Author notes
Alright, so Chain Death doesn't die, but instead Caldara gets a chain slammed into his throat.
I'm probably going to see the movie 'Thank you for Smoking' today. I'll report back on how it was.
Anyways check back tomorrow for another update.
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Login or RegisterFyrsiel at
DX HO-GODS!!… ow… that has gotta hurt 'em… TT__TT;;;
JillyFoo at
ooo some pain! A different result then the origenal?
SarahN at
CD's pretty tough.^^ Hope Caldara's okay…
Twilight_of_the_gods at
owie, that must hurt…
Coydog at
Ozoneocean at
Hehehe, nicely done. Well it looks like he might actually have been clever enough to left his bulky clothes take the blade ^^
gigatwo at
It sucks to be Caldara right now.
Lukey at
This page is one of the best you have ever done!
GeneralRoshambo at
That's not good.