- Guest Intro
- Fighting Peroxide Warriors Saga!
- Fighting Peroxide Warriors Illumina!
- Ba Ba: The University Years
- Ba Ba 2008
- Da Da
- Optical Illusion
- What's Cool
- Goose
- Hans and Gretel in the WoW Forest
- At a Restaurant
- profcorron's last hurrah
- A Special Moment
- Fried Hard Drives
- Triumphant.
- Bored, Stupid.
- Lessons in Immortality.
- Australian Lady
- Prof. Corron Divided By Two
- The Great Divide Between Me and Sympathy For You
- Hipsterbot Requiem
- Simultano4
- Simultano3
- Simultano2
- Simultano1
- The Last Temptation of Endlessbouncing
- Movie Promotion
- A Public Service Announcement - No. 2
- Duck Watchin'
- hack'd
- A Very Special Episode
- Scene from "Not at Band Camp" Pt 3
- Scene from "Not at Band Camp" Pt 2
- Scene from "Not at Band Camp" Pt 3
- Scene from "Not at Band Camp" Pt 2
- Scene from Real Life
- Rant 4
- Rant 3
- Rant 2
- Rant 1
- Checkout Chick Veteran
- lovejam
- The End
- The Black Screen
- The Death
- The Mind
- The Path
- Gags!
- Interview with an Author Pt 4
- Interview with an Author Pt 3
- El Ogre in "The Infinite Internet Inane Ignominy"
- Interview Pt 2
- Interview with an artist.
- Apologies!
- Pea and Ham Soup Pt 2
- Pea and Ham Soup
- They Return!
- Robust Manhood 2
- case of the ex
- Callback
- Chore Wars Pt 2
- Chore Wars Pt 1
- Promiscuity
- Dating Hazard
- Lost in transLocation
- Miss Megan
- E~B gets frisky with a camera (blooper reels)
- E~B gets frisky with a camera.
- Trouble in Paradise
- haus
- Nuns Gone Salacious!
- Silent Hunter
- soldurz
- I'm a checkout chick.
- train
- hahahahahaHA
- bigness
- WC
- ?
- US Bashing
- il presidento
- Pickup
- Marxxx
- Can't Do Puns
- Children @ Church : From the Mouths of Babes
- A picture is worth 1036 words.
- Paul
- Wool(l)y Mammoth
- Many Faces of Hecktor
- Coming Soon Pt 3
- Coming Soon Pt 2
- Coming Soon...
- Art Class
- Richard DAWKINS
- Liberty Defender
- Daemon?
- Good News!
- Hinduism
- Armageddon
- The Capitulation of Vicksburg
- anchorboys
- The Many Faces of Young Love
- Faux Pas Mk2
- Still LOL?
- makes no difference who you are...
- Checkouts
- Pirates of the Absurd
- FUNeral
- Swolgabrezu
- The Siege
- 100? 100!
- And a Doodle is another name for...
- Tattoo Man!
- Mozart
- Midnight in the Garden of Good-ly Eden
- Ambiguous Pie
- Compy
- "Could we use something smaller, then?"
- Chivalry
- Global Global Warming Comic Awareness Comic Day
- Dennis Ramadan
- July 4th
- Renaissance
- Violins Pt 2
- Violins Pt 1
- Hell Is
- Homewares
- Conversations in the Garden
- Perspective
- Headography
- "Ellie and Ass"
- Public Service Announcement
- a talking dog? how witty
- Horizons
- Such is Royalty.
- communism
- homosexuality
- career guidance
- hat?
- Capital Punishment
- Freedom
- Drone
- silly silly man
- What happens?
- Precision Comedy
- Lets Be Friends!
- This Really Happened
- The Colony
- 1337
- tough love
- beatniks
- zoorestia
- oh dear
- Third Panel Beat
- Poet Man
- Its pronounced "Bar-Barrrrrrrrr-Ian"
- Fall
- Man: The God Years
- NewAge
- Awkward
- Lover Pt 2
- Lover
- guns
- Big Words Pt 3
- Big Words Pt 2
- Big Words Pt 1
- Window
- late show
- Today's Reading
- Duel
- nice watch
- Angus!
- So you wanna be a webcomic artist?
- there's something here...
- two dogs talking to each other... WITH HILARIOUS CONSEQUENCES
- The Prisoner
- fatbusters
- How embarassink!
- Getaway Pt. Deux
- Getaway!
- ba ba has violence
- fauxpas?
- What is it? Pt. 4
- What is it? Pt. 3
- What is it? Pt. 2
- What is it? Pt. 1
- Lecture
- what women want
- Fourth Wall
- The Rapture
- The Horse-Chair Affair
- Tenchu
- greenman
- Let's get a shirt, eh?
- Cold Comfort
- Pay Attention!
- Manners are essential.
- counter
- bandaid
- The Jig
- Strangulated Relevance
- It Was Dynamite
- Enlightenment
- This Happens
- A Special Introduction
Author notes
Yes, I met a rare breed of upperclass Australian Lady last week. This is the conversation she had with me, or the person behind me, or herself. I dunno.
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