Awesomeness and Such

Author notes

Filler 1
Nerd Fury onOk, I'm making this filler for two reasons…..
The first is to announce that I'm now doing a 100% custom sprite comic on the same schedule as this one. It can be found here:
Since A&S is has some serious plot, I realized that I can't really unleash my insanity to its fullest with this comic. So, I created this new one for pure comedy purposes (besides, with all the stress college has been causing me, it'll probably do me some good to have a completely random comic).
The second thing is to let you all know that I'm unsure right now of how long A&S is going to last. This isn't to say it's necessarily going to end any time soon, but the truth is I don't have too many ideas for the plot at this point so it's hard to say how long I'll be able to keep it up. Anyway, we'll see what happens……
Now, if you haven't already, leave any comments you may have and then go check out Nacho Formula!
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Go on random subplots where they help a person or something while you take the time to think of an actual story. You know, like they do in most TV shows that actually have a plot, ignore it for long periods of time for something, say a childrens card games dual (damn Yu-Gi-Oh).
Blue Link at
they need the tacos to fuel there nuclear, ghost, split personality, transforming, robot cows in disguise… 0.o
Nerd Fury at
BL: ……You know, I can't really say that isn't a pretty good idea. Not 100% sure I'll use it, but I might.
Blue Link at
here's a plot line… alien zombie ninja pirate cyborgs from the sun try too steal all the earths tacos… huh huh well you cant have it its mine… na its yours if you want lol
mamamiia at
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