Cloying - Well, THIS Choice Was Inevitable... 115 - The Stuff That Nausea Is Made Of - The End...Or Is It? - Zoinks, Scoob! - ThE MaStEr wOuLd NoT aPprOvE... - Operation Stop Ardrienne Is A Go! - Creating A Diversion - A Plan Is Hatched - Plotting a Counter-Attack... Sort Of. - Ardrienne's Evil Scheme Revealed! - Ardrienne's Lone Supporter - Renelsior Family History Lesson - Ardrienne's Plan - Because They're Cousins...Identical Cousins... - 102 - That Wacky Renelsior Clan - Otto: Hacker/Slacker - Otto and the Art of Living Dangerously - The Herefore Unmentioned Brother - Good Cop, Annoying Cop - I Ain't Gettin' On No Plane, Fool! They're Creepy And They're Kooky.... - Ardra Makes Her Decision...For Now - Lenore's Agenda is Rather Transparent - - A Difference of Opinion. - One is the Loneliest Number... But Two's Not Much Better. - Lenore & Eileen Play Cupid (Albeit Not Very Well) A Super-Intellectual Man is Hard to Find. - Sticking It To The Man. - Trouble at Renelsior Labs. Maybe She Should Call It Truevo? - More Wacky Telekinetic Fun with Lenore! - Some People Just Won't Take "NO" for an Answer. Fear and Loathing at The Mall. - April Fools Crossover - Strip unfinished - please skip this placeholder - Strip unfinished - please skip this placeholder - Strip unfinished - please skip this placeholder - Strip unfinished - please skip this placeholder - A Very Renelsior Christmas. - Lenore Exposes The Global Santa Conspiracy. - Claus for Alarm. - A Visit to the Deus Ex Machine Public Library. The First Snowfall of the Season. - Happy Turkey Day! - Happy Halloween! - Stranded on Hiatus Island - Crime and Punnishment - Bad Libs! Pest Control - Epilogue II: Sweet, Sweet, Solitude. - Epilogue: Smirk the Jerk is Out of Work! - If Your Don't Like the Rules, Make Your Own! - Fate Smiles Upon Smirk - Eileen's Strategy - Squirrel Wars!!! Part 2 (non-canon) - Squirrel Wars!!! (non-canon) - Actually, Smirk's Yer Problem - Oops! Smirk Does It Again! - Lenore Redefines the Term 'Boom Mic' - Aldla's Shocking Hollywood Confessions! - It Was Vinnie Barbarino In The Role Of A Lifetime, Smirk! - Maybe at Some Point It'll get Tougher. - Live From the Duex Ex Machina Theater, It's Quiz-o-Rama! - The Tryout, aka The Foregone Conclusion. - Let's Make a Deal, Eileen! What Kind of Name is "Smirk," Anyway? - Like, Gag Me With a Scone - A Slaying Song Tonight! - Holiday Shopping Rush for the Mindless - An Traditional, Untraditional Thanksgiving - Democracy Inaction - Strifetime: Not Television for Ardra. - They're Telekinetically Squidelicious! Computer Script is the Only Java Ardra Needs. - The Grass is Always Greener. - All The World Needs Now, Is Cynicism, Sweet Cynicism - Maybe She's Worried Eileen Doesn't Get Enough Punch lines. - Ardra Shows a Certain Degree of Concern. - Love, Princes, and Chinese Food. - The Family That Eats Squid Ink Together, Stays Together. - Yes, Vulcans Date More Often than Ardra Does. - A Shady Scientist Hypnotized My Man! On the Next Jerry! - Gordie Zwental, Hoosier Daddy! - Tact's Cut. - Artificial Humiliation. Who's Your Daddy? - Guest Strip #4 - Cooking Up Trouble in the Kitchen! - Guest Strip #3 - The Door in the Fourth Wall Was Open - Guest Strip #2 - Pass the Squid-Corn - Guest Strip #1- World's Worst Crossover Comic The Doll All The Hopelessly Nerdy Girls Are Playing With This Year. - Goodbye To Aldla...And Maybe Lenore, Too - Don't Mess Around With Eileen And Lenore! - A Cornucopia Of Wacky Telekinetic Fun! A Trip to Dizzyland - Never Work With Dogs Or Super-Intellectual Children. - Raise Your Glass Of Coke-Pepsi-Sprite-Lemonade-Orange Juice-Squid Ink In A Toast To 2006! - Ardra Displays Un-Ardralike Maternal Instincts. - Aldla Reveals Her Plot To Ardra. - Ardra Takes Aldla To Task. - Aldla Reveals Her Master Plan. - Aldla Has A Secret! - Meet Aldla! A Secret Too Terrible To Mention! - What Do You Give The Hellspawn Who Has Everything - Dr. Bob Renelsior, Classic Enabler. Into The Lair Of The Wicked Witch. - Day 7: Comparing Ardra's Mom To Tony Shalhoub. - Day 6: Too Much Time On The Road Leads To Bad Puns - Day 5: Eileen Reflects Upon Life. - Day 4: Farm Folks, Flapjacks, and Farewells - Day 3: Meet Ardra's Grandparents! - Day 2: One of 6,432 Dairy Farms In The Central Wisconsin Area - The Road Trip, Day 1: Chicago. She's Probably Just Too Cheap To Buy Plane Tickets - Grammar City Language Police: To Serve And Correct. - A Very Renelsior Christmas. - The Ubiquitous Calvin and Hobbes Tribute. - Survey Says....Ardra's Just A Bit Strange! - A Brief Refresher Course On Cell Phone Etiquette. - Remember, Kiddies, Zanta Klaus is Coming....TO KILL!! Ardra's Poorly Drawn, Yet Still Triumphant Debut! Next Last First Prev - Vengeance² - Page 6 - Vengeance² - Page 5 - Vengeance² - Page 4 - Vengeance² - Page 3 - Vengeance² - Page 2 Vengeance² - Page 1 - Friendship is Science - Speed Dating - Extra - Speed Dating - Page 14 - Speed Dating - Page 13 - Speed Dating - Page 12 - Speed Dating - Page 11 - Speed Dating - Page 10 - Speed Dating - Page 9 - Speed Dating - Page 8 - Speed Dating - Page 7 - Speed Dating - Page 6 - Speed Dating - Page 5 - Speed Dating #4 - Speed Dating #3 - Speed Dating #2 Speed Dating #1 - Artist is out #3 - Artist is out #2 Artist is out #1 - 'Lil Ardra - The Whole Tooth - The Road Trip - Extra 2/2 - The Road Trip - Extra 1/2 - The Road Trip #30 (inks) - The Road Trip #29 (inks) - The Road Trip #28 (inks) - The Road Trip #27 (inks) - The Road Trip #26 - The Road Trip #25 - The Road Trip #24 (inks) - The Road Trip #23 - The Road Trip #22 (inks) - lil' ardra in "Heart Attack" - The Road Trip #21 - The Road Trip #20 - The Road Trip #19 (inks) - The Road Trip #18 - The Road Trip #17 - The Road Trip #16 (inks) - The Road Trip #15 - The Road Trip #14 - The Road Trip #13 - The Raod Trip #12 - The Raod Trip #11 - The Road Trip #10 - The Road Trip #9 - The Road Trip #8 - Halloween Special (part 1) - Halloween Special (part 2) - The Road Trip #7 - The Road Trip #6 - The Road Trip #5 - The Road Trip #4 - The Road Trip #3 - The Road Trip #2 The Road Trip #1 - A few alterations are on the way... - Unsittable (Part 2) - Unsittable (Part 1) - Road Trip (Part 3) - The Road Trip #2 - The Road Trip #1 Reality (Guest Comic) - After The Company Has Gone - This One's A Keeper - Otto Cleans Up His Act...Sort Of - Not As Crazy As She Seems - Not Such A Great Plan After All - Youse Expected Maybe Elliot Ness? - An Offer Otto Can't Refuse - The Plan Takes Shape - Ardra: Total n00b - Oh Noes, Teh Dramas! - As The Days Go By... - Otto's Startling Revelation - Catching Up On Family Happenings - Slacker Lunch - Renelsior Sibling Rivalry - Where Otto Goes, Trouble Follows - Ardra's Secret Schoolgirl Crush Otto Efficiency - Science Uber Alles - Leading Up To The Experiment - Japanese Dreams And Anna-Induced Nightmares - Addicted To Learning...Or Afraid To Move On? - The College Years - The Next Generation? - Early Education - Why Ardra Hates Cell Phones - Childhood Monsters - A Troubled Youth Origins of Ardra - The More You Know - A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes. Or Maybe It's A Cry For Help - The Big Finale - It's A Squid Thing Home School Musical - A Tender Act of Kindness... Ardra Style - Crazy Is Lenore's Default Setting - The Even More Bizarre Life Of Another Genius - Taking What You Can Get, Friendshipwise - How To Make Friends...Literally - The Bizarre Life Of A Genius After Home-School Special (cover) - A True Genius Is Never Appreciated - We Didn't Start The Fire... Oh, Wait, Yes We Did! - Things Get A Bit Out Of Hand Most People Just Return Unwanted Christmas Gifts... - Many Unhappy Election Returns For Smirk - Politicians Gone Wild - The Wheels Are Set In Motion - 174 - Do Not Store Near Old Flames - Eileen's Grand Stand - Meet Ophelia - We Finally Get Around To Mentioning The Surrogate - Ardra Has Friends? Who Knew? - "Hoosier Values" For The Win! - Eileen's Rebuttal Is Stronger Than Ardra's - Things Heat Up A Notch - Ardra Gets A Little Wordy (Kind of Like Her Comic) - A Neo-Con Artist Vs. A Liberal Dose of Crap - Ardra Vs. Her Less-Than-Worthy Opponents - Ardra's Hair Is Not Ready For Prime Time - Smirk Pulls A Fast One On The Press - Scaring Voters May Not Be The Best Campaign Tactic... - Ardra Gets By With A Little Help From Her Friends - Ardra Knocks 'em Dead - Lenore: Low-Budget James Carville - Hey, If Bob Barr Can Do It... - Who Knew Delusions Of Grandeur Were Contagious? - Smirk: Strategic Genius? - Smirk's Past Catches Up With Him Ardra for Congress - You Can't Keep A Sleazy Man Down The Mystery Of Wandering Green Eye - Aftermath of the War - The Great Battle Of The Blender Epic Smoothie Conflict - At Last, Freedom! (For Gordie and Della, Anyway) - Take Your Daughter To Work? - Parenting Skills Are Not Found In Abundance Here - It's Important That We Don't Panic...DON'T PANIC!! - So, It WAS a Crucial Plot Point - Dr. Lenore's Counseling Works Wonders... Sort Of. - Ask Dr. Lenore - Good Grief Counseling - Proof Lenore DOES Have A Conscience - Wherein The Plot Takes A Serious Turn - Those boots weren't made just for walking. - The Big Cover-Up - Revealed - A Crucial Plot Point...Or Not? - Most Expensive Fast Food EVER! - #130 - Filet-O-Squid and Cynical Meal Not Available - Yes, But Is It Squid Friendly? - Unacceptable Accomodations - A Not-So Heartfelt Goodbye - Ardra Prepares Della for Disaster - The Girls Face the Peril of Normalcy Weekend at Gordie & Della's! Light Fuse With Mind, And Get Away - Ardra Faces The Muzak Fear Rides The Escalator - Family Lame Night A Lesson In Cell Phone Etiquette (Remake strip) - For Everything Else, There's Squid Ink - It's the added touches that make your stufed animal special! - You've Gotta Have a Heart - Even If It Is A Bit Cloying - Well, THIS Choice Was Inevitable... 115 - The Stuff That Nausea Is Made Of - The End...Or Is It? - Zoinks, Scoob! - ThE MaStEr wOuLd NoT aPprOvE... - Operation Stop Ardrienne Is A Go! - Creating A Diversion - A Plan Is Hatched - Plotting a Counter-Attack... Sort Of. - Ardrienne's Evil Scheme Revealed! - Ardrienne's Lone Supporter - Renelsior Family History Lesson - Ardrienne's Plan - Because They're Cousins...Identical Cousins... - 102 - That Wacky Renelsior Clan - Otto: Hacker/Slacker - Otto and the Art of Living Dangerously - The Herefore Unmentioned Brother - Good Cop, Annoying Cop - I Ain't Gettin' On No Plane, Fool! They're Creepy And They're Kooky.... - Ardra Makes Her Decision...For Now - Lenore's Agenda is Rather Transparent - - A Difference of Opinion. - One is the Loneliest Number... But Two's Not Much Better. - Lenore & Eileen Play Cupid (Albeit Not Very Well) A Super-Intellectual Man is Hard to Find. - Sticking It To The Man. - Trouble at Renelsior Labs. Maybe She Should Call It Truevo? - More Wacky Telekinetic Fun with Lenore! - Some People Just Won't Take "NO" for an Answer. Fear and Loathing at The Mall. - April Fools Crossover - Strip unfinished - please skip this placeholder - Strip unfinished - please skip this placeholder - Strip unfinished - please skip this placeholder - Strip unfinished - please skip this placeholder - A Very Renelsior Christmas. - Lenore Exposes The Global Santa Conspiracy. - Claus for Alarm. - A Visit to the Deus Ex Machine Public Library. The First Snowfall of the Season. - Happy Turkey Day! - Happy Halloween! - Stranded on Hiatus Island - Crime and Punnishment - Bad Libs! Pest Control - Epilogue II: Sweet, Sweet, Solitude. - Epilogue: Smirk the Jerk is Out of Work! - If Your Don't Like the Rules, Make Your Own! - Fate Smiles Upon Smirk - Eileen's Strategy - Squirrel Wars!!! Part 2 (non-canon) - Squirrel Wars!!! (non-canon) - Actually, Smirk's Yer Problem - Oops! Smirk Does It Again! - Lenore Redefines the Term 'Boom Mic' - Aldla's Shocking Hollywood Confessions! - It Was Vinnie Barbarino In The Role Of A Lifetime, Smirk! - Maybe at Some Point It'll get Tougher. - Live From the Duex Ex Machina Theater, It's Quiz-o-Rama! - The Tryout, aka The Foregone Conclusion. - Let's Make a Deal, Eileen! What Kind of Name is "Smirk," Anyway? - Like, Gag Me With a Scone - A Slaying Song Tonight! - Holiday Shopping Rush for the Mindless - An Traditional, Untraditional Thanksgiving - Democracy Inaction - Strifetime: Not Television for Ardra. - They're Telekinetically Squidelicious! Computer Script is the Only Java Ardra Needs. - The Grass is Always Greener. - All The World Needs Now, Is Cynicism, Sweet Cynicism - Maybe She's Worried Eileen Doesn't Get Enough Punch lines. - Ardra Shows a Certain Degree of Concern. - Love, Princes, and Chinese Food. - The Family That Eats Squid Ink Together, Stays Together. - Yes, Vulcans Date More Often than Ardra Does. - A Shady Scientist Hypnotized My Man! On the Next Jerry! - Gordie Zwental, Hoosier Daddy! - Tact's Cut. - Artificial Humiliation. Who's Your Daddy? - Guest Strip #4 - Cooking Up Trouble in the Kitchen! - Guest Strip #3 - The Door in the Fourth Wall Was Open - Guest Strip #2 - Pass the Squid-Corn - Guest Strip #1- World's Worst Crossover Comic The Doll All The Hopelessly Nerdy Girls Are Playing With This Year. - Goodbye To Aldla...And Maybe Lenore, Too - Don't Mess Around With Eileen And Lenore! - A Cornucopia Of Wacky Telekinetic Fun! A Trip to Dizzyland - Never Work With Dogs Or Super-Intellectual Children. - Raise Your Glass Of Coke-Pepsi-Sprite-Lemonade-Orange Juice-Squid Ink In A Toast To 2006! - Ardra Displays Un-Ardralike Maternal Instincts. - Aldla Reveals Her Plot To Ardra. - Ardra Takes Aldla To Task. - Aldla Reveals Her Master Plan. - Aldla Has A Secret! - Meet Aldla! A Secret Too Terrible To Mention! - What Do You Give The Hellspawn Who Has Everything - Dr. Bob Renelsior, Classic Enabler. Into The Lair Of The Wicked Witch. - Day 7: Comparing Ardra's Mom To Tony Shalhoub. - Day 6: Too Much Time On The Road Leads To Bad Puns - Day 5: Eileen Reflects Upon Life. - Day 4: Farm Folks, Flapjacks, and Farewells - Day 3: Meet Ardra's Grandparents! - Day 2: One of 6,432 Dairy Farms In The Central Wisconsin Area - The Road Trip, Day 1: Chicago. She's Probably Just Too Cheap To Buy Plane Tickets - Grammar City Language Police: To Serve And Correct. - A Very Renelsior Christmas. - The Ubiquitous Calvin and Hobbes Tribute. - Survey Says....Ardra's Just A Bit Strange! - A Brief Refresher Course On Cell Phone Etiquette. - Remember, Kiddies, Zanta Klaus is Coming....TO KILL!! Ardra's Poorly Drawn, Yet Still Triumphant Debut! Next Last Author notes Speed Dating - Page 5 fesworks on July 19, 2011 Remember that the main website ( updates weeks ahead of The Duck website. You can find this comic on the main site here: Comments Please login to comment. Login or Register JillyFoo at 18 Sep, 2011, 11:46 AM Yay! lol
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Yay! lol