Assassin Assassin

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Ch3 Page 5!
ccs1989 onAlright, so welcome to another day of Assassin Assassin. We’re happy to have you back.
I’m gonna write a rant today, something that I don’t do very often. It’s about Avatar: The Last Airbender, the anime-inspired show on Nick.
It rocks.
I mean seriously. I’ve been checking out some of the new anime to come out lately, and they suck. It’s like animation studios in Japan finally gave up trying to create good storylines and now make everything completely based on cliches. I mean, there are a few good series and OVAs thrown in there, but mostly bleh. And that’s why I’m so glad Avatar’s on TV. It’s a series that’s going to be resolved in 3 seasons, instead of going on forever. It’s got good characters, solid voice acting, incredible animation, and fantastic fight scenes. I was really starting to think American animation was going down the tubes once Justice League Unlimited* ended, but this show proves that a couple of guys with a good story can get a normally bad broadcasting company (Nickelodeon) to create a good show.
Avatar is exactly the kind of show kids should grow up watching. Unlike all the other crap on TV, Avatar doesn’t oversimplify. It’s fun and escapist, yes, but it still deals with things like death without saying “gone to another dimensionâ€. Plus Avatar’s in a world with a war going on. America is also in war. I can’t tell you how important it is to have a show that deals with war in a time like this, when little kids may be seeing their fathers going off the fight. It helps relate to them.
But that aside, what really makes Avatar great is the story and characters. Not too simple, not too complex, with a dose of humor I can actually laugh at (instead of rolling my eyes at.) So I encourage you to all watch this show and give it a chance. It’s rated Y-7, so there’s gonna be corny parts, but there’s also a lot of good things in there too.
*Of course, Avatar isn’t as good or complex as JLU, but c’mon, what is?
By the way, did you hear about Giandroid getting his Political Spectrum Ninja Association idea accepted as a semi-finalist in the Comic Book Challenge? Pretty awesome. Make sure to vote for him if he gets chosen as a finalist.
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